The frequent use of disinfectants for oral and dental care invariably leads to the destruction of not only putrefactive microorganisms, but also useful for the metabolism of bacterial cells.
The use of probiotics with BLIS K12 eliminates bad odors, as it normalizes the healthy microflora of mucous membranes lining the oral cavity, nose, pharynx, prevents the formation of inflammatory processes. How to properly use them for their intended purpose? We answer.
Contents of
What is the probiotics
It is known that multiple abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and lung diseases, imbalance of the hormonal system can serve as the causes of disgusting odors. And also inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, larynx and hearing organs. For treatment, various antibiotics and other antiseptic drugs are usually prescribed against odor from the mouth.
Meanwhile, along with pathogens, drugs destroy useful, extremely necessary bacteria.
For the restoration of a healthy microflora, probiotics are used - living strains of bacteria.
What benefit do they bring to people:
- destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
- activate immune defense;
- promote the regeneration of mucosal tissues damaged by infections;
- normalizes the metabolism of cells;
- restores the necessary balance of beneficial microorganisms and fluids;
- prevent the degeneration of cells into malignant formations;
- prevents allergic reactivity;
- relieves toxins produced by pathogens that provoke bad smells.
Probiotics for the oral cavity and throat with BLIS K12 and others are not addictive, and in recommended norms do not harm the body, therefore their use is permissible even for persons with weakened immunity.
The probiotic BLIS K12
appeared More than 30 years in a row, Professor John Tugg( New Zealand) examined the invention of the formula of the drug BLIS K12 strain, capable of destroying putrefactive bacteria that are uncontrolled in the nasopharyngeal cavity.
Studies have been a complete success: many drugs based on BLIS K12 allow not only to get rid of an unpleasant odor, but also to prevent the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract due to the cessation of the vital activity of pathogens.
The mechanism of action of living beneficial strains is as follows: after taking the drugs in the body, two unique antimicrobial forms of proteins are naturally produced: salivaricins A and B of the streptococcus Salivarius.
They produce protective enzymes that contribute to the destruction of bacteria that cause the formation of tartar, as well as caries. Compete with pathogenic microorganisms, reducing their number as much as possible. Lantibiotics form bacteriocins, which protect the body from pathogenic bacteria.
The use of probiotics helps to stop the release of disgusting aromas during exhalation, as well as to reduce the chemotherapeutic drug load in the treatment and prevention of angina, sinusitis, adenoids and other inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.
Probiotic effectiveness
Taking into account numerous microbiological checks by physicians, the expediency of using in the following situations was revealed:
- for prevention and elimination of dysbiosis in the organs of the nasopharynx and oral cavity for people who underwent antimicrobial therapy for purulent sore throats, adenoids, rhinitis, otitis;
- for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic diseases;
- for fresh breath;
- for the prevention of dental diseases;
- for protecting tooth enamel from damage.
Reducing the number of pathogenic flora allows to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the respiratory and gastrointestinal organs in the descending line, therefore probiotics are recognized as very effective for the prevention of many different pathologies of the internal organs of man.
Safety of probiotics
The harmlessness of using probiotics when used correctly is due to the following factors:
- Absence of man's addiction to ingredients.
- Cross-reactive hyperresponsiveness and hypersensitivity are excluded.
- No resistance to pathogens has been identified.
- Drugs are not toxic.
- Adverse events with the use of dietary supplements are very rare, because they are not medicines. In some cases, the individual intolerance of the ingredients added to the strain produces a rash.
Unlike many chemical synthesized medicinal antimicrobials, BLIS K12 does not adversely affect blood composition, therefore it does not allow pathological degeneration of body cells.
Tablets from odor from the mouth with BLIS K12
The most effective Russian drug with the probiotics complex Streptococcus is Lorent. As part of chewing tablets for children and adults, BLIS K12 strains, as well as 5 kinds of lactobacilli, natural saccharides, as well as flavorings of natural origin.
- recovery of the balance of beneficial bacteria;
- prevention of fetid odors;
- disinfection of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx.
