Almond: properties, benefits and harm

Almond is a valuable product for human health, a delicious treat, as well as a symbol of fertility and well-being. Almonds are mistakenly called nuts. From a botanical point of view, it is a stone fruit that ripens on a small tree. In the flowering period, branches of the almond tree are covered with delicate pink flowers and exude a delicate aroma. Today, the main producers of almonds are China, the Mediterranean countries and the USA.


  • History
  • Varieties and varieties
  • Composition
  • Caloric value
  • Nutritional information
  • Useful compounds
  • Cooking
  • Useful properties and applications
  • Almond for pregnant women
  • Health properties of almond oil
  • How to choose and store
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Interesting facts
  • History of the discovery of

    The first information about almonds can be found on the pages of the Bible. According to biblical teaching, this nut is a sign of approval of the actions of Aaron God. The Egyptians, who considered it a symbol of the revival of nature, also knew about the healing properties of this product. In ancient Persia almonds were a delicacy and was used exclusively by rich citizens of the state.

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    The Mediterranean countries learned about the unique almond nut thanks to the legendary Silk Road. In California, this product was brought by Franciscans in the 18th century from Spain. Today, high-quality Californian almonds occupy a leading position in the US agrarian sector.

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    Varieties and varieties of

    In nature, there are two varieties of almonds:

    1. Sweet. The kernels of this nut differ oval shape and oily taste. Used sweet almonds in cooking for cooking fragrant and healthy dishes.
    2. Bitter. The kernels of this nut have an oblong shape and bitter taste due to the content of the toxic compound - amygdalin glycoside. Used bitter almonds only for the production of almond oil and as an aromatic additive to alcoholic beverages.

    Currently, there are more than 40 varieties of almonds. The most popular among consumers are:

    1. «Nonpareil».The kernels of the nut have a smooth surface, painted in a light brown color. This product is characterized by a soft shell and medium size.
    2. «Carmel».The kernels of this type of almond nut have a wrinkled surface and an elongated shape.
    3. «Padre».This nut has a solid whole shell, the core of a rounded shape, painted in a dark brown color.
    4. "Monterey".The kernels of this nut are distinguished by a narrow shape and a strongly wrinkled surface.
    5. "Price".This walnut paper shell is dark brown in color. Small kernels have an elongated shape.
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    Composition of

    The composition of the almond kernel includes a large number of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other useful compounds.

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    Caloric value

    Almond refers to high-calorie foods. In 100 grams of nuts - 609 kcal.

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    Nutritional value of

    Almond nut is saturated with carbohydrates, fats, fiber and digestible vegetable protein.

    Substance Substance
    Proteins 18,6
    Fats 53,7
    Carbohydrates 13
    Dietary Fibers 7
    Water 4
    Starch 7
    Ash 3,7
    Saturated fatty acids 5
    Mono and disaccharides 6

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    Useful compounds

    Almond kernels are a source of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, C and PP.These compounds improve the functioning of body systems and are immunostimulants.

    Substance Weight( mg / μg)
    Beta-carotene 0.02
    A 3
    B1( thiamine) 0.25
    B2( riboflavin) 0.65
    B5( pantothenic acid) 0.04
    B6( pyridoxine) 0,3
    B9( folic acid) 40
    C 1,5
    E 24,6
    PP 6,2
    Choline 52,1

    Almond nut is the record holder for potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and copper. In a complex, these minerals normalize the functioning of the circulatory system.

    Substance Weight( mg / g)
    Calcium Magnesium 234
    Sodium Phosphorus Potassium 748
    Chloro 39
    Iron Sulfur 178
    Zinc 2,12
    Iodine 2
    Copper Manganese Selenium 1,92
    Fluoride 91
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    Culinary processing

    The sweet kind of almonds does not require preliminary culinary processing before consumption. It can be eaten raw or dried. Sweet almonds are added to various confectionery products, salads and desserts. If you want to fry almond kernels, do not use a frying pan for these purposes. It is best to roast the almonds in the oven at 75 ° C for no more than 10 minutes. The daily norm of almonds is 30 grams.

    In kernels of bitter almonds contains hydrocyanic acid, which causes a person to be highly poisoned. Before eating, bitter almonds require heat treatment, which neutralizes the toxicity of hydrocyanic acid. But even the processed nut is added to the dishes in a minimal amount.

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    Useful properties and application of

    The use of almonds is due to the unique composition of this product. The systematic use of this nut:

    • eliminates insomnia;
    • improves brain activity;
    • promotes the purification of the kidneys from calculi;
    • improves the condition of the hair;
    • relieves stress;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • lowers the acidity of gastric juice;
    • improves bowel function;
    • removes hangover syndrome;
    • increases potency in men;
    • improves blood composition;
    • reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

    Almond kernels have antioxidant, choleretic, enveloping, anticonvulsant and analgesic properties. This nut is used to treat:

    • anemia;
    • stomach ulcers;
    • gastritis;
    • of migraine;
    • tachycardia;
    • diseases of the respiratory system;
    • of stomatitis;
    • rheumatism;
    • otitis;
    • herpes;
    • of furunculosis;
    • of flatulence.
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    Useful properties of almonds are used to treat headaches. To prepare a life-giving mixture, grind five kernels of nut and add 5 g of sugar and 5 ml of water to the resulting mass. Use the nut mixture at the same time.

    In baldness, you can lubricate the scalp with gruel, which is made from 10 crushed almond kernels and 10 ml of milk.

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    Almond for pregnant women

    Nutritionists recommend that future mothers include almond kernels in the diet that are saturated with magnesium, vitamin E, vegetable protein and fiber. Almond helps pregnant women:

    • normalize intestinal function;
    • cope with chronic constipation;
    • to remove puffiness;
    • prevent muscle tension;
    • get rid of cramps.

    Nut kernels contribute to normal growth and development of the fetus.

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    Healing properties of almond oil

    From almond kernels by the method of cold pressing, almond oil is obtained, which is used for:

    • treatment of sunburn;
    • normalization of the functions of the nervous system;
    • improving bowel function;
    • treatment of colitis and gastritis;
    • improved skin condition;
    • treatment of herpes;
    • treatment of pressure sores;
    • strengthening of nails and hair.

    Almond oil is used as a base for nutritional masks and night creams. This product has the following properties:

    • rejuvenating;
    • is wound-healing;
    • is nutritious;
    • toning up;
    • regenerating;
    • is emollient;
    • is anti-inflammatory.

    In cooking, almond oil will perfectly complement the fish and meat dishes. This product is used for flavoring confectionery, salads and rice dishes.

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    How to choose and store

    If you buy almonds in the shell, make sure that its surface is one-piece and has no moldy coating. Qualitative nuclei of nuts have the same size and shape, and also do not exude a rancid smell. It is forbidden to eat unripe and spoiled kernels of nuts, since they contain poisonous compounds.

    Do not buy almonds that are fried with the addition of sugar, chocolate or corn syrup. This product contains many calories and a minimum amount of useful compounds. The most rational thing is to buy nut kernels, which are fried without adding oil. Nuts kernels, which are placed in a refrigerator in a sealed container, are able to maintain their useful properties for 12 months.

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    Contraindications and Harm

    The use and harm of almonds is an actual topic for discussion among nutritionists. This product can not be used by young children and people who suffer:

    • obesity;
    • is an allergy;
    • tachycardia;
    • with dermatological diseases.

    Unlimited use of almonds can provoke dizziness, nausea and slight narcotic intoxication.

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    Interesting facts

    Every year on February 16, in the USA, the World Almond Day is celebrated, because in mid-February, almond trees start to bloom.

  • Jun 06, 2018
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