Black cumin( black cherry, chernukha or black coriander) is a two-year herbaceous plant up to 40 centimeters high with a branching stalk covered with small hairs. The leaves are very indented. The flowers are very small blue. The flowering period is August-September. Cultivated for more than 3000 years. The medicinal raw materials of this plant are the seeds collected after flowering, and the oil that is produced from the seeds. It grows in hot countries and in the southeast of Russia.
- chemical composition of macro- and microelements
- Acids
- Useful substances
- Useful properties
- use of traditional medicine
- From diarrhea to increase
- lactation mastitis
- From
- asthma allergies
- In order to strengthen immunity
- for ear infections
- From the accumulation of gases in the intestine
- With a cold
- From prostatitis
- From hemorrhoids
- From psoriasis
- With diseases of the genitourinary system
- From malaria
- From the head
- From arthritis and rheumatism
- From
- worms From
- hypertension Application in home cosmetology
- From premature skin aging
- For hair
- For smoothing deep wrinkles
- For removing stretch marks
- From cellulite
- From skin rashes
- For weight loss
- Contraindications
- Procurement andstorage
Chemical composition of
The chemical composition of black cumin is very diverse and includes:
to contents ^Macro and trace elements
- Protein.
- Copper.
- Zinc.
- Riboflavin.
- Pyridoxine.
- Phosphorus.
- Iron.
- Carbohydrates.
- Calcium.
- Vitamins A, B, E, D.
- Linoleic.
- Palmitic.
- Stearic.
- Oleic.
- Eicosa.
- Alpha-linoleic.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Useful substances
- Phospholipids.
- Amino acids.
- Flavonoids.
- Phytosterols.
- Alkaloids.
- Tannins.
- Saponins.
- Enzymes.
- Mono- and polysaccharides.
- Essential oils.
Useful properties of
Cumin seeds and oil have the following properties:
- Increase in motor and secretory function of the stomach.
- Spasmolytic drug.
- Increase in lactation and production of bile.
- Exciter for atony of the stomach.
- Laxative.
- Carbon monoxide( from the accumulation of gases).
- Reducing fatigue.
- Increased immunity.
- Removal of stones from the kidneys.
- Help with headaches.
- Reduced pain with rheumatism and gout.
- Antioxidant properties.
- Anthelminthic agent.
- Improved memory.
- Normalization of the digestive tract.
- Lowering the cholesterol level in the blood.
- Destruction of pathogenic bacteria.
- Display warts, pimples, birthmarks.
- Stop baldness.
- Improve the complexion.
- Cleans the skin.
Application in folk medicine
Caloric value of black cumin oil per 100 grams - 896 kcal.
In folk medicine, seeds and oil of black cumin are used.
to table of contents ^From diarrhea
Mix a tablespoon of butter with a cup of natural yogurt. Use 2 times a day for three days.
to table of contents ^To increase lactation
1 tablespoon of chopped seeds, pour half a liter of boiling water.10 minutes, drain, add honey and milk as desired. To drink at once.
From mastitis
Seeds are rubbed, mixed with rye flour and peppermint. Make tortillas and apply to the chest. The course of treatment a few days.
to the table of contents ^From asthma
For inhalation, take 1 tablespoon of black cumin oil per 1 liter of water. Inhale obtained, pre-boiled, mixture for 15-20 minutes per day.
