What a child should be able to do in 11 months

Only a month remains until the child turns a year old. This is a very important and responsible moment in his life. What should a child learn by this age, and what skills should he have? According to experts, the eleventh month of the baby should be remembered by his parents with two very important events: the first independent steps and the first conscious words. And also - consolidation and improvement of those skills that he acquired earlier.

  • Physical development
    • Physical development
    • Intellectual development
    • Emotional and social development
    • Self-service skills

    Physical development

    Normally, during the eleventh month of life, the child should gain about 400 grams and grow about 1.5 cm. Increase by about half a centimeter andits volume - the chest and head. Thus, the weight of the eleven-month-old child fluctuates within the limits of 9.5-10.5 kg, the growth is from 73 to 78 cm, the volume of the chest from 48 to 49 cm, and the head volume from 46 to 47 cm.

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    In general, for the first11 months of life, according to experts, the child should add 6800 grams to its original weight and 23.5 cm to its height at birth.

    Of course, these are very approximate standards, which can be influenced by a significant number of different factors, and parents must take them into account.

    Surely you will be interested to know that:

    • active and mobile children gain less weight, and their quiet peers - more;
    • children "artificers" gain weight more than babies who are breastfed;
    • more gain weight children who spend much of their time in the hands of parents;
    • negatively influences the weight of the child diseases, especially those accompanied by high fever.

    And, of course, the height and weight of the baby directly depend on its individual characteristics and genetic heritage, as, indeed, the schedule of teething. Usually, by the age of 11 months, the child has 6 to 8 teeth.

    Read about the development of a 10-month-old baby - http://woman-l.ru/chto-dolzhen-umet-rebyonok-v-10-mesyacev/

    Individuals are the skills of children's motor activity. So, one child in 11 months is more calm and infantile, and can sit for a long time in one place, studying new toys, their functions and structure, and the other needs constant movement and the minutes can not sit quietly. One kid loves to crawl, and the other tries to stand on legs as soon as possible. Nevertheless, there are certain standards for development.

    So, according to experts, normally an eleven-month-old child should:

    • independently raise himself and sit down;
    • actively crawl;
    • self-stand with support;
    • climb up and descend down a low ladder;
    • long and confidently sit without support;
    • walk with support( by the hand or holding on to the support);
    • try to do the first independent steps;
    • gently take two fingers with small items.

    If it seems to you that the motor activity of your eleven-month-old baby is not enough - encourage it to move! Lay out in different parts of the room at different heights his favorite toys, cardboard books with bright pictures, rattles musical instruments for babies, soft cubes and developing games for kids. Thus, you will stimulate the interest of the baby to the study of the surrounding world, and his motor activity.

    At the same time, try to ensure your child maximum safety: remove any elevations near the windows, close the sockets and hide objects with which it can be injured.

    Go down to the level of your child's eyes and look carefully, which can lead to injury. Perhaps, the tablecloth on which the dishes stand is hanging too low, and the baby can pull it down with the cutlery, or maybe the stool is too unstable and may fall when the baby tries to lean on it.

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    Also it is necessary to show at this age to the child how correctly to go down from a bed and from steps of a ladder. This will help him avoid injuries and falls, and in the future - fear of heights, because, according to psychologists, it is born at this infantile age.

    In addition, at the age of 11 months it is important for parents to teach the child to sleep, which will help him in the future to get used to the regime in kindergarten. Normally, at this age, the baby sleeps at least 10 hours at night and twice more in the afternoon - 1,5-2 hours. It is equally important at this age to teach the child to fall asleep on their own, without prolonged motion sickness. Moreover, you should not take your child with you to bed. And if before that age you practiced a joint dream, now is the time to wean the crumb from your bed, because later it will make it much more difficult.

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    Mental development of

    At the age of 11 months, the child's mental development reaches such a level that he begins to understand adults' speech and react adequately to what he has heard. Of course, his thinking is different from the thinking of an adult, but the main thing is that he now understands what he is told about, and what is happening. Therefore, right now the child is ready to utter his first conscious word. Believe me, everything you heard from your beloved child up to this point was just a collection of unconscious sounds and syllables in which you tried to catch the meaning. But only now the child, uttering his first word - "mom" or "dad", understands to whom it is drawn and what it means. Truly, this is a very exciting moment when the child, holding out his hands, says his first word addressed to you.

