Fruit trees can suffer from a variety of diseases. Among them there are those that have a not quite clear origin - the blackening leaves on the pear. Dacha students are hard at fighting this disease, but not always successfully. If leaflets began to twist on the tree, they changed their color, it is important to correctly determine the type of disease in order to prevent further contamination of the garden.
Diseases of pear trees with descriptions and photos of
There are many different diseases that pear can suffer from. If you do not take the necessary measures in time and do not start the timely treatment of the disease, there is a possibility of stopping the flowering of the tree, the entire garden can be infected. It is important to follow the condition of the pear with special attention and take some measures only after the correct definition of the disease.
Black leaves tips due to scab
A dangerous fungal disease that can affect healthy fruit trees and cause a real epidemic is called a scab. Because of him, entire gardens may die. Suffer the leaves, fruits and their petioles. This dangerous disease often affects pears, it manifests itself in wet and warm years, if there is a lot of precipitation in the summer.
The first signs of the disease become visible before the fruiting begins, after the dissolution of the kidneys. First there are small spots of yellow color and they eventually acquire a darker brownish hue, touch velvety. When developing fungal diseases, the leaves of the pear begin to turn red, then turn black and fall off. If early scab damage occurs, the fruits acquire a very ugly form, so they do not grow to even half their normal size.
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus, which spreads in the fallen leaves. In the spring, they can be seen small bumps of dark color, where ripening matures. With the onset of the budding period and further flowering of the tree, the fungus spores eject, and the higher the temperature at that time, the faster they will sprout inside the leaves.
To prevent the development of scab, you need to collect and burn all the fallen leaves in autumn or use it for compost. But he must rot at least 2 years. Infected crocs cut, trickle round trunks( at least one meter in diameter).In autumn, use a urea solution( 5%) to treat the kidneys. Spruces should be disinfected with a solution with an active substance concentration of 7%.
When the buds on the trees begin to open, make a solution of Bordeaux liquid 3-4%.If this agent is not possible to use, then in 10 liters of water, dissolve 30 g of azofos, 2 ml of the SCOR( fungicide), 6 g of bayleton, 40 g of chloride copper oxide. This composition will help to cure the tree without causing chemical burns if you correctly observe all proportions.
Often in one season, the disease of the scab is manifested several times. In this case, you can hold up to 6 treatments, making a short break between them( at least two weeks).Use the drugs periodically alternate. It is important that no less than 20 days have elapsed since the last treatment and before the harvest. Before planting a new seedlings, be sure to treat the root and trunk of the tree with a special solution.
Invasion of aphid
The main pest of fruit trees is aphids( plant variety does not matter).As a result of its spread, in a relatively short period of time almost the entire garden is destroyed. To control insects, use copper sulfate and a 10% benzophosphate solution. This method of treatment is recommended to use if there is a risk of infection of a large number of plants.
If such beetles appeared on the trees, not only a chemical preparation, but also non-chemical methods can be used to combat them. It is advisable to apply them before fruiting. In early spring, you must loosen the soil around the trees. Bark regularly cleaned from the old layer, then whiten a thick solution of lime milk( suspension of calcium hydroxide).
If a tree has been affected by aphids, mites or ants, it is recommended to use a hunter's belt, which is made from the rims of a garden dog. It is sold in specialized stores, or you can make it yourself. A layer of dense cellophane is wound on top. Be sure to make sure that the bottom layer does not touch the tree trunk. Put such a belt should be in the early spring, and removed in late autumn.
For the treatment of trees, it is not necessary to use an antibiotic, an excellent remedy is garlic infusion. This tool can be used to infect any fruit culture, not just pears. Garlic cloves must be peeled off from the husks, poured with warm water, left for 12 hours. After this time the solution is filtered, then the tree needs to be sprayed, but not watered.
Why a young pear turns black and the old one is not
If pears are affected by such a disease as a bacterial burn, then young plants under 10 years old become infected. Old trees can remain virtually intact. This is because the young shoots of the pears are very tender, they have an active sap flow, and the immunity is very low and weak. However, there are certain varieties that are distinguished by the increased resistance of fruit trees to a variety of diseases. Therefore, some plants do not suffer from bacterial burn and other diseases.
Increased humidity - another reason
One of the main causes of darkening the leaves of the pear is the level of air humidity. If the environment is excessively dry, the process of leaf blackening begins even in those fruit trees that are regularly watered. To solve the problem, abundant watering will be small, so it is necessary to conduct additional spraying of trees with simple water.
What does it mean if shoots and branches on the pear grow black?
If you observe that on a pear black branches and new shoots, this is a sign of a bacterial burn. It is important to immediately carry out sanitary pruning to remove all signs of defeat. For this procedure, use only a sterile instrument and disinfectant. Not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners will be useful to see the video below, which examines the main diseases of fruit trees and methods of combating them.
Video: leaves blackened due to bacterial burn
From this disease, plants suffer with the onset of hot summer days, when there is no drop in temperature, but heavy rains. When creating favorable climatic conditions, the activation of harmful bacteria begins, the peduncles are affected. If no measures are taken in time, eventually the leaves begin to turn black and fall off. For more information about this disease, see the following video:
What to do: methods for the prevention and treatment of
trees If the leaves start to stain on the pear, what should each gardener know? First, prevent further spread of the infection. To do this, it is important to identify the source of infection and try to isolate it. If you start the prevention of various diseases in time, from which the fruit trees suffer, you can save the whole garden from destruction. For more information on preventive measures and treatment of fruit trees, see the video: