- Sugar. This product contains fast-digestible carbohydrates and is characterized by high energy value. Sugar has no biological significance for humans, and its excessive consumption leads to the appearance of caries and the development of obesity.
Product Name GI Proteins( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Brown sugar 70 - - 98.63 389.33 Refined sugar 75 - - 99, 9 400 Beet sugar 75 - - 99,9 399 Malt sugar( maltose) 70 - - 95,3 362 - Confectionery products. Cakes, eclairs, biscuits, waffles and other confectionery products include simple carbohydrates, which charge the human body with energy, and also improve their mood. The systematic use of confectionery provokes the development of diabetes, GI and obesity.
Product Name GI Fibers( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Halva 70 11.6 29.7 54 516.2 Dry biscuits 70 7.4 9.4 73,1 407 Wafers 75 3,2 2,8 81,1 342,1 Screwdriver 70 7.3 14.7 66.2 417 Sponge cake 70 5.9 0.8 56.3 258 Donuts 85 6.4 22.8 43.1 403 Zephyr 65 0,8 0,1 79,8 326 Jam 70 0,4 0,3 68,2 254 - Potatoes. The composition of raw potatoes includes vitamins B, carotene, magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid. Potato is also rich in starch, which is poorly digested and characterized by high caloric content. Heat-treated potatoes are not a dietary dish and contain "empty" calories.
Product name GI Proteins( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Roasted potatoes 95 2,8 9,5 23,4 192 Potato casserole 90 3 53 16,6 128 Potato boiledin uniforms 65 2,4 0,4 11,5 82 - Fig. This product is used in dietary nutrition, since it does not contain cholesterol and is a good source of carbohydrates. Nutritionists are not advised to consume large amounts of purified white rice. Its excess in the daily menu of a person leads to the development of diseases of the organs of the circulatory system and diabetes mellitus. It is most rational to use brown or unpolished rice for preparing dishes.
Product Name GOP Proteins( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kcal) rice porridge viscous water 70 1.5 0.1 17.4 78 Boiled rice brown 55 22 0,2 0,2 21,9 101 Boiled rice polished 70 2,4 0,2 24,9 113 Rice pudding 85 2,95 3 22 127 Rice milk 85 1,2 0,8 10 52 Rice flour 95 5.95 1.42 77.73 366 Rice noodles 75 3.44 0.56 81.64 364 - Corn flakes. The composition of corn flakes includes a large percentage of carbohydrates, as well as preservatives, which "clog up" our body with harmful compounds. Regular use of corn flakes in combination with sugar syrup, honey or yogurt increases the body weight of a person and leads to obesity.
Product Name GI Proteins( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Corn flakes 85 9 1 81 379 Corn cereals 70 8.3 1,2 71 328 Corn syrup 116 - - 77.59 286 Mamaliga 70 2 1 21 92 - Chocolate. This product is not only a delicious treat, but also a natural remedy. With it, you can increase the number of blood cells, as well as prevent the development of senile dementia in old age. Nutritionists advise to use a day not more than 25 g of chocolate.
Product Name GI Fibers( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Chocolate bitter 25 5.4 35.3 52.6 540 Milk Chocolate 35 6.9 35,7 52.4 550 Chocolate Eggs "Kinder Surprise" 35 8,6 35,5 52,6 564 White chocolate 38 4.2 30.4 62,2 541 Chocolate bar 75 13.51 21.39 45,84 492,7 - Fruits and berries. These products are a natural source of easily assimilated simple carbohydrates. They include valuable and indispensable vitamins and minerals for the human body.
Product Name GI Proteins( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Pineapple 65 0.4 0.2 11.5 49 Bananas 60 1,5 0,1 21 89 Dates 146 2 0,5 72,3 306 Raisins 65 1,8 - 66 271 Watermelon 72 0,7 0,2 8,8 40 Melon 60 0,6 - 9,1 39 Persimmon 55 0,5 0,3 13,5 55 Mango 55 0,5 - 13,2 67 - Honey natural. Honey contains glucose and fructose. These simple carbohydrates provide the human body with powerful energy feeding. Honey in the body is fully absorbed. It is not recommended to use people who are prone to allergies.
