A bruise and swelling, especially under the eyes, is a problem requiring delicate treatment. The area around the eyes is very sensitive, so you need to apply gentle means. There are special ointments that fight with hematomas. People's methods also help. Timely treatment will help quickly remove swelling and reduce the likelihood of a bruise.
- First Aid
- Medicines
- Arnica
- Badyaga
- Heparin ointment
- indovazin
- Iodine
- Lioton
- Bruise Off
- Lifeguard
- Troxevasin
- Traditional recipes
- Aloe
- Badyaga powder
- Cabbage
- Potatoes
- Medicinal teas
- Ice
- Oils
- Honey
- Infusion of parsley
- Lead water
- Turpentine
- Vinegar
- Masking
First aid
It is preliminary necessary to inspect the damaged area. If there are open wounds or abrasions, do not compress and apply absorbable ointments. In this case, you need to use regenerating agents.
Any damage to the face is treated immediately. First of all, you need to cleanse your skin. Carefully treat the damage with a cotton disc moistened with cold water. After this, a piece of ice or a cold object is applied to the affected area to remove puffiness and stop internal bleeding.
Especially good effect gives ice on the basis of herbal decoctions. This compress should be kept for 5 to 15 minutes. Also helpful is laundry soap. If you rub the damaged area immediately after the bruise, the bruise may not appear at all.
In case of pain, it is recommended to drink an analgesic. However, drugs that reduce blood clotting should be avoided.
Therapeutic creams and ointments on the eye area should be used with caution. Simple rules will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.
- follow the dosage and do not use funds for longer than the due date;
- do not apply medicines too close to the eye mucosa;
- pre-test the sensitivity( on the wrist or elbow fold);
- study the composition if there is an allergy;
- discontinue the use of the product if signs of allergy, irritation, itching, peeling and dry skin have appeared.
Homeopathic ointment, which is used to treat soft tissue injuries. Also relieves pain. It has a natural composition and almost no contraindications.
It is applied 1-2 times a day, until the hematoma passes. But not longer than 7-10 days. Individual intolerance of components and allergic reaction are possible. Strongly do not apply to open wounds. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
to contents ^Badder
Ointment helps to eliminate bruises and tumors. The composition of the product may contain additional components, for example, chestnut, which also copes well with skin lesions.
Badyaga is used strictly according to the instructions. Abuse is fraught with the appearance of severe ecdysis, dryness and irritation. It is necessary to apply a thin layer of ointment on the hematoma and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash it off. Apply 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days. Do not use if sensitive to the eye area and dry skin.
Heparin ointment
Pharmacy for the treatment of hematomas. Has an anesthetic effect and promotes resorption of bruises in a short time.
It is used no more than twice a day. It is applied in a very thin layer, and the excess material is removed after 10-15 minutes after application. Otherwise, the skin will not breathe, and the condition will worsen. Apply not longer than two weeks.
Before use, contraindications should be studied. The remedy is very strong, so it's better to consult a doctor beforehand. Use of the ointment is not recommended:
- with individual intolerance of the components of the agent;
- during the application of vasodilating and blood-thinning preparations;
- for clotting disorders;
- with a reduced level of platelets;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- in the presence of open wounds.
Ointment for bruising, bruising and swelling. It suppresses the inflammatory process and removes puffiness. Especially effective in dealing with fresh bruises.
Apply 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts no more than 10 days. Ointment is contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, children under 14 years. It is forbidden to apply in the presence of open wounds. Individual intolerance of the components of the drug is possible.
to contents ^Iodine
Stimulates blood circulation, which promotes rapid healing. Has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
Stains the skin, so it is recommended to apply overnight. It is applied by a grid or a continuous thin layer. The rate of absorption depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation without the permission of a doctor.
to table of contents ^Lyoton
Ointment to reduce bruising and swelling. It has cooling and analgesic effect.
Applied 1-3 times a day. It is used until the bruises and swelling are completely gone. It is worth considering that with prolonged use, dryness, peeling, itching of the skin is possible. Do not use if there are open wounds, bleeding disorders and diseases that cause bleeding.
Possible application in the lactation period. Refrain from use when threatened with abortion and before childbirth.
to contents ^Bruise-Off
Gel treats bruises, eliminates swelling and swelling, resolves bruising. Has a tonic effect.
It is applied not more often than 5 times a day. If desired, you can apply a second layer after 5-10 minutes. Apply until the bruise is completely gone. Do not use for bleeding disorders. An allergic reaction is possible. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
to table of contents ^Rescuer
Ointment for treatment of various skin lesions. It has a regenerating and analgesic effect, removes puffiness. Contains oils, vitamins and herbs.
Apply a thick coat on the hematoma 2-3 times a day. It is applied until full recovery. Can be used in the presence of wounds. Use with caution allergy sufferers. It is allowed to use pregnant and lactating women, children.
to table of contents ^Troxevasin
Gel for the treatment of bruising, swelling and preventing the appearance of a tumor. Helps to quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye, even if it is old. It is recommended to use together with the drug Troxevasin in the form of capsules for a faster recovery.
