Weaving a beautiful necklace of beads

For an example we will create a necklace of classic V-shape. This form is suitable for any type of appearance and under many styles in clothing. A successfully matched color range of beads and decoration themes will only emphasize your beauty. By the same principle, you can also make earrings and a bracelet from beads.

  • Required Materials
  • Creating a V-shaped Necklace

Materials Required

For work you will need three kinds of beads of different sizes. But, at your discretion, you can use any material. In our case, beads with acrylic, pearlescent coating, and also glass were used. You will also need a transparent thin line, ordinary wire cutters, wire, chain, pliers and nippers with rounded jaws.

Learn how to weave necklace beads from beads http://woman-l.ru/kak-plesti-zhgut-iz-bisera-svoimi-rukami/

For such work it is not necessary to take a small beads. Better use beads with a diameter of two / three millimeters. Then the formation of the V-form will not be difficult for you.

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Create V-shaped necklace

Type one glass bead, one nacreous, another glass and mother of pearl, and draw a fishing line through the first glass bead, forming the first element of the pattern. Do four / five such repetitions.

Now it is necessary to unfold the course of the necklace pattern to get V. As shown in the photo to this master class, type not one pearl bead, but two, and stretch the line through the last transparent bead. After that, start repeating the pattern, type one glass, one nacre, glass, mother of pearl and stretch the line into the glass. Make as many elements of the pattern as on the left side.

Now, to enrich the appearance of the necklace, use the third kind of beads. Here it is better to take a classic size. In our case, this is acrylic coated beads. It also fits into the overall color palette of the product. With its help, you can, as it were, trim the product around the perimeter, passing the line only through mother of pearl beads.

When sewing the same tighten the line, so that all the beads in the necklace become denser than each other. This will give the decoration a completed look and protect it from sagging.

You can attach a mother-of-pearl bead to the finished necklace for the chain, rather than the rest.

  • Jun 06, 2018
  • 54
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