Chicory is a unique drink that tastes very much like coffee and can easily replace it. However, for useful properties and vitamins, chicory exceeds coffee several times. In addition, this drink has a beneficial effect on metabolism, the whole body and individual organs, and also reduces pressure and provides good health. But the abuse of chicory can harm the body. Therefore, it is necessary to find out who will benefit from chicory, and how much it can be consumed.
- chemical composition
- products of chicory
- Useful properties
- Recipes
- scope At
- anemia When
- mellitus When pancreatitis
- In diseases
- liver When
- hypertension Slimming
- To improve
- immunity For microflora
- bowel For
- skin for hair
- From parasites
- Harm and contraindications
Chemical composition
Ingredients in the ingredients filled chicory with useful properties. It contains:
- Fructose, inulin;
- Resin and tannins;
- The leaves of the plant contain ascorbic and chicory acids, as well as choline( vitamin B4), which regulates the work of the kidneys, heart, liver and brain;
- Group B and C vitamins;
- Copper, sodium, iron, carotene, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, potassium and calcium.
Products from chicory
There are several kinds of products from chicory. Depending on the species, their application and useful properties will vary.
- Liquid chicory ( liquid concentrate or syrup) - is used for diseases of the kidneys, spleen and liver. A few teaspoons are poured in 200-250 milliliters of boiling water;
- Soluble ( powdery) is the most common product, is applied as a drink, is brewed as well as coffee. Has a positive effect on the nervous, blood and cardiac system, soothes, dilates blood vessels;
- Ground and fried - the most useful product, for its preparation, the root of the plant is first ground and then fried. It can be insisted and brewed as a drink.
All these types can be bought in stores.
Useful properties
Chicory helps with various diseases or can be used as a prophylaxis. The solution is applied either inward or outwardly, in the form of masks, lotions and compresses.
Useful properties of the application of chicory root and shoots:
- The drink removes toxins from the body and cleans it, and also affects the liver and kidneys;
- Improves the condition of a person with diabetes;
- Is a full-fledged replacement for coffee and can be consumed by people with high blood pressure;
- Improves the chemical composition of blood;
- Stimulates appetite, and also accelerates metabolism;
- Well affects gastric motility, saves from heartburn;
- Juice and chicory gruel are used as lotions for certain dermatological diseases;
- Relieves fatigue, helps to relax, tones up the body;
- Possesses antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, fights against colds and knocks down the temperature;
- Increases immunity.
Despite its properties, chicory is not considered a medicine, however, the drink is considered to be a phytotherapeutic agent. In the pharmacy you can find various infusions and phyto-teas with chicory, and in grocery supermarkets it is worth looking for this product in the department of dietary and healthy food.
In summertime it is possible to collect and dry the flowers and roots of chicory so that this natural and fresh product is always at home.
to the table of contents ^Recipes for the use of
Chicory is used for a variety of diseases, so there are a large number of recipes using chicory, both in powder form and in the form of ground and roasted raw materials.
to table of contents ^With anemia
Prescription 1.
Juice of fresh leaves of a young plant is taken with anemia along with milk( 15 milliliters per glass of milk drink) twice a day for a period of 1.5 months or more.
Recipe 2.
It is used as a drink without the addition of milk( milk reduces the digestibility of iron).Cow's milk should be replaced by analogues: soy, rice or coconut.
With diabetes
Recipe 1.
A tablespoon of young shoots and chicory root is ground, pour 300 ml of warm water and for half an hour keep the mixture on low heat. Allow the solution to cool, then let the broth pass through the cheesecloth or sieve and take the finished drink in a third of the glass at least half an hour before meals from 2 to 3 times a day.
Recipe 2.
2 spoons of ground root of the plant to dissolve in half a liter of boiled water, leave to stand for several hours, strain and take half a glass a day.
Recipe 3.
Prepare the drink on milk and add a variety of herbs and spices, but do not add sugar.
With pancreatitis
Prescription 1.
