The round shape of the face is one of the most common among the fair sex. As a rule, women with this type look young and cute regardless of age. At the same time, they must know exactly how to adjust its shape if necessary. The easiest way is to find the right hairstyle.
- Features of the hairstyles
- Short haircuts
- Medium length hair
- Long curls
Features of the hairstyles
The round face is characterized by the same length of vertical and horizontal lines drawn through the middle. Actions to correct the face should be aimed at giving it a more elongated shape, distracting attention from rounded and plump cheeks.
In order to emphasize the merits of a round face, the following principles should be adhered to: 1. The
- styling should be characterized by a voluminous top, covered with cheeks and cheekbones, vertical lines;
- fit ragged and asymmetrical hairstyles, oblique parting, long bangs to the middle of the forehead or side;
- will harmoniously look the hair up to the shoulders and long;
- ears must be covered with hair;
- waves in the styling should be soft. Well if they start from the line of the chin and do not frame the face.
Stylists recommend round-faced wearers to avoid:
- bulk bangs that only accentuate the width of the face;
- too rounded lines - curls and very pronounced curls. If the hair should be curled, it is better to do this only on the tips of long enough hair;
- sharp and straight lines near cheekbones and cheeks that will give a width;
- any horizontal lines in hairstyles;
- small chemical perm.
Short haircuts
Hairstyles based on short haircuts will suit almost all owners of a round face. The only exception is tall girls.
Chubby girls are great options for multi-layer packing. Among them, one should distinguish a cascade, a torn haircut and simply carelessly laid strands. The main condition - the length of the hair should be below the chin and covered cheeks.
The possessor of a round face is most likely a bean with elongated front locks and raised hair on the crown, length - below the chin level. And no curling and curls.
It will look good with a square with an open forehead and a pixie.
By the way, the main condition for the "hairstyle" is the creation of a volume from above, and its absence in the area of the temples and cheeks. In this case, the hair on the vertex can be raised and give them splendor.
Medium-length hair
Haircuts on medium-length hair will allow you to experiment with various styling options. One of the main conditions - profiled ends, slightly narrowing downwards.
Wonderful on medium hair will look graded haircuts, in which the longest strands frame the face and slightly shorten from the chin to the shoulders. Short hair on the crown will add this necessary volume to this hairstyle.
Stair steps that do not create sharp jumps in the face will do.
Stylists recommend the owner of a round face an elongated bean, but the hair in front of the face should be considerably longer than the back.
Long curls
The first optimal option - long loose hair with asymmetrical strands and oblique cut. An excellent choice - cutting the cascade with or without the oblique bangs.
The second option - ringlets from the chin. This styling harmonizes the areas of the face.
The third option - collected hair. Evening and wedding styling for a round face must necessarily be high. For example, it can be a free pony tail with a high fleece in the front of the head
or a three-dimensional hairdo.
Such laying can be supplemented with a slanting bang slightly covering the face and cheeks.