Despite the progress in medicine and the development of a large number of innovative products, old and proven drugs remain popular, because their effectiveness has been tested for years. Ichthyol ointment is one of them. Its use helps to get rid of many skin and not only diseases. The active substance is ichthyol, which affects the structure of the skin.
- Composition and pharmacological action
- Application
- With abscesses
- With boils
- Acne and black spots
- In gynecology
- With hemorrhoids
- With genyantritis
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Instruction and storage
Composition and pharmacological action
The composition of the preparation is very simple andcontains ichthyol and an auxiliary substance( petroleum jelly).For 100 grams of the drug is 10 grams of ichthyol. The directly acting substance contains organic sulfur, which gives the product a not too pleasant smell. However, given the effectiveness and wide range of the drug, it fully justifies such an unpleasant odor.
The drug has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, in combination with local anesthesia. In addition, ichthyol ointment eliminates pus from the deepest layers of the skin.
Application of
It is possible to speak about the use of ichthyol ointment for a long time, the list of diseases that it can eliminate is not limited to skin inflammations. Each method should be considered separately.
to contents ^With abscesses
It is possible to use ichthyol ointment for abscesses following the instructions that are attached to the drug. Apply the ointment to the affected area of the skin with a thin layer, while not rubbing it into the surface. The abscess must always be closed with a bandage or band-aid.
The treatment course is chosen individually and depends on the severity of the disease. It is necessary to change the bandage twice a day. It is very important to follow the recommendations given in the instructions for the use of ichthyol in boils and not to overdose the remedy.
to table of contents ^With boils
Given the properties of the drug in a short time, "draw" purulent fluid from the structure of the skin, it can be used for boils. Even in the most neglected cases with boils, the way of using ichthyol ointment does not differ from the standard one: the ointment is also applied to the furuncle with a thin layer.
But after purulent formation spontaneously opens and pus begins to flow out of it, the affected area of the skin needs to be treated additionally with Chlorhexidine. After this, cover with a patch to prevent infection into the interior of the skin. When applied to boils ointment should be careful, try not to damage the integrity of the formations, especially if they are already filled with pus.
to the table of contents ^From acne and black spots
Although nothing is said in the instructions for ichthyol ointment for use against acne, this does not reduce the effectiveness in fighting this skin problem. Ointment can be used for the appearance of acne, because they often tend to develop into boils. When exposed to a pimple the drug conditionally turns it in the opposite direction.
Also ichthyol ointment is applied from black dots, which is due to the ability of ichthyol to dissolve plugs that have formed in the pores of the skin due to accumulation of fat secretion. Apply the ointment is recommended with a cotton swab directly to the site with black dots, as in the case of pimples. Depending on the situation and the sensitivity of the skin, you can get rid of the problem in 3-10 days.
to table of contents ^In gynecology
Ichthyol ointment is used in gynecology as suppositories or tampons. Various inflammatory processes are treated with it. To make a tampon at home is very simple: a small piece of gauze cloth is cut off, into which it is necessary to wrap cotton wool, then tie it crosswise with a thread, the resulting tampon is impregnated with ichthyol ointment or a solution mixed with glycerol and injected into the vagina.
It is very important to remember that at the end of the tampon the threads must be located and be at the same time outside. This is necessary for its unimpeded extraction. The length of the tampon varies from 12 to 24 hours. Repeat this procedure is recommended in a day, until the disappearance of the inflammatory process.
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Given that the drug includes a certain amount of glycerin, it is worth to be ready to increase secretion from the genitals. During the use of ichthyol ointment, profuse vaginal discharge is a side effect.
In some cases, mix in a 1: 1 ratio ointment and camphor oil or petroleum jelly. This is necessary in order to reduce the degree of irritation, because ichthyol provokes it on already inflamed tissues.
to contents ^With hemorrhoids
Such a remedy as ichthyol ointment is one of the most effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Thanks to its action, the swelling of the tissues is removed, the cracks heal, and the itching and pain decrease. A distinctive feature of such a tool for the treatment of hemorrhoids is the lack of permeability of the components of the ointment into the circulatory system of the patient, which does not harm the general condition of the body.
Instructions for the use of ichthyol ointment for hemorrhoids are essentially similar to the previous methods. Application of the ointment is carried out without rubbing. It is recommended after application of the means to close the affected area with a gauze dressing or bandage.
It is recommended to change the bandage at least 2 times a day. In some cases, after starting the use of ichthyol, slight redness can be observed. Such a small side effect is considered the norm and is not a reason for interrupting the course of treatment. The duration of application of the ointment varies depending on the healing speed of the affected area.
to table of contents ^With genyantritis
Using such a remedy for healing of sinusitis, it is worth considering that when an acute form of the disease is used, ichthyol ointment is prohibited. The remaining cases with sinusitis give in to treatment.
The method of administration consists in the introduction of tampons into the nasal sinuses, which are pre-impregnated with the drug. The duration of one procedure should not exceed 15 minutes, repeat only once a day. It is very important to observe the dosage in this disease.
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Based on the annotation to ichthyol ointment, the indications for use for it are:
- burn lesions;
- inflammation of the skin;
- eczema;
- hydradenite;
- furunculosis;
- sycosis;
- prostatitis;
- is an arthritic disease that is inflammatory and traumatic;
- smallpox;
- Lupus;
- solar eczema;
- inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
There are no particular contraindications to the drug, except for individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. The only condition when the use of ichthyol ointment is contraindicated is that of children under 12 years of age.
During pregnancy it is necessary to use ointment with extreme caution and without fail to consult with a doctor before starting to use.If the ointment is used during breastfeeding, care must be taken to prevent the drug from reaching the nipple area - it is dangerous that during feeding the infant can swallow it.
It is also not recommended to use ichthyol ointment in combination with other medicines. In this case, unpredictable reactions can occur, in particular with those drugs that contain iodine salts, alkaloids and heavy metals.
to contents ^Instruction and storage
As with any medication, it is worth sticking to the method of applying ichthyol ointment according to the instructions, not exceeding the allowable amount. Rubbing the composition into the skin surface is strictly prohibited, especially in the area of open wounds or inflammation. The layer of the preparation on the skin should be thin.
The second application can not be carried out without waiting for the agent to soak up after the previous application. The duration of the course of treatment with the help of this drug is prescribed by the doctor to each individual. It depends on the nature and extent of the disease, as well as the speed of recovery.
Use ointment is allowed no more than 3 times a day. After contact with ichthyol has been made, the hands must be washed with soap. It is advisable not to allow the drug to come into contact with a healthy skin surface.
In order for the active substance of the drug to retain its properties, certain conditions must be observed. Storage of the ointment assumes a temperature regime of 15 to 25 degrees. Do not allow direct UV rays. Under the indicated storage conditions, the shelf life of the drug reaches 5 years. Ichthyol ointment is produced in glass jars or tubes of 25-30 grams.