Application of macadamia oil for hair

In hair care, you can use not only common vegetable and essential oils, but also less well-known, exotic. These include macadamia oil, obtained from the fruits of the same tree. Masks, sprays and aroma combing with it can strengthen the hair structure, make them silky, docile and strong.

  • Mask recipes
  • Mask with lemon
  • Honey mask with cinnamon
  • Vitamin mask
  • Mask with garlic
  • Mask with yoghurt
  • With argan oil andavocado
  • Egg mask
  • Eyeglass mask
  • Onion mask
  • Mask with banana
  • Recipes sprays
  • Thermal spray
  • Firming spray
  • Hair spray
  • Moisturizing spray
  • For easy combing
  • Aromatherapy

Oil is expensive, it is difficult to find in pharmacies, but it is very economical to use and to create many recipes there will be enough spoons. Oil does not make your hair heavy and does not create an ugly fatty film. In texture, benefits and properties, it is similar to jojoba oil or argan oil.

Mask recipes

The most effective masks include the following:

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Mask with lemon

Mix in a ceramic or glass container( do not take the metal so that the oxidation process does not go through) 2 large spoons of macadamia oil with 1 large spoon of pure juicelemon. Apply the mixture on the hair and soak it on your head for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Lemon mask - this is an excellent solution to combat the problem of fatty hair.

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Honey mask with cinnamon

Mix in a ceramic container 1 large spoonful of macadamia oil and 1 large spoon of coconut oil. Preheat the mixture of oils on a steam bath. Add 3 large spoons of liquid honey and cinnamon powder to the oils. Remove mixture with steam and mix. Before applying the mask, add 5 drops of oil. Leave the mask for an hour on the head, and then rinse with warm water. This is an indispensable recipe for restoring damaged hair.

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Vitamin mask

Mix before using 1 large spoonful of castor oil and 1 large spoonful of macadamia oil. Add to the oils one ampoule of vitamin B12, vitamin A and E. Distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair. Pay considerable attention to the roots and scalp. Leave the mask on the hair for 1 hour, and then rinse with warm water with shampoo. It is a nourishing mask for all types of hair.

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Mask with garlic

Clean and grind a medium-sized garlic head. Mix garlic with 1 large spoonful of macadamia oil and 1 large spoonful of pine nut oil. Apply the mixture to the hair. Soak the mask on your head for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. To get rid of the caustic garlic smell rinse the head with water with the addition of any fragrant essential oil. This mask will be effective in the fight against dandruff.

Also learn how to solve the dry skin problem of the scalp
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Mask with yoghurt

Preheat on a steam bath in a ceramic container to room temperature 2large spoons of macadamia oil. Add 2 large spoons of yogurt without additives to the oil, 2 large spoons of oatmeal and egg yolk. Stir thoroughly all the ingredients and spread the mask over the entire length of the hair. Be sure to rub it well into the roots. Cover your head with polyethylene and warm it with a hat. Leave the mixture on your head for one to two hours. Rinse with warm water and shampoo. This mask helps to accelerate hair growth.

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With argan oil and avocado

Mix 2 large spoons of grape juice with 2 large spoons of macadamia oil, 2 large spoons of argan oil and 2 large spoons of avocado oil. Apply a mask on the third of the length of the hair from the ends upwards. Soak the mask for 2 hours and rinse with warm water. This mask is designed to restore fragile and split ends of hair. In this recipe, Argan and Macadamia oil perfectly complement each other.

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Egg mask

Mix 3 large spoons of macadamia oil with egg yolk. Spread the mask along the entire length of the hair and pay attention to the roots and scalp. Cover your head with polyethylene and warm it with a hat. Soak the mask for 35-40 minutes and rinse with warm water. Egg mask well nourishes hair and scalp. Eliminates itching and flaking.

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Onion Mask

Clean and grind one large onion. From the resulting squash squeeze the juice and add to it one large spoonful of macadamia oil, fatty sour cream and honey.carefully mix all the ingredients and apply it to the hair and scalp. Heat the head and soak the mask for an hour. Rinse the mask with warm water. Eliminate the smell of onions by rinsing the hair with water with the addition of any fragrant essential oil. Onion mask well strengthens hair.

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Mask with banana

One well ripe banana with a fork in a gruel. Add to the banana a large spoonful of fatty sour cream, a large spoonful of macadamia oil and a large spoonful of coconut oil. Apply the mask on the hair along the entire length and massage with a mixture of scalp for several minutes. Heat the head with polyethylene and a cap and soak the mask for 40 minutes to one hour. Rinse with warm water and shampoo. This mask is an indispensable means for stimulating hair growth.

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Spray recipe

We recommend to make the following sprays:

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Thermal protection spray

Squeeze out juice from one medium-sized lemon. Combine the lemon juice with 200 ml of filtered water and put the mixture on fire. Wait until the mixture boils and boil well( it is best that the third part of the mixture boils).Cool the mixture and add 5 drops of macadamia oil. Pour the contents into a container with a sprayer. Use a spray on clean dry hair before each use of a hairdryer, curling iron or equalizer.

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Strengthening spray

Prepare a steep broth from camomile chamomile( per 100 ml of water 1 tablespoon chamomile).Cool the liquid and add to it 20 drops of linseed oil, 5 drops of essential oil ylang ylang and 5 drops of macadamia oil. Pour the mixture into a convenient spray bottle. Use both in daily use and before laying. Before each use, the spray should be shaken to allow the oils to distribute evenly over the liquid.

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Spray for hair growth

In two glasses of distilled water add 10 large spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 large spoons of vodka( alcohol or cognac), 5 drops of macadamia oil, 5 drops of small rosemary and 5-6 drops of ylang-ylang. Composition pour into a convenient bottle with a nebulizer and leave for a day in the refrigerator. Apply the spray every day in the morning and in the evening, pre-shaking. After a month of application, the hair will begin to grow significantly faster.

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Moisturizing spray

Mix 3 large spoons of mineral still water, 2 large spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 10-12 drops of macadamia oil. To maintain the necessary moisture balance for your hair, use a spray daily. Prepare a fresh serving of spray for two applications( in the morning and in the evening) every day for the next. In this spray, macadamia oil will be of great benefit to the hair.

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For easy combing

Prepare 100 grams of herbal decoction( nettle, mint, turn, green leaf tea, chamomile).Add 2 ml macadamia oil to the cooled broth. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle for ease of use. Shake the mixture before each use. Use the spray after each hair wash.

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Aromatic cleansing

For the aromatherapy procedure, it is necessary to prepare a clean comb-comb or massage comb. After each use, the hairbrush should be washed with soap.

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Mix 5-10 drops of jojoba oil and 2-3 drops of macadamia oil. Well comb your hair. After that, apply the mixture on the comb and comb the hair again until the butter is evenly distributed throughout the head and hair.

For oily hair, this procedure is better not to conduct. For all other types, such combing can be done every day before going to bed. To finish it it is desirable an easy massage of a head pads of fingers.


I use castor oil for a long time already, exactly five years already, exactly, the effect of it is very good, but it's hard afterwards to wash the hair after the mask. I'll try the macadamia oil with argan oil. Many thanks for the help.


After reading the article, I decided to try macadamia oil on my hair, especially as there is a reason for this - dry and brittle hair. Of course, after two masks it is too early to say anything about the results, but the fact that this oil is washed off well is obvious. I hope that it will help me bring my hair in order!

  • Jun 05, 2018
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