Other popular tablets in the world containing BLIS K12:
- Bio Bliss( Israel);
- OralBiotic( Now Foods);
- PRO-Dental( Hyperbiotics);
- Bacto Bliss( Ukraine);
- Life Extension;
- Ear throat nose( Nature's Plus);
- NatureWise;
- BioGaia;
- Dental Care.
These tablets are characterized by pleasant taste qualities, activate the revival of useful streptococci. Due to the unique composition of BLIS K12 increase immunity, ensure fresh breath.
Other probiotics from halitosis
If the causes of unpleasant breathing are associated with gastrointestinal diseases, physicians recommend using drugs that normalize the microflora of the stomach, intestines. For this purpose, the following capsules are prescribed, tablets containing lactobacilli, propionic acid bacteria, natural vitamins, minerals:
- Acidophilus;
- Santa Rus B;
- Unibacter;
- Complex Pro;
- Vetom;
- Isi Klins;
- Green food;
- Bifidorm;
- Linex.
All these food complexes with living microorganisms contribute to the improvement of the assimilation of products, create unfavorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Bioadditives are produced not only in chewable tablets, but also in powders, capsules, liquid solutions. To improve breathing, any form of probiotics is suitable.
Kinds of probiotics
Useful supplements can contain strains of streptobacteria, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and yeast fungi. Depending on the composition, the following types are distinguished:
- Monocomponent .With one living form of microorganisms.
- Two-component or more( combined) .With several types of strains.
- Sorbed .Adhered to preparations of activated carbon.
All of them contribute to the exclusion of the formation and release of unpleasant smelling air during exhalation, relieve dysbiosis, as well as other diseases. However, multicomponent drugs contain different types of strains that improve the effect of each other, so they are more useful in toxic poisoning, as well as after prolonged use of antibiotics.
Advantages and disadvantages of
If, in general, the problem of bad breath is considered, there are significant advantages in using probiotics.
Unlikem probiotics other tablets of bad breath are composed of synthetic antibacterial drug, affecting the health of the liver, impairing blood composition. As well as ingredients that reduce immunity by suppressing the vital activity of not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial bacteria.
In addition, some tablets without BLIS K12, as well as lactobacilli, relieve symptoms of foul-smelling breathing only for a short time, without proper restoration of the mucous GIT, nasopharynx, mouth.
Features of the use of probiotics
The dosage of consumption in treatment is determined only by the doctor, however the usual preventive norms of drugs with BLIS K12 are 1 to 2 per day. And with intestinal bacteria and fungi up to 4 times a day.
How to properly take the drug to get rid of halitosis:
- Must not interrupt the course, not from time to time.
- Improved breathing usually occurs after 5 to 10 days.
- Duration of use: from 14 to 60 days. After that, a break is appointed( approximately 30 days), then the probiotic intake is renewed as necessary.
- Usage method: on an empty stomach, with water. Either an hour after eating.
- An important condition for the treatment of the body with the help of bioadditives is the observance of a diet that excludes excessively fatty foods, as well as smoked and canned food and alcohol.
The drug should be taken only following the instructions and recommendations of doctors, since in some cases the contraindication is children's age, pregnancy, lactation, or oncological diseases.
Special instructions
In some cases, you can get rid of odors only with complex medical treatment under the supervision of doctors.
Despite the safety of additives, uncontrolled use of any probiotics is harmful, from the increase in dosage the opposite effect may begin: a significant deterioration of the body's immune defense.
At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, the medication should be discontinued.
In conclusion
The main advantages of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances( BLIS K12) and other probiotics, in contrast to bactericidal preparations - complete safety for internal organs, as well as hormonal and nervous system.
That's why they occupy the leading place in the world for oral health and respiratory diseases prevention, as well as digestive system.
You can permanently get rid of the fetid breath odors when using drugs containing BLIS K12 and other living beneficial microorganisms, however, before using, you need to undergo a diagnosis: to determine the true causes and etiology of the disease causing the pathology. According to the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary supplements, which will be beneficial, and will not cause harm.