Hemorrhoids in folk medicine, contraindications to admission

Quite often, when expensive modern medicines do not bring the desired result, people turn to folk medicine. In some cases, rather inconspicuous plants can significantly alleviate suffering, and often save. These plants include a two-year-old grass of hemlock. However, like all medicinal herbs, in addition to medical indications, it also has its contraindications.

  • Types
  • Therapeutic properties
  • Application
  • Treatment
  • Contraindications
  • With alcohol
  • Diet
  • Side effects
  • Overdose
  • In pregnancy

In appearance, the hemlock looks like a garden parsley, but it differs in an abrupt, not very pleasant smell, which can be intensified whendrying and often causes headaches( hence its name).Collect medicinal raw materials best in sunny meadows( then its healing properties are more pronounced).Approach to the hemlock is recommended from the lee side, so that his special aroma, he did not hurt the health of the collector.

For medicinal purposes, use the entire above-ground part of the hemlock( leaves, stems, inflorescences).Favorable period of harvesting raw materials - from the beginning of flowering and to the formation of seeds. In this case, you should be very careful, since all parts of the plant are very poisonous even after drying.

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Kinds of

The genus of Hemlockes combines several species: spotted, butene, round-billed, speckled, watery and others. Spotted and aquatic plant species became widespread in the central part of Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia, Turkey, China and North Africa.

Spotted spotted hedgehogs have a branchy stem, reaching about two meters in height, in the lower part of which, along with a blue touch, there are dark brownish or reddish-brown spots. Can grow on almost any soil, in any light and temperature regime, but prefers a moderate humid climate, choosing for distribution well-lit forest edges, slopes of ravines, meadows, wastelands.

Heavy water beetles( cat's parsley, omier, dusk, angelica) - the most poisonous plant, has a pleasant spicy carrot smell and taste, reminiscent of a swede or radish. In contrast to his relative has a height of not more than 1.2 meters, the stem is hollow, filled with a yellowish liquid. Prefers low swampy terrain, meadows, ditches, floods of rivers, blooms in the second half of summer.

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The healing properties of

Healing properties of the hemlock have been known since the times of Socrates and Hippocrates, and in ancient Greece it was used as an "official" poison. In the twentieth century, traditional medicine has virtually abandoned the use of this plant because of massive cases of poisoning.

Today hemlock officially included in the international list of medicinal plants, is part of many drugs intended for the treatment of sarcoma and other tumors, is recognized by homeopaths.

Healing fees from the hemlock, according to phytotherapeutists, are able to calm the pain of various origins, have an antispasmodic and active soothing effect, and cough cramps.

The plant accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, hemorrhoids, reduces high blood pressure, eliminates menstrual irregularities, strengthens the body's immune defenses. Hemlock helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines, anemia, cough, general weakness, fatigue, problems with hearing aids, headaches, with manifestations of gout, syphilis, scrofula and erysipelas. Also, hemlock is used to treat polyps, a variety of oncological tumors, both benign and malignant, with violations of the functionality of the genitourinary system.

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Application of

Use hemlock in the form of tinctures or ointments, juice, enriched grains, decoctions of dry raw materials, oil.

  • tincture is prepared from 50 grams of dry ground grass, which is poured in 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 3-4 weeks, shaking the contents from time to time. Scheme of reception: in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before a meal, 1 drop of the mixture dissolves in a glass of water and is drunk in small sips. The next day one more drop is added, bringing their quantity to 40, then one is reduced.
  • Ointment or oil is made from 50 grams of seeds( seeds in half with chopped grass), filled with 500 milliliters of olive oil. Infuse 3 weeks at room temperature. To get a thicker consistency, it is necessary to melt the beeswax in a water bath, allow it to cool to about 40 degrees, and mix with oil. Used in the form of tampons, compresses, light rubbing. With oncology, parallel application of the tincture inside and ointment is recommended externally. Another well-known prescription for ointment is: to insist the powder from the hemlock's herb on thick bee honey.
  • Candles are prepared in the same way as ointment, only more beeswax is added. To get a more therapeutic effect, you can add propolis or mummy, mushroom chagu, burdock, mistletoe, sea buckthorn, spurge. Candles are widely used in gynecology and proctology.
  • Compresses are placed in the form of moistened wipes for burns, rye, psoriasis, dermatitis, alcohol or vodka tincture - with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, arthrosis, in herb infusion - for healing wounds, with gangrene, seizures and for pain reliefsensations. With rheumatism, gout, bruises, bruises, headaches, fresh raw materials can be used. To do this, the ripped leaves are laid between the layers of gauze, scalded with boiling water and applied to the damaged area.
  • The root of the hemlock is harvested together with the root part of the stems, dried and pulverized. It is taken by a dose of 0.6 grams in combination with sugar or licorice root powder, gradually increasing to 1.2 grams for diseases or lung cancer, goiter, tuberculosis, edema, severe jaundice and other ailments.
  • Extract hemlock is prepared, as a rule, in the factory without exposure to high temperatures, does not contain alcohol and is a concentrate. It is prescribed for the same diseases as other dosage forms, but requires extreme caution and compliance with all indications for use.
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Every day in the human body a mass of cancer cells is formed, which are successfully destroyed by the immune system. Constant stresses, overstrain, adverse ecological conditions and poor-quality nutrition, the transferred diseases lead to weakening of immunity and spread in the body of cancer. The hemlock does not directly act against malignant cells, it cleanses the liver and blood, improves its formula, spurs the immune system. Strongly expressed analgesic effect of the plant helps patients in the last stages of cancer to dispense with potent narcotic drugs.

