Zircon is the only natural stone that, due to its physical properties, is able to compete with the most precious gemstone - diamond. Its noble shine and variety of shades are simply amazing.
- Stone history
- Mineral description
- Zircon species
- Chemical composition and physical properties of the mineral
- Zircon deposits
- The healing properties of the mineral
- The magical properties of zircon
- Zircon and zodiac signs
- Application of the mineral
- Interesting facts about the stone
- How to distinguish natural zircon from counterfeiting
- Gem care
- Jewelry from zircon photo
History of stone
Zircon is one of the most ancient minerals on earth, There is Australian zircon, whose age is determined at 4.4 billion years.
However, despite its beauty, unique physical properties, special shine and rich color palette, zircon was not appreciated by mankind for its worth.
In the ancient world it was constantly confused with other stones, similar in color - citrine, ruby, topaz, sapphires, tourmaline. For a long time colorless zircons were given out for diamonds, calling them Ceylon and Matarian diamonds.
Only in the XV-XVI century the zircons were appreciated in Europe. True, they called them not zircons. Yellow stones were called "jargons", brown-red - "hyacinths", and blue, the most valuable - "starlets".These names are not particularly liked by the prosperous nobles, so that the stone did not have the proper success.
Even more complicated was the fate of zircon after the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR artificially created fianit - an artificial substitute for a diamond, named after the abbreviation of the institute that created it, the FIAN of the USSR.In English, the name of the artificial stone sounds like: "Zirconia".And although the artificial stone is not related to zircon, the natural stone was confused with the artificially grown cubic zirconium. Thus, zircon became a kind of "victim of science", although by its parameters it can be one of the most expensive precious stones.
to the table of contents ^Description of the mineral
Zircon is a beautiful jeweler's stone, which, due to external similarity, is often called the "younger brother of a diamond".
The name of the stone "zircon," as scientists suppose, originated from the Persian word "zargun" and translates as "golden color".There are other names for this stone and its varieties: starlit, jargon, Iakinf, hyacinth, Ceylon lingo, etc.
Externally, zircon is a transparent stone of green, herbaceous, dark red, purple, yellow, golden, blue, brown or orange. However, the most valuable thing for jewelers is its transparent varieties.
to contents ^Zircon varieties
Depending on the color and the deposit, the following types of zircons are distinguished:
- Matar diamond is a transparent colorless zircon, called the Matarian in the name of the deposit in the south of Sri Lanka( Matara), where it is mined.
- Jargon( Siamese zircon) - zirconia of yellow shades: golden, straw, smoky yellow.
- Hyacinth - transparent zircon of orange, red or red-brown color with delicate pink, raspberry or yellow hues.
- Malacon - a zircon of a dark brown color, containing in minor amounts impurities of radioactive elements.
- Starlit - a transparent zircon of blue or blue shade obtained as a result of roasting.
Chemical composition and physical properties of mineral
Zircon is a subset of island silicates and is a zirconium silicate. Its chemical formula is ZrSiO4.
Quite often zirconium is included in the zircon composition, which is isomorphically replacing in the crystal lattice of zirconium, as well as zinc, iron, copper, titanium and calcium in the form of impurities. Depending on the content of these impurities, the color of the stone varies from golden-yellow to brown-brown.
There are also radioactive zircons containing impurities of radioactive elements, in particular uranium and thorium.
Usually zircon crystallizes in the form of dipyramidal and prismatic crystals with expressive diamond shine, and birefringence effect and excellent dispersion( color decomposition) make it especially memorable.
When heated, zircon changes its color, so that as a result of heat treatment it is possible to obtain zircons of various shades - from blue "tourmaline" to bright turquoise. But over time, the acquired shade dims, and then completely disappears.
Zircon is a fairly brittle mineral, although its Mohs hardness is 7-8 units, and its density is about 4.70 g / cm3.
to contents ^Zircon deposits of
The main zircon deposits are in Australia, Thailand, Brazil, Cambodia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.
