The way to strengthen the facial muscles of the face and neck is called facebuilding. This is a specialized complex of activities, which combines the training of muscles of the neck and face with a massage of the facial musculature. This procedure allows you to regenerate the elasticity and simulate the face, forming a clear oval. The first mention of the technique is in the 30s. The literal translation of the word "facebuilding" means "person + construction".
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Feature of the
method The German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz was the first to discover the system. His method he developed for the famous ballerina, with whom he was friends. The aging face of a woman has significantly grown younger after strengthening the muscles with exercises. Unique in its identity system quickly found its application in different countries.
The technique of the surgeon fights not with biological enemies of facial aging, but is aimed at physical impact and restoration of the muscular framework.
Facebuilding is an alternative to plastic surgery. The method of applying the technique allows you to keep the hyperactivity and elasticity of the skin for a long time due to the training of the muscles of the face and neck.
The training complex described by Benz, consists of 21 receptions and is focused on exercises of muscles of the mouth, neck, forehead, eyebrows andeye. This is a simple set of simple manipulations, as well as a step-by-step instruction that allows a person to avoid execution errors.
When practicing facebuilding, you need to do the exact exercises, otherwise uncontrolled training will lead to the formation of new wrinkles and folds. It is recommended to perform exercises at least 5 times a week. Training should be regular, this will speed up the result, which will be visible after 2-3 weeks.
Facial gymnastics for Reinhold Benzo includes:
- Preparation - warming up the muscles of the face and neck with a massage.
- The main stage is the direct and precise execution of the set of exercises. Training is performed with the help of hands and involves dynamic and static loads on the facial musculature. It is recommended to wear gloves during manipulations, so that your fingers do not slip.
- The final stage is muscle relaxation. A light massage is suitable.
As a result of regular exercises, the facial skin will become significantly fresher, the muscles will cease to sag and gain tone, the excess fatty deposits will disappear, the chin will become distinct, the skin of the cheeks will contract, and wrinkles will smooth out.
To correct the face oval and change the relief it will take a little longer. Based on the practice, positive results will begin to appear about the second month of employment.
In our country, the follower of the fashion trend was Anastasia Burdyug, the only licensed master of facebuilding in Russia.