Tinctures and external products with hemlock found a mass use in gynecology for the treatment of endometriosis, polyps, cysts, cervical cancer or breast cysts, lipomas, myomas, for getting rid of syphilis, Trichomonas and other sexually transmitted diseases. To normalize the menstrual cycle, with a delay in menstruation, mastopathy and fibroadenoma of the mammary glands take hemlock in small doses for a month. The course is repeated after 2-3 months.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that requires a complex and special approach to treatment. When the amount of sugar in the blood is not reduced by drugs, patients turn to phytotherapy. Hemlock in this case is designed to purify the blood, activate the protective functions of the body and metabolism and reduce pain in the legs during an exacerbation.

A similar effect is tried to achieve with joint diseases( arthritis), musculoskeletal system, but it is desirable to combine internal reception with external applications on the pathological site.

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Hemlock is an extremely poisonous plant. The greatest concentration of poisonous substances is observed in seeds, and a person for deadly intoxication suffices only 1 gram of grass. That is why the Ministry of Health has forbidden hemlock to use and free sale, appoint it as a therapeutic component can only a doctor, and the therapy should be under its strict control.

Despite the content of poisonous alkaloids, spotted hemlock rarely causes allergic reactions, but it is not recommended to take the plant:

  • is very elderly, too weak or exhausted;
  • for infants, young children due to a fragile organism;
  • to pregnant women or nursing mothers;
  • to patients who have recently undergone surgery for the removal of a cancerous tumor( treatment is allowed not less than 2 months, provided the patient feels well);
  • to people suffering from congenital dysfunctions or chronic liver diseases.
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With alcohol

Despite the fact that tinctures made from hemlock are made on alcohol or vodka, their joint reception with alcohol is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that hemlock - the strongest poison and its removal from the body is engaged in the liver. If at that moment to add more alcohol, for the neutralization of which also corresponds to the liver, then instead of treatment can get the strongest poisoning. For the same reason, people deprived of the opportunity to be healed by people with severe hepatitis( jaundice), cirrhosis, chronic alcoholism.

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The use of hemlock must be combined with proper nutrition and a certain diet dictated by the underlying disease. Since the decay products and toxins are excreted from the body by the liver, during treatment it is better not to overload with fried, fatty, smoked food, half-finished products, fast food products, carbonated drinks. It is recommended to give preference to natural products cooked on steamed or boiled, fresh fruits and vegetables.

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Side effects of

The occurrence of side effects from taking hemlock is mainly due to overdose of the drug and consists of the occurrence of dizziness, nausea, general weakness, drowsiness, metallic taste in the mouth. If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to lower the dose taken inside.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of pancreatic cancer, which is often treated with preparations of poisonous plants such as aconite, hemlock or chag. Http://woman-l.ru/rak-podzheludochnoj-zhelezy/
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Shouldremember that the hemlock grass is the strongest poison and its overdose is very dangerous for life. The main signs of poisoning: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, profuse salivation, violation of swallowing and breathing, speech disorders, blanching of the skin. Konin, contained in the hemlock, quickly absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, causes paralysis of the nerves.

Initial nervous excitement, accompanied by convulsions, epileptic seizures and rapid heartbeat, passes into the depressed state of the central nervous system, ascending paralysis and loss of sensitivity of the lower limbs. The pupils of the victim are dilated and do not react to light, increasing suffocation is dangerous by stopping breathing.

When the first symptoms of poisoning in the patient cause vomiting, clean the intestines and call an ambulance. The main antidote is natural cow milk, slightly painted in pink color potassium permanganate( manganese).

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When pregnancy

, it is strongly recommended that you do not take hepatitis B during pregnancy, as this can damage the fetus. Another question is that this herb is not only a powerful antitumor agent, in homeopathy it is considered the main component in the fight against infertility. In alternative medicine, a large number of cases are known when women were treated with hepatitis from gynecological diseases and quickly became pregnant.

  • Jun 06, 2018
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