Zircon are also mined in Russia, Burma, Korea, Norway, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Nigeria, Korea and Madagascar.
to the table of contents ^The healing properties of the mineral
Lithotherapists consider zircon to be a universal healing stone, however the healing properties of its varieties differ.
- Blue zircons stimulate the work of the intestines and help get rid of constipation.
- Zircons of dark colors facilitate colds caused by hypothermia of the body. Yellow red zircons improve appetite.
- Hyacinths help in cleansing the body.
- Transparent zircons help to fight excess weight.
Many folk healers attribute to all zircons the ability to positively influence the endocrine system and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
to contents ^Magical properties of zircon
The magical properties of zircon also depend on its color.
- Hyacinth is considered the best talisman for scientists, aristocrats, travelers and traders. Attributed to this stone and the ability to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy.
- Transparent zircon is able to help make the right decision and stimulate the intellectual abilities of its owner, adjusting it to a philosophical harmony. Activates the gift of clairvoyance.
- Yellow zircon attributed to the ability to increase sexual energy and attracting love, as well as getting rid of its owner from depression.
- Orange zircon is able to make its owner especially attractive in the eyes of others. The mandrel in gold can increase the strength of the stone.
- Green zircon will help "attract" money and properly dispose of it.
- Blue zircon will bring harmony to the life of its owner.
- Brown zircon becomes the best mascot for farmers, helping them to increase the harvest.
Regardless of the color of zircon inspires optimism and self-confidence in a person.
to the table of contents ^Zircon and zodiac signs
According to astrologers, zircon is most suitable for people born under the signs of Aries, Aquarius and Capricorn. He will help them develop intuition and creativity.
But the Pisces and Cancers this stone is not like, becausecan exacerbate the isolation of Pisces and the selfishness of the Cancers.
to contents ^Application of mineral
Due to its properties, zircon is used in various spheres:
- In jewelry. From zircon make beautiful inserts in gold and silver jewelry. Usually, diamond cutting is used to process zircon, but sometimes a mixed one is used - at the top is a diamond cut, bottom stepped.
- In the chemical industry. Zircon is used as a raw material for extracting such rare and valuable chemical elements as zirconium, hafnium and uranium.
- In the technique. As a result of special processing of zircon, an excellent insulating material is made.
- In mineralogy. Zircon is used to conduct uranium-lead dating, which determines the age of minerals.
Interesting facts about the stone
- An interesting legend is the origin of one of the names of zircon - "hyacinth", according to which the stone appeared from the drops of the blood of Hyacinth, killed during the match of the gods by the wind Zefir.
- There is an opinion that as a symbol of chosenness the ring with zircon is worn by the leader of the Masonic lodge on the left hand.
- The zircon is recognized as a power stone in some eastern countries. That is why jewelry with it is worn by politicians, preachers and public figures.
- In tsarist Russia, zircons of red and orange shades were worn by artists, merchants and travelers.
- Indian yogis believe that thanks to the double pyramid effect zircon is able to concentrate the most powerful energy and highly appreciate this stone.
How to distinguish natural zircon from forgery
Zircon is distinguished by a special diamond shine that allows to accurately distinguish this stone from among others.
Another feature of zircon is its small radioactivity, so if it is possible to measure the level of radiation, you can more accurately determine the authenticity of the stone.
Also, considering zircon and determining its naturalness, it is worth paying attention to:
- facial rubbing;
- presence of natural voids and inclusions characteristic of natural stone;
- bifurcation of the mineral cone.
Care of the gem
Zircon is a rather fragile stone, therefore care for it requires certain requirements.
- It is necessary to purchase jewelry in a rugged frame that can protect the mineral.
- You can not store decorations with zircon in a common box with jewels, especially metal ones, sinceit can deteriorate.
- Do not expose zircon to strong mechanical stress.
- It is necessary to protect zircon from the effects of chemicals, including household chemicals.
- Clean zircon can only soft flannel or woolen cloth with a weakly concentrated soap solution.
Ornaments from zircon photo