Chicory solution is bred in half with milk and applied daily for a year -for this time the inflammation subsides or even completely disappears.
Recipe 2.
A teaspoon of chopped roots mixed with a glass of water, the resulting mixture boil for about half an hour on low heat, then let the solution pass through a sieve and allow it to cool. Take a drink with honey for a quarter of a glass 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner 3 times a day.
Recipe 3.
A teaspoon of the crushed raw material soak with boiling water, add a half cup of kibbutz infusion and take this medicine half a cup after meals 2-3 times a day.
to the table of contents ^For liver diseases
Recipe 1.
Freshly picked plant( root, young leaves, flowers) grind strongly, brew 2 tablespoons of the plant in powder for 500 milliliters of boiled water, simmer the mixture on low heat in the same way asand in previous recipes. Then strain, allow the solution to cool to room temperature, add 20 grams of honey and a teaspoon of natural fruit vinegar. Take the solution a total of 3 times a day for a while before meals at a dosage of 0.5 cup per reception.
Recipe 2.
The root of the plant is grated on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice from the mash, take the resulting juice on a teaspoon before eating a total of 3 times a day.
Recipe 3.
2 tablespoons finely chopped roots pour a liter of boiling water, simmer for 25 minutes, strain and take a half cup in between meals twice a day. Duration of treatment from 3 months.
Recipe 4.
3 table spoons of chicory, 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and chamomile, 2 tablespoons of sponge - pour 800 ml of boiled water over the infusion, infuse for about 14 hours, then allow the solution to boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Filter the medicine and take half a glass from 2 to 4 times a day in half an hour or two hours after eating a course of 2-3 months.
to contents ^With hypertension
Recipe 1.
Pour 2 tablespoons of grated chicory root with a glass of water, wait for a boil, boil for a few minutes, then cover and insist the medicine for 4 hours, then get rid of root debris by straining and take 1 glass during the day with honey addedand lemon. The period of admission is 2 weeks.
Recipe 2.
Mix the dried plant flowers and parsley leaves, take a tablespoon of this mixture and pour 250-300 milliliters of boiling water, insist the solution in a warm place for about 30 minutes, strain. The solution should be taken before meals on a third of the glass 3 times a day.
to table of contents ^For weight loss
Chicory can be used for weight loss due to the property to improve metabolism, and to remove harmful toxins from the body. In addition, it has a slight laxative and diuretic effect.
Recipe 1.
The slimming beverage is prepared from the root of the plant, since the flowers and leaves will only stimulate the appetite. In a Turk or a saucepan pour a tablespoon of chicory and pour water, as soon as the solution boils, keep it on fire for a quarter of an hour, then wait for the mixture to cool slightly and let it through the strainer. Take a ready-made drink 2-3 times a day for half a glass with the addition of cinnamon, ginger or lemon, observing a diet or proper nutrition.
Recipe 2.
Nutritionists advise to replace instant coffee with chicory and take such a drink during a weight loss course or for several months( with proper nutrition) before eating;
40 grams of chicory root infuse 3 hours in a liter of boiling water. Add this infusion to tea in equal proportions.
Recipe 3.
Chicory with ginger - an excellent remedy for extra pounds.2 centimeters of ginger root finely chopped and pour a liter of boiling water. After cooling, add 2 tablespoons of honey and juice of a half of lemon to the mixture together with zest. Leave the mixture in a warm place for the night, then fill it with chicory( 2 tablespoons of powder or crushed root).Take a drink several times a day between meals or half an hour before eating a half cup.
Recipe 4.
Half a cup of hot milk mixed with the same amount of water, add 2 teaspoons of chicory in the solution and drink this cocktail before eating in the morning and evening for a month.
to the table of contents ^To enhance the immunity of
Recipe 1.
Grind several coffee spoons of chicory root in a coffee grinder, pour 100 milliliters of alcohol from 40 to 70%, close, insist in a dark place for a week, periodically mixing and shaking. Strain, take 25-35 drops of infusion, diluted in a third of a glass of plain water. Take medicine 3-4 times a day.
