The best recipes for home hair yeast masks

Yeasts are unicellular microorganisms of plant origin, which under certain conditions are able to have a health-improving effect on the scalp and hair. This natural product contains a protein that serves as a building block for the structure of the hair, and useful B vitamins that promote the growth of healthy curls.

  • Use of yeast
  • Professional
  • remedies
  • home masks
  • home masks For dry hair
  • For fatty hair
  • From falling
  • For growth
  • For volume
  • Nutritional

Use of yeast

The use of yeast masks can eradicate most problems of hair and scalp. All this is due to the fact that the yeast is full of essential nutrients:

  • proteins;
  • minerals - magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iodine;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins of group B, D, E, H, PP.

Yeast capable:

  • to improve blood circulation and thereby accelerate hair growth;
  • give the hair shine and elasticity;
  • ensure high-quality nutrition of the epidermis and hair structure;

  • instagram viewer
  • to stop loss and strengthen hair bulbs;
  • moisturize dry hair and protect them from the aggressive influence of external stimuli;
  • regulate the fatiness of the scalp;
  • to defeat dandruff;
  • to postpone the graying;
  • to improve curls, restore color, strength and energy to them.
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Professional tools

Such products usually combine natural components that have a therapeutic effect. They provide high-quality nutrition and hair protection from external factors.

Find out the best recipes for beer-based hair masks

Good recommendations deserve the remedy:

  • Bania Detox "Yeast for hair" - mask onbased on brewer's yeast, castor oil, garlic and honey.
  • Recipes of Agafia's grandmother "Yeast Mask for Hair Growth" .The product contains brewer's yeast, wheat germ oil, dog rose and pine nut, birch sap, extracts of medicinal herbs and berries.
  • Avon Naturals Hair Care "Deep food. Yeast and egg yolk » - this mask is able to bring back to life even the most dry and damaged hair.
  • DNC "Yeast for hair growth" is a unique mask that contains milk protein, cane sugar, mustard, nettle extracts, chamomile and cornflower.
  • Belita "Brewer's yeast" shampoo and balm.
  • Vitex Basic Care "Pomegranate and yeast" balm for hair.
  • Shamtu shampoo with a yeast extract for fine hair.
  • Redken "Clean brew" daily cleansing shampoo with beer yeast and malt.
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Home masks

Thanks to yeast masks, the hair is fully nourished and groomed. Useful substances that are contained in yeast, contribute to the restoration of hair structure and enhance their growth.

For the prevention of yeast masks, it is recommended to do 1 time per week for 2 months, after which you should arrange a break for 2-3 months.

To prepare home masks, both dry and liquid yeast are equally suitable, however it does not matter whether they are baker's or beer.

Masks should be done on clean, slightly damp hair. And after the application must be covered with a warm hood to create the optimal conditions for yeast fermentation.

Do not keep the mask on your hair too long otherwise the yeast can dry out, on average 20-40 minutes is enough.

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For dry hair

Recipe 1.
This recipe improves skin condition, moisturizes and nourishes the hair.

Combine 250 ml of yogurt with 1 teaspoon of yeast. Put the mixture into heat for 15-30 minutes. When the fermentation process begins, the mask can be applied to the hair and skin. After 30 minutes, the head of hear should be washed with warm water and rinsed with conditioner from apple cider vinegar - 15 ml per liter of water.

Recipe 2.

  • 2 tablespoons of brewer's yeast;
  • 50 ml of warm water;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The mixture is left for 1 hour for fermentation. Before use, add 3 drops of rosemary ether to it. The duration of the mask is 40 minutes.

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For greasy hair

Recipe 1.
Prepare a solution based on 1 teaspoon of yeast and 100 ml of warm water. After an hour, add a couple of spoonfuls of honey and 100 ml of kefir.

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Obtain the mask applied to the hair and wrap the head with cellophane, so that the mask does not flow. After an hour, wash it off.

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From the dropout of

Recipe 1.
In a glass of warm water dilute 5 grams of yeast. After an hour, add 1 tablespoon onion juice, 5 ml burdock oil and a little salt.

All well mixed and treated with hair. Cover the head with a film and a warm kerchief. After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe 2.
Warm ½ cup of milk, add 5 grams of yeast to it and leave the mixture for 30 minutes for fermentation. Then enter into the mask 1 egg and 15 ml of any vegetable oil.

Apply the mixture on hair, massage, wrap with cellophane and towel. After 1-2 hours wash off.

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For growth

Recipe 1.
In a glass of warm water dissolve 15 grams of dry yeast and 5 grams of sugar. Composition for 1 hour put in a warm place to carry out the fermentation process. Then add 10-15 grams of honey and 10 grams of dry mustard to the mixture. Thoroughly mix and coat with the product only the roots of the hair. After 40-60 minutes, the mask can be washed off.

You need to do this mask once a week for 2 months.

Recipe 2.
Prepare the fermentation mixture from 30 grams of dry yeast and 30 ml of warm water and leave for an hour. Then add 30 ml of pepper tincture. To affect the scalp, this mask is enough for 20 minutes.

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volume Recipe 1.
Prepare a mixture based on 30 grams of dry yeast and 45 ml of warm water. After completely dissolving the yeast, add 1-2 whipped proteins to the mask and mix well. Rub the yeast mask into the scalp, then wrap it with a plastic wrap and leave for an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

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Recipe 1.
Mix 25 grams of pressed baker's yeast with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and leave for an hour. You do not need to add water. Composition put on the scalp and leave for 40 minutes.

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Recipe 2.
In equal amounts of 2 tablespoons mix dry yeast and a warm broth of chamomile, nettle or sage. Within an hour the mixture should start fermenting. Then add 2 raw yolks and 3 drops of any essential oil. Keep on the hair for 20 to 40 minutes.

To prepare a decoction 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile, nettle or sage, pour a quarter of a liter of boiling water and press under the lid until it cools.

  • Jun 06, 2018
  • 27
  • 172