Tips on how to properly walk on heels

Before we tell you how to properly walk on high heels, you should think about why you want to learn this kind of art. Heels create discomfort, increase fatigue, and in general, according to doctors, harm women's beauty. However, we all know that the gait on his heels is strikingly different from the footsteps shown by a woman wearing sneakers or flip flops on a flat sole.

  • Causes of a shivering gait
  • Shoe selection. Comfortable heel
  • How to learn
  • Loyalty method
  • Accelerated method

A woman who wears shoes with heels feels more feminine, her gait becomes elegant, light and flying, and the figure takes on completely different shapes - the belly retracts, the chest rises, the legs visually become longerand slimmer. Of course, heels can harm the body, but only if they abuse and do not know how to walk properly, in another case, such shoes only emphasizes all female dignity.

Causes of a shivering gait

Surely you saw many girls who put on high heels, uncertain shaking gait on the half-bent legs trying to walk. This gait is due to the fact that the muscles are poorly developed and the legs are not able to bear such a load. Too weak calves are one of the first reasons for improper walking on heels.

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Read from what swell the legs of women and how to deal with it

Another reasonUncertain gait is a sharp change of image. If you prefer shoes with flat soles and decided to switch to more elegant shoes, then you should not immediately buy 12 cm heels. Beginners are recommended to wear a heel from 5 to 8 cm in height and it is desirable that it was not a hairpin, but a thicker and more stable heel or wedge. Over time, when you are already used to looking at the world from such a height, you can add additional centimeters, and reduce the thickness of the heel.

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Shoe selection. Comfortable Heel

One of the most important moments in the selection of shoes is its quality.

To learn how to walk on heels, you need to buy only high-quality shoes, in which you will feel comfortable.

Shoes should ideally fit in size, do not squeeze the toe or heel, the leg should not stagger in it. An inconvenient shoe on too high a heel will rub your foot, deliver a lot of discomfort and it will be difficult for you to walk in such shoes.

The larger the area of ​​the tip of the heel, the more comfortable it will be to wear shoes.

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How to learn

The optimal time for learning walking techniques is 2-3 weeks, but if you already need to elegantly walk in shoes in heels tomorrow, you can take an accelerated course of training that in a matter of hours can put you on your feet,rather, heels.

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Loyalty to

This method is suitable for those who have a couple of weeks left. For training you will need shoes with a heel height of 5 cm and the one in which you are going to further conquer the streets of your city.

For sure, for you, it will not be a novelty that experts recommend starting to walk on small heels not exceeding 5 cm in height. Firstly, this height is the average height of the foot drop, and secondly, it is suitable for daily wearing. If the heels with a similar height are absent, then they can be replaced by the following exercises: we step from the heel to the toe and fix the position of the foot on the toe, then just the same step the next foot. That's right, on your toes and walk around the house for an hour, such exercises not only compensate you for the lack of the necessary shoes, but also tighten the anchor muscles.

After these daily exercises you should pay attention and leg health. Massage your legs and feet for 10 minutes and then make a bath of St. John's wort( also you can use hot black tea) and let your feet rest for 5 minutes, this procedure will relieve fatigue and relax the muscles of your legs.

After a week and a half of such training, you can go to a higher heel, you can safely wear the shoes, which were going to shine at the event and practice for at least a few days to walk around in it to avoid rubbing your feet.

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Accelerated method

If you need to wear the right shoes tomorrow, but you are not sure of your irresistible gait, then this way is for you. First, you should work out the gait, you can do it with the help of the exercises described in the first method. When you walk on socks, do not try to copy the "model" gait. Models go for 15 cm studs and put their feet in parallel, and this way of walking in everyday life is not very convenient and traumatic. After an hour of exercise, let your feet rest, massage and a bath, and then put on shoes where you will go to the event tomorrow.

To make the gait graceful, it is necessary to walk with the book for a while, it will help you to develop a straight posture.

In addition, these exercises will help you quickly learn to walk on your heels, you will do it "on the machine", thinking about the book, not about the legs.

And finally, in order to learn the flying gait, you should step on the ground as gently as possible, and not "drive" the heel into the asphalt. Go easier, smoothly moving from the heel to the toe. By the way, the important thing in an easy walk is the right shoes, if you have bought shoes that fit your leg and with the appropriate lifting, then you will not feel the height of the heel, the shoes will seem comfortable, as if you are standing in slippers. But if on the contrary, then prepare for the fact that even long hours of training can not help you develop a "flying gait."

A good guarantee of a beautiful gait is a strong, tightened leg muscles. For a general strengthening of the muscles, there will be enough daily long walks and restorative exercises every morning or throughout the day.

Learn how to quickly distribute shoes

It is necessary and remember that high heels are contraindicated for varicose veins and other diseases of the veins, as well as for certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, it is better to give preference to low and stable heels.

  • Jun 06, 2018
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