Bad advice

  1. You eat breakfast, lunch is stripped with a friend, and give the dinner to the enemy.
    Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was, of course, a great commander. But his knowledge in dietetics, alas, was somewhat weaker than in military art:) .I think everyone now knows that the optimal ratio of the volume and caloric content of food with three meals a day is: breakfast - 30-35%, lunch - 40-45% and dinner - 25% of the daily ration.
  2. Raw fruits and vegetables are always useful, and there are them you can at least when and how much.
    Yes, raw fruits and vegetables are certainly useful, but not always and not in any quantities. Firstly, there are people, although there are a few, the organism of which poorly absorbs raw fiber. They even a small amount of raw vegetables and fruits can cause bloating, heartburn, diarrhea. Secondly, cooked vegetables and fruits should also be consumed, and the optimal ratio of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits to a healthy person is about 2: 3.Thirdly, the real use of raw vegetables and fruits brings only to an empty stomach, more precisely - as the first( or, as they say, zero) dish or in between meals. To eat raw fruits and vegetables immediately after eating, for dessert, is more harmful than beneficial: they cause decay and fermentation in the intestines. We also add that in most people the digestive system absorbs vegetables and fruits, which are typical for the area where people were born and raised, and much worse cope with overseas delicacies.
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  3. Completely eliminate fats from the diet - from them get fat and in general they are harmful.
    Yes, excessive consumption of fats is harmful. Excess fat really turns into fat stores, causes the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, etc.etc. .. But - it is just the excess! Fats are necessary for our body in the amount, on average for an adult, 70-100 grams per day( recently published a number of works by highly respected dieticians, in which the lower figures are justified - 30-50 grams per day.such level it is necessary to control the composition of the consumed fats in order to prevent the occurrence of a deficiency of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  4. Eat more vegetable oil - it does not get fat. Completely replace with vegetable oil animal fats.
    In fact, the caloric content of vegetable oil is much higher than that of creamy oil. If in most varieties of butter the fat content is about 70-75%, in sour cream - 10-30%, then almost in all varieties of vegetable - 99 or even 99.9%.And vegetable fats are stored in our fat stores at least as good as animal fats. Cholesterol, animal oils really contain much more than vegetable oils, but if the total intake of fats is not excessive, then one can not be afraid of its deposition on the walls of the vessels. Cholesterol, by the way, is also necessary for the normal functioning of our body, and harm is only from an excessive amount of it."Classic" recommendation - from 70-100 grams of fats consumed per day for vegetable oils should account for 25-30 grams.
  5. Eat light oils - they are extremely useful.
    This from morning to night assure us from the TV screens. But this is not true! Butter substitutes - so-called light or ultra-light oils - are made mainly from vegetable fats, but during processing they are subjected to a special treatment, so-called hydrogenation, so that they remain solid at room temperature. Independent studies found that hydrogenated vegetable fats for the body are even more harmful than animal fats. In addition, the fat content of these light / ultralight oils is 60-75%, that is almost equal to the fat content of butter. And where is the lightness / super-lightness? !
  6. Do not eat sweet before eating - you will lose your appetite.
    That's right. You lose. If not completely, it is very noticeable. But is this bad?:) For most people, the problem of excess weight is much more urgent now than its shortage. And eaten before eating a piece of chocolate or a spoon of honey will help to mute the feeling of hunger and thereby avoid overeating. Especially if you are really very hungry, say, missed the previous meal.
  7. Soups should be eaten at least once a day. Whoever does not eat soup will get a stomach ulcer.
    More than controversial statement. Statistics have not yet revealed the slightest connection between consumption / loss of soups and the occurrence of a stomach ulcer( and other diseases of the digestive tract).Yes, a good soup made from healthy, natural foods is good food. But from the same products, cooked in another way, say, in the form of vegetable stew, the benefits are likely to be no less. In addition, soups, like any other liquid, soaking right before meals or during it, dilute the gastric juice, which makes it difficult and slows digestion. Really useful soups only in the event that on the second you are going to eat something quite dry.
  8. Carbonated drinks well quench your thirst. Particularly chilled.
    Nothing like that. Never noticed that after a soda very soon you want to drink again? Especially after the one in which "dietary" sweeteners are used instead of sugar. Carbon dioxide, contained in soda, cools the mouth, esophagus and stomach, creating the illusion of quenching thirst, which( illusion), however, very quickly passes. In this case, carbon dioxide makes it difficult to absorb water in the stomach, can cause heartburn, bloating, belching. And how many in sodas, especially modern fashionable and untwisted brands, dyes and other chemicals? Read on the label its composition( usually it is written in the smallest letters, which it is almost impossible to discern, and very often with a completely uncontractive font color, for example black on dark green. Apparently, specially so that no one reads) - I think you will come tohorror. .. Best warm water quenches thirst - simple or table( slightly mineralized) mineral. It is faster than any other beverage absorbed in the upper parts of the digestive tract and compensates for the loss of fluid( and mineral - and salts).Cold drinks are absorbed more slowly.
  9. You need to drink after eating.
    To drink tea( coffee, compote, mors. ..) right after eating - is, perhaps, the most common of all "bad habits" of eating. During and immediately after a meal, do not drink! Except when you eat very dry food - it is washed down with small sips, a small amount of water is possible and even necessary. Liquid, while soaking during and immediately after eating, dilutes saliva and gastric juice, reduces the concentration of digestive enzymes in them, which, in turn, slows down and makes digestion difficult. Drink recommended at least half an hour before meals and not earlier than an hour after eating.

There are several common misconceptions about eating rules. And very common, which is followed by almost the vast majority of people. And they cause serious damage to their health. Read, well remember these harmful advice and never follow them!

Classic Power Rules
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