Many women try to improve the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows. But often in pursuit of the external effect, women forget about the inner state of the eyelashes, their health. As a result, they get rare fragile eyelashes that do not paint over any super expensive ink. Why is this happening, how to avoid brittleness and loss of eyelashes, and most importantly, how to strengthen them at home?
- Eyelash score
- Reasons for falling
- How to care
- Regenerating masks
Assessment of eyelash condition
Normally eyelashes are constantly updated. On average, the life expectancy of eyelashes ranges from two to three months. At the expiration of this period, new, old eyelashes fall out on the site of the old ones. This process is continuous and inconspicuous for us. So one or two dropped lashes a day - this is quite normal phenomenon, which absolutely should not bother you. But if one day you have six eyelashes and even more, and you notice that your eyelashes become rare, dull and brittle - it's time to take steps to save them.
Reasons for falling
Many factors affect the condition and health of eyelashes. This and our daily diet, and in general the way of life, and what kind of cosmetics we use.
Eyelashes can break, tarnish and fall out due to substandard cosmetics - carcasses, eye shadows, eye pencils, funds designed to remove make-up from the eyes and creams.
Similar consequences can trigger and metabolic disorders, and hormonal failure, and malnutrition. The lack of certain nutrients and vitamins can lead to deterioration of the cilia.
And also - inflammatory diseases of the eyes. In this case, you can not cope with the problem without additional examination and medical advice.
In addition to the above - this is the general state of the body: physical and emotional health. Constant stress, nervous disorders, lack of sleep and physical activity also adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes.
to the table of contents ^How to take care of
Make sure that your daily diet is rich in essential nutrients: vitamins, proteins and minerals, primarily zinc, magnesium and silicon. Be sure to eat a sufficient amount of dairy products, vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable oils.
Do not forget about walks and sports.
Do not spare money for quality hypoallergenic cosmetics. Among the huge number of proposals existing in the cosmetics market, pay attention to the means that do not irritate the skin, strengthen the eyelashes, relieve dryness and itchy eyelids. Be sure to buy a special milk, gel, two-phase liquid or cream to remove makeup. Do not use water and soap for make-up!
If you feel even the slightest discomfort after using a cosmetic product - give it up.
Try to avoid using waterproof mascara whenever possible. Such mascara is much more difficult to wash off, and as a result - eyelashes suffer again.
Never go to sleep with your eyes painted! This rule should become binding for you regardless of the circumstances.
Use special strengthening mascara and mixtures. Judging by the reviews, the following carcasses have proved themselves well:
- Secret Key So Fast Lash Expert Mascara,
- Lancome Hypnose Precious Cells Visibly,
- Sisley So Intense,
- High Impact Waterproof Mascara, Clinique,
- Colossal Volum Express Smoky Eyes, Maybelline.
For the strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows, cosmetologists advise using burdock and castor, peach and almond oils.
It is necessary to apply a droplet of oil in the evening on the cilia and eyebrows with a small comfortable soft brush, moving from the zone of growth of cilia to their tips, and in the morning to wash off the oil with warm water. And repeat this procedure for at least a few weeks, or make it regular.
to the table of contents ^Regenerating masks
Recipe 1. Mix castor oil with aloe juice and apply a mask to the cilia and eyebrows. After 20 minutes, gently wash off. For this mask, you need to use aloe leaves, cut from a plant aged no less than three years. You can add to this mixture and parsley juice, which will well soothe tired eyelids. And you can get vitamin A, which will give cilia extra food.
Recipe 2. To strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil, you can prepare another mask - with a strong broth of cones of hops. Together with the hop in its composition, you can enter and strong tea brew. The procedure of exposure is the same. Apply for 20 minutes and gently wash off.
Recipe 3. A good mask is obtained from linseed oil, in which it is necessary to add a few drops of oil from wheat sprouts and grape seed oil. Apply this mask only in a warm form for literally 10 minutes, and washed off with a swab dipped in hot water. Try not to get the mask in your eyes.
Recipe 4. A herbal mask made from a mixture of chamomile flowers, lemon balm, cornflower, birch leaves, sage and mint. Prepare the herbal tincture and soak the cotton pads in it. Close your eyes, put wet discs on your eyelids and leave for 20 minutes.