Recipe 2.
Chicory powder diluted in a glass of boiled water, take instead of coffee twice a day. If desired, adding milk or honey.
Recipe 3.
Mix chicory and motherwort, take 2 teaspoons of the mixture, brew 250-300 milliliters of boiling water, allow to infuse, strain and drink with honey several times a day.
to contents ^For intestinal microflora
Recipe 1.
10% chicory broth drink 70-100 grams 3 times a day as a laxative.
Recipe 2.
Chicory powder pour boiling water and take with the addition of milk 2 times a day for the prevention of intestinal and gastric diseases.
to the table of contents ^For the skin
To increase the elasticity and radiance of the skin, chicory can be used either indoors or outdoors as a cosmetic.
Mask that smooths the complexion.
Chicory infusion positively affects the complexion, removes pimples and brightens black dots.2 tablespoons chicory root pour 400 milliliters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drain. The resulting solution is used as a base for masks, tonics and face packs.
Mask from wrinkles.
25 grams of chicory root pour a glass of boiling water, drain. With this infusion, pour a tablespoon of kelp, add 8 drops of vitamin E( 1-2 capsules).Apply on face skin for half an hour, after rinse.
Mask from acne.
Mix a tablespoon of chicory with the same amount of green clay, dilute with mineral water to a uniform mush, add 8 drops of pomegranate oil or tea tree oil, apply on face for 20 minutes.
Mask for dry skin.
A tablespoon of pulp pulp, pre-baked in the oven, mix with the same amount of natural sour cream, add 2 spoons of chicory infusion. All the mix, apply the mask to the face and neck for 45 minutes, then remove the mask with a damp disc.
to contents ^For hair
Masks with chicory are perfect for dark-haired girls. Blonde it is better not to use such masks.
From split ends.
The mask of chicory and yogurt cleaves the split ends, moisturizes the hair and gives them shine. In a glass of natural warm kefir, add a few spoonfuls of liquid honey, add 2-3 teaspoons of chicory root to the mixture, beat the composition and apply to the head on the pro-parts. Residue distribute along the length, withstand on the hair for at least 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
Good for hair and rinsing with chicory - 4 tablespoons of the root of the plant to brew in 2 cups of boiling water and to insist for at least 8 hours. Strain, add water. Rinse hair with this infusion after each wash.
From hair loss.
Grate 2 medium bulbs and freshly cut aloe leaf, mix everything into a gruel and add a tablespoon of chopped chicory root. Apply the mixture to the roots of hair for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water with the addition of a couple of spoons of apple cider vinegar( eliminates onion odor).
For hair growth.
The infusion of chicory promotes the abundant growth of new hair. Peeled chicory root( 30 grams) put in a jar, pour 200 milliliters of vodka and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Next, strain the liquid and rub, not flushing, several times a week in the roots of the hair for a month.
to contents ^From parasites
A teaspoon of grated chicory root mixed with the same amount of yarrow and tansy, pour the mixture 2 cups of boiled water, keep on low heat for half an hour, cleaned with gauze. Drink on an empty stomach a quarter of a cup for a week.
back to contents ^Harmful and contraindicated
Chicory can harm the body if it is used incorrectly and excessively. When treating diseases with the help of this plant, one should follow the recommendations of the attending physician.
- Chicory and components in its composition can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions;
- The plant causes vasodilation, therefore it is not recommended for people with varicose veins or vascular diseases;
- Some people can cause hyperactivity and insomnia;
- Not recommended for frequent use, as it may adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, there are a number of contraindications preventing the use of chicory in any form:
- Chronic or protracted bronchitis, asthma and other chronic lung diseases;
- Gastric ulcer, irritation and trauma of the gastric mucosa, gastritis during exacerbation;
- Varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
- It is not recommended to use infusion during antibiotics;
- If overused, it can cause a strong appetite and lead to obesity.