Applies morning and evening for a week. Apply with gentle movements and massage until completely absorbed. Do not apply if there are open wounds. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is only possible with the approval of a doctor. It is permissible to be sensitive to the individual components of the product.
to the table of contents ^Popular recipes
In most cases, folk methods are used as first aid. They are aimed at eliminating the first symptoms and suppressing further development of hematomas and tumors. With systematic use, all symptoms are eliminated in a few days.
Finely grate one sheet of aloe. Mix with a teaspoon of Vaseline and apply as a cream. Apply before bedtime.
Aloe in its pure form can be used 2-3 times a day, if there are open wounds. It stimulates the regeneration process, has an anti-inflammatory effect and moisturizes the skin. With constant use, the skin will look much fresher and younger. Replaces the cream around the eyes.
to contents ^Badger in powder
Mix 1 teaspoon of spaghetti and 2 teaspoons of water. Stir and apply to a cotton pad or bandage. Apply to the damage and leave for 10-15 minutes. Apply 3-5 days. Possible burning and severe redness of the skin. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
to table of contents ^Cabbage
Grind a leaf of white cabbage. Must stand out juice. Apply the mixture to the damaged area and leave for half an hour. You can fold the shredded sheet into gauze for ease of use. If you change the compress every half hour, the bruise will quickly resolve. In addition, you can add the leaves of plantain.
to the table of contents ^Potatoes
It is used as a compress for swelling and swelling. It also reduces bruising under the eyes and rejuvenates the skin.
Peel the raw potatoes from the peel and grate them gently. Evenly distribute the mass over the bandage and apply to the damaged area. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Apply daily until all symptoms have passed. Does not cause allergies or irritation.
to the table of contents ^Medicinal broths
Herbal infusions are used for the preparation of compresses and lotions. Applied up to 4-6 times a day. It is important to consider that it is impossible to exert a thermal effect on bruises and tumors, otherwise they will only increase. It is necessary to cool the broth beforehand to room temperature.
A tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of hot water and insist for an hour. In the infusion, moisten the cotton pad and apply it to the damaged area for 20-30 minutes. Repeat until complete recovery. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
Such compresses also have a cosmetic effect: bruises and bags under the eyes decrease, puffiness disappears. To treat bruises and tumors, such medicinal plants are suitable: chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, celandine, lime blossom, St. John's wort, oak bark, sage.
to contents ^Ice
It is prepared on the basis of herbal decoctions. Ready infusion is poured into molds and frozen. Before use, it is recommended to put pieces of ice in a disposable bag, otherwise they will quickly melt and spread over the face.
Apply ice to the damaged area in the morning and evening. Keep on skin for 5-7 minutes. Apply until all the symptoms have passed.
to contents ^oils A fast way to get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes is the application of olive oil. Wet the cotton wool with oil and apply to the bruise for 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the lotion and distribute residual oil. After 5 minutes, remove the excess. Do not rinse. Apply in the morning and evening.
Other oils can be used: castor, fir, coconut, marigold, rhodiola rosea, burdock, sea buckthorn, jojoba, almond, avocado.
to contents ^Honey
It is used as a compress for the treatment of large bruises. Mix one yolk, and one tablespoon of wheat flour, vegetable oil and liquid honey. Apply the mixture on the hematoma and cover with a food film on top. Leave for 2-3 hours. Do once a day for at least two days. Apply before bedtime.
to contents ^Infusion of parsley
Removes puffiness, removes bruises, brightens the skin. Pour a bunch of parsley with a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Then cool, pour into ice molds and freeze. Apply to the damaged area 3-4 times a day, wrapping cubes with a cotton cloth.
You can also use infusion for lotions. Wadded disk, soaked in chilled infusion, apply to the damaged area for 15-20 minutes. Repeat 4-6 times a day.
to contents ^Lead water
It is made on the basis of newspapers. Typographic paint contains lead, which facilitates the resorption of bruises. The hematoma takes 2-3 days. But it is worth considering that you need a fresh newspaper.
Tear the paper into pieces and soak for an hour in water. At the end of time, collect the pieces and attach to the bruise. Hold for 2-4 hours. Periodically add new pieces.
to table of contents ^Turpentine
Used with caution. Do not use if there is swelling or the affected area has acquired a crimson shade.
Mix a quarter of a glass of honey, a classical vodka pile of turpentine and half a tablespoon of petroleum jelly. Apply the ointment on a cotton pad or bandage, apply on a bruise, and fix it with a plaster. Leave it overnight.
to the table of contents ^Vinegar
Mix two tablespoons of vinegar, one teaspoon of salt and 5-6 drops of iodine. Saturate the resulting liquid with a cotton cloth or a cotton pad. Cool off the damaged area with a piece of ice and then make a lotion. Hold for 5-10 minutes. Repeat 4-6 times a day. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if the area around the eyes is sensitive.
to the table of contents ^Masking
Several cosmetic products will be needed to correct the bruise under the eye. First of all, you need to apply concealer. The choice of shade depends on the color of the bruise:
- blue or green bruise - orange concealer;
- purple - yellow;
- yellowish - lilac;
- reddish - green;
- universal version - a body concealer.
The concealer is applied by patting movements. Attempts to smear the tool will not succeed, because it will all be erased and will not hide the bruise. On top of all, a foundation is applied and blended thoroughly. It completely conceals the concealer, and there will not be any stains of unnatural shades on the skin. In addition, you can apply powder.