How to get rid of stretch marks on the pope forever

In cosmetic and medical practice, stretch marks are usually called "striae".In essence, striae are striped scars on the skin that have different lengths and widths, and their color varies from red to white. They are able to spoil the appearance of any body, so many are wondering how to effectively get rid of stretch marks on the pope.

  • Causes of women and adolescents
  • Nutrition
  • salon services
  • Peeling
  • Mesotherapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Traditional methods
  • Shilajit
  • Coffee Scrub
  • Essential oils
  • wrap

Causes of women and adolescents

There are a number of reasons whythere are stretch marks on the pope in women:

  1. Hormonal failure. In this case, the elasticity of the skin is lost under the action of hormones such as corticosteroid and progesterone, and as a consequence, even minor physical stresses lead to ruptures on the skin, which eventually replace the connective tissue.
  2. Pregnancy. Most of the stretch marks on the pope in women appear during pregnancy. This is directly related not only to hormonal disorders, but also to intensive weight gain. The skin loses its natural elasticity and stretch marks appear.
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  3. Inadequate skin care. Over time, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin worsen, so lack of skin care and exercise often lead to the appearance of stretch marks.

Stretch marks on the pope in adolescents are due to these reasons:

  1. A dramatic change in weight. The skin is unable to quickly adapt to such jumps, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks.
  2. Age changes. During a violent hormonal adjustment in the body stretch marks on the body - this is normal.
  3. Heredity. The ability of the skin to retain moisture and the rate of renewal of proteins are inherited. If the parents have stretch marks, then they will most likely have children.
  4. Incorrect power. Excess carbohydrates and a lack of proteins lead to the formation of stretch marks on the body.
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Proper nutrition

Skin condition directly depends on nutrition.

For a normal skin condition and to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to consume enough vitamins and microelements in sufficient quantities.

Be sure to pay attention to the following nutrients( micronutrients):

  • Vitamin A, which stimulates the process of cell renewal and increases the collagen content, which contributes to the improvement of skin elasticity. Vitamin A is found in leaves of lettuce, carrots, liver, broccoli, fish oil.
  • Vitamin C, which heals wounds, synthesizes collagen, acts as a "cementing" substance. Vitamin C is found in strawberries, dog rose, sea buckthorn, black currant, honeysuckle, orange, kiwi, lemon.
  • Vitamin E, which maintains a normal metabolism, heals tissues. Vitamin E is found in almonds, peanuts, dried apricots, prunes, in corn and linseed oil.
  • Zinc, which is the main producer of collagen. Zinc can be obtained by eating: oysters, chocolate, cocoa powder, liver, food gelatin.

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Salon services

Salon services help to make the existing extensions more invisible and prevent the emergence of new ones.

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There are two types of peeling - chemical and laser. Their differences in the following:

  1. Chemical peeling is produced exclusively under anesthesia. During the procedure, phenol, trichloroacetic and alpha-hydroxyl acid are applied to the skin. By their action they renew the skin, penetrating deep into the epidermis.
  2. Laser peeling is performed under local anesthesia. The laser beam effectively grinds the stretch marks until it disappears. However, for 100% of the result, several months of procedures will be required.
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Mesotherapy from stretch marks has only positive reviews.

This procedure is usually carried out after peeling.

During the mesotherapy, a microinjection is introduced into the skin, which includes:

  • amino acid,
  • enzymes,
  • collagen,
  • extracts from artichoke leaves,
  • extracts of brown algae,
  • vitamins B, C.

For 100% of the result, 10-15 procedures will be required.

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During this procedure, the skin is sonicated. The effect is on the skin, on the muscles and fatty tissue, resulting in a marked improvement in metabolism, and the skin becomes elastic and tightened. True, this method is effective only for "young" stretch marks.

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This procedure is a surgical way to get rid of stretch marks. During the procedure, the affected tissue is excised and then removed. Such a procedure is necessary only if such salon procedures as mesotherapy or laser peeling have not helped.

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Popular methods of

Now many people are interested in the question of how to remove stretch marks on the pope at home. There are a number of folk methods from stretch marks. We offer you some of them.

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An effective remedy for stretch marks is a cream with a mummy. To prepare it you will need:

  • one tablet mummy;
  • warm water;
  • baby cream.

To begin with, dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water, then mix the resulting mixture with baby cream, and if desired, add a few drops of essential oil.

Apply this cream only to the hot and well cleaned body. It is better to pre-clean it with a scrub or a hard washcloth, so that the cream with the mummy could achieve the desired result.

It is enough to apply such a cream with soft rubbing movements twice a day until completely absorbed.

Read also about turpentine baths at home
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Coffee scrub

Well proven from stretch marks and coffee scrub. There are several recipes for its preparation:

  1. Mix in equal proportions ground coffee and salt( or fruit sugar).In the resulting mixture, you can add olive oil or sour cream. The resulting mass must be rubbed into the problem area for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Fill with boiling water a hundred grams of ground coffee and leave the gruel for 15 minutes. Then add a tablespoon of olive oil, a few drops of essential oil( ideal for lemon or orange).Lightly circular movements rub the scrub for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
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Essential oils

Essential oils are ideal for stretch marks. There are several effective recipes:

  1. Mix seven spoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, and add eight drops of patchouli essential oil to the resulting mixture. This mass must be rubbed into the problem zone by massage movements daily.
  2. In a water bath, melt three tablespoons of cocoa butter, mix it with three tablespoons of olive and coconut oil. Add to this mixture eight drops of essential oil. This warm mass should be rubbed with light circular motions until it absorbs completely.
  3. Mix one glass( about 200 ml) of olive oil, two teaspoons of wheat germ oil, five drops of lavender oil and four teaspoons of almond oil. This mixture should be used regularly during the massage.
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Wrap just perfect to help get rid of stretch marks at home. To perform this procedure, melt three tablespoons of cocoa butter in a water bath and cool it to 40 ° C, then add honey. The resulting mixture must be applied to the problem area, then tightly wrap it with a film and be sure to put on warm clothes. It is recommended to wash off the mixture after approximately 40 minutes. It is recommended to do this procedure 10-15 times.

  • Jun 05, 2018
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