Here it would seem: men are the same people, yak and us, just a little bit of another anatomical structure.
To find a common language with them, special instructions are not needed.
But this is in theory.
In practice, everything is much more complicated and confusing.
A true woman knows how to behave with a man to fall in love with him without memory and keep this feeling in relation to himself for many years.
But how many of those are the true women who are born with the ability to handle a strong sex?
I do not think too much.
The rest have to gradually learn to own their hearts, minds and bodies.
How to behave with men: 5 rules
It's hard to live by the rules, I understand this perfectly.
Sometimes you want to spit on everything and make a note of chaos, insanity and confusion in your planned life.
One note, perhaps, can still be added, but no more, otherwise it will be necessary to shuffle the resulting mess for a long time.
This lyrical digression has a direct bearing on how to behave with a man.
In a relationship with a strong gender, you also need to follow certain rules, not too often digressing from them.
These rules taught me one wisest woman.
On the old work, the authorities often invited her to conduct training.
Irina Ivanovna was not only an experienced psychologist, but also a luxurious woman who, at her age of 45, could give odds to any twenty-year-old, had a husband adoring her, and two adult student children.
Once, taking advantage of the fact that the authorities were away from their business and appreciating our predominantly female team, Irina Ivanovna decided to devote half an hour to the topic "How to behave with men" and shared her own experience of a happy marriage.
5 rules how to behave with a man:
- Keep your attractiveness.
- Be caring.
- Do not push on it, trying to occupy yourself with the entire personal space of a man.
- Less squabbles, scandals, nagging at trifles.
- Do not "castrate" your loved one.
Stay beautiful and you do not have to think about how to behave with a man
Each woman has her own secrets of personal charm and attractiveness, but no one will argue that there are some common standards of beauty.
You can, of course, say as much as you like: "But I weigh 100 kilograms, I do not paint myself, I do not attend beauty salons, and in general - she is still a bitch, but my husband does not like a soul in me," but how sincerely are you in these statements?
Ideally pumped pop, perfect make-up and expensive sexy shmotye is not a full formula for women's attractiveness, although, as for me, every woman should learn how to use make-up, dress well and play sports.
It is very important not only to learn how to behave properly with a man, but also:
- regularly do manicures and pedicures;
- to fight excess vegetation on the body;
- tidy up your hair;
- take care of the beauty of your skin;
- use perfume;
- wear beautiful underwear;
- to monitor your health, etc.
Do you want to learn how to behave properly with a man? Be careful!
Every person is a little selfish, which puts his interests above others.
This, in principle, is correct, but the main thing in their selfish desires is not to overdo the stick.
Especially if you are trying to understand how to behave with a man .
Strong sex likes to be taken care of.
I do not mean that it is necessary to wear a boyfriend in the teeth of slippers and to anticipate any desire, but your concern must be felt.
How to understand men?
In addition, being careful and properly behaving with a man is not so difficult:
- Treat with understanding to its tastes and desires( within reasonable limits, of course), whether it be a request to experiment in bed or make cheese cakes for breakfast.
- Listen, what he tells you, what he talks about, support the conversation, even if this fishing / hunting / cars / tanks are already in your liver.
- Take care of him during illness( most men are lousy and hypochondriacs).
- Wei nest: the house should be cozy and comfortable for living.
- Be close in conflict, and when he really is wrong - gently( and most importantly - alone!) Point out this.
- Do him gifts( do not give every time only useful things, buy sometimes what he wants).
- Praise him - men adore flattery.
Respecting your personal space means being yourself with a man
Many women, when they associate their life with a man, completely forget that they were well-established personalities before him( they had interests, hobbies, their social circle, plans, dreams)and completely dissolve in the relationship.
Okay, it's up to you, but why do you demand the same from him?
If you treat your loved one as if he is your personal property, he will soon get tired of this boa constrictor, and he will run away.
But to behave with a man needs a completely different way:
- Leaving him time, energy and money for a hobby.
- Do not yell for the fact that he sometimes meets with friends in a purely male company.
- Do not shiritsya by personal mail, do not monitor social networks, do not read sms.
- Do not follow him.
- Do not call 100 times a day with the questions "Where are you?".
- Do not force to report on each step.
- Do not criticize his friends, etc.
5 life tips how to seduce a man
Love for scandals and whining prevents women from behaving properly with men
Dear women, remember, all men( that's all up to one) can not stand women-drinking.
I understand that family life can not be honey and sugar in the style of "Yes, dear", "As you want, beloved", but itch is every day like a chainsaw "Friendship", whining, complaining and scandalizing on trifles is absolutely wrong.
Why some ladies turn their lives and their husband's life into hell with whining, scandals, grumbling, I honestly do not understand.
If you have any complaints, they should be justified and expressed calmly, without hysteria.
It is also very important to offer some solution to the problem.
You do not need to behave with a man, like an evil mother-in-law from anecdotes "I do not know how, but not at all", blowing my lips because of different garbage and acting on the principle "guess yourself what I need".
No normal man such stupid pressure can not stand it.
And why do you need such a life?
Out of love for masochism?
In the video below is another great tip,
how to behave properly with a man:
It's not so important how to behave with a man, the main thing is not to "castrate" him!
Naturally, I use the word "castration" in a figurative sense and I mean the situation when a woman destroys in her man all the masculine words, actions, behavior, turning him into some feeble old woman who does not have the right to vote in her house.
If you want to behave with a man correctly, then please:
- Do not criticize him for trifles.
- Do not humiliate him, especially in public.
- Do not trample on his manhood.
- Do not make from him a henpecked hen who without your royal permission and does not dare once again dare.
- Do not try to do everything yourself: you can repair the cranes, raise the children, and swear with the builders who are repairing you.
- Do not use the phrase "Because I said so", "It will be as I want", "You're stupid, so I'll do everything myself", "Do not go, you'll spoil everything" and so on.
More often remember that you are still a woman, which means - a weak sex, while a man - a strong one.
Do not change the roles!
You, of course, are not required to follow these tips.
Choose another tactic, , how to behave with a male , but if it does not give good results, it's probably time to think: "What am I doing wrong?" And listen to smart people with a personal life.