Product Name GI Fibers( g) Fats( g) Carbohydrates( g) Calories( kCal) Lime honey 60 0.3 - 82.4 304 Buckwheat honey 60 0.51 - 76,77 301 Rapeseed honey 65 0,8 - 81,5 309 - Carbonated drinks. The composition of the soda includes sugar, flavors and acids. Regular use of such drinks leads to obesity, diabetes, destruction of tooth enamel and development of cancer.
Product Name GI Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Calories "Sosa-Sola" 70 - - 10,6 42 "Fanta" 70 - - 11,7 47 "Sprite" 70 - - 10,2 42
Carbohydrates are important components of nutrition. Thanks to their splitting, the human body receives about 57% of the energy. The daily norm of carbohydrates is 500 g. All carbohydrates are classified into simple and complex. The group of simple carbohydrates include monosaccharides and disaccharides.
- Human monosaccharide value
- Human disaccharide value
- Simple carbohydrates in human nutrition
- List of products with simple carbohydrates
- Excess simple carbohydrates in the body
Monosaccharide value for human
Monosaccharides include easily digestible and highly soluble organic compounds that have a sweettaste. Important monosaccharides for humans are:
- glucose;
- fructose;
- galactose.
In humans 80% of monosaccharides are glucose, which is considered an indispensable source of energy. Glucose is rich in fruit juices and berries.
It regulates metabolic processes and activates the work:
- of brain cells;
- of erythrocytes;
- of muscle cells.
In order for the human nervous system to function fully, the glucose in the blood should be 3.3-5.5 mmol / l. Glucose is also involved in the synthesis of glycogen, nucleic acids, amino acids, lipids and enzymes.
Berries, fruits and bees are rich in fructose. This monosaccharide:
- nourishes the brain cells;
- is involved in the synthesis of glycogen;
- regulates blood sugar levels;
- activates the work of the musculature.
Up to 80% of fructose is retained in the human liver and converted to glycogen. Fructose is digested in the intestine slowly, and does not change the level of sugar in the blood. This property of fructose is important for the nutrition of people who suffer from diabetic diseases.
Galactose is not found in foods, as it is a product of the breakdown of carbohydrate milk - lactose. In the human liver, galactose is broken down to glucose.
to table of contents ^Value of disaccharides for human
The following organic substances are classified as disaccharides:
- sucrose;
- lactose;
- maltose.
These compounds are easily digestible sugars, which are inferior to monosaccharides for solubility and sweetness.
Saccharose is rich in cane juice, melons, fruits, vegetables. In refined sugar 99,75% of sucrose is concentrated. In the body, the disaccharide, which is contained in reed and fresh beet juice, quickly decomposes into monosaccharides. Functions of sucrose in the human body are identical to those of glucose.
Lactose is the main carbohydrate of dairy products. In the human gastrointestinal tract, this disaccharide under the action of enzymes is split into galactose and glucose.
Maltose is an intermediate compound of glycogen and starch. In the body, maltose is converted into glucose. A large percentage of maltose is found in natural honey, malt extract and beer.
to contents ^Simple carbohydrates in human nutrition
Nutritionists recommend foods that contain simple carbohydrates, included in the menu as rarely as possible. Such food is characterized by:
- low in fiber;
- high glycemic index;
- by the presence of "empty" calories, which are transformed into fatty deposits.
Nutritionists advise foods with simple carbohydrates to consume after exercise. Simple carbohydrates will quickly restore the necessary level of muscle glycogen and replenish the energy spent. Rationally, after physical exertion, eat dishes that include rice and banana.
to contents ^List of products with simple carbohydrates
to contents ^Excess simple carbohydrates in the body
Excessive intake of simple carbohydrates increases the fat production process and leads to the following disorders:
- increased cholesterol;
- increase in the number of putrefactive microorganisms in the intestine;
- development of meteorisms.
Excess simple carbohydrates increase the risk of obesity and diabetes.