List of effective pharmacy teas for weight loss

In the struggle for an ideal body, all means are good. Not only sports and proper nutrition can bring mites to the achievement of the goal. The market is full of all kinds of regulators of appetite, fat burners and other additives, a special place among which is occupied by teas. Below is the top tool, compiled on the basis of feedback from consumers in the CIS countries.

  • Kankuro
  • Kudin
  • Leovit
  • Flying swallow
  • Monastirskiy
  • Pak starter
  • Pei and hudey( Drink & Get Slim)
  • Typhoon
  • Tibetan
  • Turboslim( Turboslim)
  • Helba
  • Weight Loss per week
  • Young waist


grassytea "Kankura" is known in Russia since the 90s of the XX century. The composition of tea includes medicinal herbs, including, Alexandria leaf, petals of chrysanthemum. Tea provides a powerful laxative effect. Recommended for use during constipation or after a lavish feast.

Application: brew 1 tablespoon of tea for 20 minutes and drink. Apply once a day, in the evening after eating. The period of admission is 2-3 weeks.

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Result: weight loss to 3-4 kilograms, cleansing of the intestinal tract, release from constipation.

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A green tea drink from China is made from holly leaves. Drink is used in medicine as a tonic, antibacterial agent that increases immunity and harmonizing pressure. Brewed as a regular tea, a bit bitter taste.

Usage: after meals 3-4 times a week. You can eat for life.

Result: reduces appetite, improves digestion, boosts the immune system, gradually normalizes weight.
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Leovit produces a line of active additives, beverages and bars for weight loss and health maintenance. The most popular tea for weight loss in the "Leovit" line is the "Fat Burning Complex".

Learn also about Puer tea application for beauty and health

Application: 1-2 times a day for 8 weeks.

Result: weight loss to 8 kilograms, a decrease in appetite, getting rid of toxins and harmful substances, normalization of the esophagus.
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Flying Swallow

Chinese tea "Flying Yan" is a biological addition to food, which causes a laxative effect. The composition includes several types of green tea, along with pieces of fruit.

Application: 1 time per day in the evening after a meal. Take for 5 weeks, every week doing a five-day break.

Result: gradual weight loss, getting rid of constipation.
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Monastic tea does not contain chemicals, only collection of natural herbs: fennel, lime, senna, elder, dandelion, chamomile and mint.

Application: use brewed tea 3-4 times a day before meals for a month.

Result: weight loss of 3-4 kilograms per month, improved metabolism, fat burning.
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Pak Starter

The drug is a biological supplement in the form of a set of liquid and capsules for ingestion. The composition includes extracts and infusions of natural herbs.

Application: 1 time a day, take a diluted water bottle and at night take 2 capsules after eating. The course lasts for 10 days.

Result: reduction in body weight, removal of toxins from the body, fat burning.
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Drink & Get-Slim

Tea "Drink and Thin" consists of herbs and is suitable as an additive to food for people who control their weight.

Application: drink half the glass 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

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Result: weight loss of up to 2 kilograms, decreased appetite, improved metabolism.
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Is a biological supplement to food and has a laxative and diuretic effect. The main ingredient of tea is the lotus petals. Tea is sold as loose, and in bags.

Application: 2 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

Result: weight loss to 5 kilograms, getting rid of toxins and toxins, getting rid of swelling.
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Tibetan tea improves blood, relieves swelling, improves immunity, because it weakens during weight loss and diets.

Application: 2 times a day after meals for 30-45 days.

Result: weight loss by 8-10%, increased immunity, body cleansing.
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) This is the widest line of slimming drinks in Russia. There are coffee, teas and preparations for consumption at night and for consumption by day. Drinks have a mild laxative effect and contribute to the blocking of calories.

Application: Nighttime Turboslim is used once a day during dinner for a month.

Daytime Turboslim - 1 time per day during breakfast or lunch for a month.

Coffee - once a day in the morning for a month.

Tea - 2 times a day in the afternoon for a month.

After a month's course, you need to take a week break.

Result: weight loss to 3-5 kilograms, burning calories, improving metabolism.
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Yellow tea "Helba" from Egypt not only promotes weight loss, but also heals the whole body. With this tea, you can reduce weight in the shortest possible time. One of the ingredients of the drink is the seeds of the shamballa plant.

Application: 3 times a day after meals for 6 weeks.

Result: rapid weight loss of up to 8-10 kilograms for 6 weeks, strengthening the whole body, increasing immunity, treating "female" problems.
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Lose weight for a week

Ruler "Lose weight for a week" is a set for literate weight loss, which includes products and preparations for a diet. In the line there is a choice of drinks that purify the body, burn fat and extra calories, restore the body's immune system. You can choose your individual course in order to lose weight in minimum terms without harm to health.

Application: 3 times a day for 10 days( more detailed instructions in the package).

Result: decrease in body weight by 5 kilograms, improvement of well-being, harmonization of metabolism.
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Young waist

Herbal tea "Young waist" has a pleasant taste, discourages cravings for sweet and plentiful nutrition, reduces appetite. It includes fruits, spices, herbs.

Application: 2 times a day for 2 months.

Result: reduces weight to 5 kilograms, normalizes pressure, reduces cravings for sweets and flour.
  • Jun 06, 2018
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