For allergies
In the morning and in the evening take 1 teaspoon of seeds and wipe the affected area with oil.
to table of contents ^To strengthen immunity
Take 1 teaspoon of oil in the morning and evening 20 minutes before meals. Children from 6 years to half a teaspoon a day.
to the table of contents ^For ear infections
Drop one drop of cumin oil into a sore ear or moisten cotton wool in oil, put in the ear and leave for an hour.
to table of contents ^From the accumulation of gases in the intestine
15 grams of seeds are ground into powder, covered in a glass bottle and pour a glass of vodka. Close the lid tightly and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain, take 1 teaspoon each time before eating.
to contents ^For a cold
2 teaspoons of seeds, pour a half liter of water. Cook for 10 minutes. Strain. Take 100 milliliters an hour before meals 3 times a day.
to table of contents ^From prostatitis
Mix 1 tablespoon of oil and honey, add a teaspoon of dried chamomile and pour 100 milliliters of warm boiled water. Take 2-3 times a day.
to contents ^From hemorrhoids
30 grams of seeds fry in a skillet until burned, cool, grind into powder, add oil. The resulting cream should be applied to the anal area 2 times a day after bowel movement. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
From psoriasis
Daily lubricate affected areas of the skin with a mixture of 1: 1 black cumin oil, nut and sesame.
to table of contents ^For diseases of the genitourinary system
Fry in a dry frying pan 5 grams of seeds, pour in juice of one lemon. Add 1 gram of sea salt and half a cup of water. Mix, take 2 times a day.
to table of contents ^From malaria
Mix 2 grams of seeds with 2 tablespoons of juice of Chinese bitter gourd. Mix and take as needed.
to table of contents ^From headaches
For 1 tablespoon of a mixture of ground cumin seeds, anise and cloves take 1 teaspoon before eating. Keep the mixture in the mouth until softened and swallowed. Do not drink.
to table of contents ^From arthritis and rheumatism
Eat 5 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. In an hour, drink the brewed cinnamon with the addition of 5 drops of caraway oil. Before going to bed, drink boiled cumin with milk and rub the sore spot with a warmed-up mixture of olive and caraway oil 1: 1.
to contents ^From worms
In a dry frying pan fry 10 grams of cumin seeds, add 20 grams of chopped onion. Take in the morning on an empty stomach.
to table of contents ^From hypertension
Mix 100 milliliters of cumin oil, lemon juice and honey. Take an empty stomach 2 times a day for a tablespoon. It is stored in the refrigerator.
to table of contents ^Application in home cosmetology
Popular recipes for home cosmetology with caraway seeds:
to table of contents ^From premature aging of skin
Mix powdered 15 grams of oatmeal, 3 drops of purified water, 4 milligrams of cumin oil, 6 grams of honey and1 egg yolk. Apply on a thin layer for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
For hair
Mix 1 tablespoon of caraway seeds and juice of arugula, insist 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 100 milliliters of olive oil, mix. Rub into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes.
to table of contents ^For smoothing deep wrinkles
4 parts of a glass of oatmeal mixed with a few drops of water and cumin oil. Add 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix well and apply on face, for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
to table of contents ^To eliminate stretch marks
Apply black cumin oil to problem areas, wrap in food film, leave overnight. Repeat the procedure until positive results appear.
to table of contents ^From cellulite
Mix 1: 1 olive and caraway oil, add 5 drops of any essential oil. A little warm in a water bath and rub into problem areas with massage circular motions.
to contents ^From skin rashes
Mix cumin and grape seed oil in a ratio of 1: 2, apply to cleansed face, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.
to the table of contents ^For weight loss
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and cumin oil, take 15 minutes before meals 2 times a day with half a glass of boiled water for 2 months.
to table of contents ^Contraindications
For treatment, black cumin is not used:
- For individual intolerance;
- During pregnancy;
- With thrombophlebitis;
- With ischemic heart disease and suffered heart attacks;
- In severe stages of diabetes mellitus;
- With chronic gastritis;
- After organ transplant;
- When allergic to cumin.
Procurement and storage of
All parts of the plant are suitable for harvesting at a height of 15 centimeters from the soil. The collection period is August-September. It is necessary to disconnect all parts of the plant from each other, to dry in the open air in a darkened place. As soon as the moisture from the plant evaporates - place the drying in a glass container or a tissue bag. Shelf life - 1 year. The oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of black cumin. After buying and opening, store it in a tightly closed glass bottle in the refrigerator.