The selection of options for poses for shooting at home should be based on your wishes and on the possibilities of the interior. If the exterior decor allows you to embody a particular thematic photo genre, then this is only welcomed, but when, for example, the interior of an apartment or house is made in the style of "high-tech", and you decided to implement the idea in the "Renaissance" style, it will belook punning. Before choosing the subject of the future shooting, try to prepare the scenery yourself, because the result will depend on them.
- Options for poses
- Ideas for sitting position
- For lying position
- In standing position
- Thematic posing
- Interesting interior
- Simple interior
- Pin-up
- Posing rules
Variants of poses
To make the photo session interesting, pay special attention to the attributes andaccents. Remember that the composition can be constructed in such a way that it does not necessarily have to have the whole room.You can arrange for this purpose one corner or a place by the window. It is enough to drag a chair or a rocking chair, a table, a desk lamp and this will be an excellent basis for a lot of staff. Add the same coziness to the atmosphere with a soft warm blanket, books on the nightstand, a seal on your knees or at your feet when you're standing. And you can beat the option where you are standing behind or on the side of the chair, and your furry friend is sitting in it.
Beautiful poses include variations that convey exactly the feeling of home comfort, warmth. This posing should be as natural as possible. Just remember how you like to sit with a book on the couch, or how you stand when you make coffee, that's how you should repeat it all in the frame. Do not be tricky, because your task is to convey the mood of home comfort.
To emphasize this mood in a photo shoot, choose clothes that are synonymous with comfort and comfort. So, if you spend a photo session in the cold season, knitted things, especially cardigans, sweaters, socks, will look especially to the place. If it's spring or summer, homemade clothes of a free cut will do, your favorite pajamas, a dressed gown in tandem with a nightgown, a man's shirt and so on will look good too.
Such clothes will give your image a touching, romance. To convey all this in a beautiful pose, try to combine the following variations for a photo shoot of this nature.
Read about makeup for the autumn color of the exterior the table of contents ^Ideas for the sitting position
When you are sitting in front of the photographer, your posture should not be with military bearing. Never allow your knees to "look" directly in front of you, rather bend your legs in any direction, just spread them out or put your foot on your leg. Within the photo session of the house, the variation will be very beautiful when you pick your feet for yourself or sit in the lotus pose. At the same time you can read a book, drink tea / coffee, knit and so on. An excellent idea will be and staging, if one leg is heavily cast on the other, also you can put both feet on the table in front of you or on the windowsill. Do not think about where to put your hands, take them in business. As mentioned above, you can knit, sew, and approaching and flipping the album, drawing. You can throw your hands and throw it behind your head.
As a variant of this category - a pose when you are half-sitting. To do this, you need to sit in the profile to the photographer on the edge of the table, chair, bedside table, window sill - of your choice, and turn to the photographer either just the face or the shoulder belt, but no more. If you turn the body, then lightly.
to table of contents ^For lying position
This type of poses for a photo shoot of this kind should also convey a special mood of home comfort. You can lie on your stomach near the fireplace, chatting with your feet, and reading a book. In the frame, this is very beautiful and touching. You can get half wrapped up in a blanket and take a pose for lying on a sofa or on a windowsill, if it's wide, it will give a photo of a romantic mood. Do not wrap yourself in a blanket completely, so you will get "flat" as it were without legs and hands, let them be seen partially.
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So, a beautiful pose in the prone position for a photo session at home can be called a pose on the side and half-lying poses. You just need to lean on an elbow or a mountain of soft pillows to occupy the necessary position.
to contents ^In standing position
This position will be correct only when you do not replay in the position itself. Therefore, let the photographer take you off during a photo shoot, when you are doing something, for example, decorating a Christmas tree, making tea or cake. When you are busy, your postures will become natural by themselves and you will not see that you play, you behave yourself on the contrary, on the contrary, you will give yourself, such as you are.
Do not forget about posing with half-turn, when the model turns to the photographer only with the body. It will not be superfluous to recall a pose that will bring the mood of meek romance into the frame when the model is slightly stooped, slightly tilts the head, as if reflecting on something, and at the same time slightly reduces the shoulders inwards. While practicing this posture in a photo shoot in hands, you can hold a cup of aromatic and smoking coffee, a soft toy or a book. Or you can just wrap yourself in a blanket, a knitted cardigan, a shawl.
Any pose for a photo session of a house will look different if you remove its variations from different angles and from different angles.So, the posing in the prone position looks nice if you shoot it lightly from the height, and the poses in standing position are good both when shooting at the same level with the face of the model, either from below or from above.
to contents ^Thematic posing
Home furnishings can become a springboard for many styles, but everything will depend on the interior.
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Interesting interior of
You can only enjoy the good home locations. Moreover, the interior does not have to be in any historical style, it can be just a beautiful modern design.
First you need to choose a place for shooting and test it: what kind of lighting is produced in the frame, how you fit into this place, what elements of the environment are superfluous, what accessories you need to remove or add, etc.
After you can choose the poses that will depend on your image. But, whatever style you prefer, do not allow muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle to posture.
For a non-ideal figure, poses with a half-turn are suitable.
Also, the disadvantages can be smoothed with inclined poses, where the model should slightly yield to the side of the lens or slightly sideways from the lens.
to contents ^Simple interior
Positioning in this version is limited and there are not many profitable poses. Pay attention to the portrait poses, which can be shot in the mode of defocusing the background, which smoothes out an unsightly interior.
Carefully approach the selection of poses in the profile. In poor lighting, which, as a rule, is directed from above in an ordinary room, there may be unnecessary light-accents on the face.For example: too lighted forehead and nose, dark areas under the eyes, shadows from the nose, etc.
to contents ^Pin-up
This genre has gained great popularity in the United States in the 50s.
You can use it in part: you can copy recognizable pin-up poses and recognizable facial expressions, as well as images typical for the genre: housewife, maid, etc.
In its purest form, this genre is quite erotic. You can either save a hint of eroticism by choosing the appropriate outfit for a dress, and give it up.
Positioning in this genre is playful and well suited even for the most ordinary interior.
Best poses for photo shoot in nature look here the table of contents ^Posing rules
Photographing at home, forget about pathos in posing. Do not use the poses of a fashionable style, like fashion. The style of glamor is appropriate, but only in the appropriate setting, say, in a beautiful bedroom or in a large and light wardrobe.
Gently treat the poses inherent in thematic styles: gothic, nude, dark, punk, etc. All of them will be relevant only against the background of the corresponding thematic interior.
Give preference to the natural postures in the standing and sitting position. Positions in the prone position is best not to use. They are appropriate in a beautiful bedroom, near a fireplace on top of a pile carpet, under a Christmas tree.
The main condition for home shooting is good lighting.Professional photographer for such photography always uses additional light sources: small portable projectors. Strongly they can not be replaced, but you can use table lamps of daylight. Lamps should be installed so that the light strikes you at the level of the face or neck. The distance from you to the lamp should be at least one and a half meters.
If you only have one lamp, put it out so that the light beats on you in a half-profile or directly in the face.
You can try to shoot with candles, but there should be a lot of them. So, for a portrait photo the candles should be not only from the bottom of the frame, but also from above. The light should be evenly applied to the face.
For a non-portrait photo, for example, lying on the floor, the candles should be placed on the front perimeter of the body, in front of you, and, if possible, above you.
In shooting with candles and in ordinary light you will need a usual Whatman. Use it as a light reflector or to correct the direction of light. So, for example, in portrait photography, Whatman should be deployed and put on his knees, and slightly lift the side, which is closer to the body, as if slightly overshadowed by a sheet from the camera. A white sheet will send light to a poorly lit lower face.