    No less important achievement of crumbs is its ability to generalize. Now the baby can show puppets and cars, cubes and balls. He also begins to distinguish objects in shape( balls, blocks, bricks).

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    In addition, at the age of 11 months the child must:

    • understand the conversation of parents about what is happening around and about themselves;
    • fulfill the requests and instructions of adults heard, for example: "give", "put", "bring", "take";
    • pronounce words that mimic the voices of birds and animals( "pi-pi", "av-av", etc.);
    • affirmatively or negatively shake your head;
    • waving at the moment of greeting or farewell;
    • to thank with a nod of the head;
    • purposefully and consciously perform certain actions with various objects( ringing a bell, hitting a rattle, opening a lid, etc.);
    • many times to repeat the action you like, improving in it;
    • understand the meaning of the word "impossible";
    • play in the hands and other educational games with pens and fingers;
    • self-piling turrets from cubes;
    • independently collect and disassemble pyramids from rings with wide holes;
    • add matryoshkas;
    • roll the ball;
    • play role-playing games: rock the doll, feed the little animals;
    • to pronounce their "special" words, denoting certain actions or objects( for example, "bah" - falling, "lya" - doll, etc.).

    As much as possible communicate with your child, tell him everything that you see, and everything that you do. By this you will expand his vocabulary and vision of the world. And do not skimp on the praise, because the baby is waiting for your approval. Hearing praise, he will even more eagerly repeat for you more and more new words, pleasing you with his development and skills.

    It is equally important to play with the child, because that's how he develops and learns the objects surrounding him, their purpose and functions. In addition, with each month the number of games that are available to the baby, is constantly increasing. For example, if before the child was interested in emptying boxes and boxes, shaking out all their contents, then at the age of 11 months it becomes more interesting for the child to fill various containers by picking up items according to size. He is incredibly interested to know what is appropriate. It is no less interesting for the crumb and get to the device of this or that toy, so his desire to break something is explained by his desire to know the essence of the subject.

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    Emotional and social development

    At the age of 11 months, the child is strengthened by mental differentiation. He is more active and more emotionally showing both a feeling of sympathy or preferences, as well as a feeling of antipathy. The child begins to openly refuse or protest against those toys, food or those around him who he does not like.

    The child likes to communicate with peers, but begins to choose whom he wants to play with, and with whom not.

    Eleven-month-old crumbs are increasingly using their children's babble to express their feelings and emotions, to establish contact with a new person or to try to explain what he wants at the moment. And although his babble only remotely resembles a real speech, by intonation and emotional color, one can guess what emotions and desires the child is trying to express. If you watch your little one, you will be surprised at how much he likes to experiment with his voice and to copy new sounds and words.

    And, finally, speaking about the social and emotional development of the eleven-month-old child, it is necessary to take into account the fact that at this age the kid should gradually get used to the idea of ​​finding some time without a mother. Although the child is still very attached to his parents and still clings to them at the sight of strangers, it is necessary for some time to leave him with other relatives and close people. This will help the matured baby to be absent from the mother's breast.

    The first year of the child's life and his skills - http://woman-l.ru/chto-dolzhen-umet-rebyonok-v-1-god/
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    Self-service skills

    At 11 months the child can already do quite a lotyourself. So, at this age it is necessary to teach him:

    • to use the comb;
    • wash handles;
    • to wash your face;
    • self-drinking from a cup;
    • itself is a spoon;
    • bring small light objects at the request of adults.

    You can quite teach your crumb to help you in cleaning his toys and folding them in a box.

    In addition, an eleven-month-old baby can and should be taught to dress. Let him help you during dressing - trying to put on a hat, put a pen in the sleeve, put a foot in the boot. Praise and support him in these actions, and then your baby will strive to master new skills and skills.

  • Jun 06, 2018
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