Treatment of urticaria in children and adults at home

Traditional methods of treatment often help out when there is no possibility to visit a doctor. Some diseases can not be cured at home, but in the case of urticaria - an allergic skin disease that manifests an itchy eruption - unpleasant sensations of burning can be quickly eliminated without medical assistance.

  • Symptoms and causes
  • Types
  • Treatment
  • Diet
  • In children
  • In pregnant and lactating mothers
  • Treatment with folk remedies

Symptoms and causes

Hives are rashes in the form of blisters of red or pink appearing on the skin and on the membranesmucous membranes. Reaching in the size of a few centimeters, the blisters have distinct shapes, rise above the surface of the skin and can occur sporadically or in large numbers. Delivering discomfort with severe itching and burning, they disappear without a trace within 24 hours.

The nature of this disease in some cases can not even explain the physicians. A significant amount of histamine is released into the blood because of increased permeability of the capillaries and their simultaneous expansion.

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The most common cause of urticaria is an allergy to food, medicine, household chemicals. Often, rashes in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, infectious and endocrine diseases, when a person interacts with plants or insects.

Urticaria can be stimulated by sports training, strong emotional shock, water procedures in dirty or chlorinated water, stay in direct sunlight, in cold wind. Affects this disease and people whose skin is excessively sensitive - when wearing tight clothing, narrow shoes, from the strap of the bag.

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Types of

There are spontaneous, physical and specific types of hives.

Spontaneous urticaria appears without apparent direct exposure and is of the following subspecies:

  • acute( up to 6 weeks);
  • chronic( over 6 weeks).

Physical urticaria is caused by various physical effects:

  • dermographic - from light scratches on the skin;
  • slowed by pressure - from squeezing the skin( for example, when sitting), manifested through time( 3 to 8 hours);
  • cold - from being in the cold air, in the water, in the wind;
  • thermal - after local heat exposure;
  • solar - from ultraviolet radiation or visible light;
  • vibration - from the effects of vibration.

Among the specific types of urticaria are:

  • cholinergic - from stresses of a physical or emotional nature, leading to an increase in body temperature;
  • adrenergic - is caused by adrenaline secreted by the body under stress;
  • contact - from the interaction of the skin with the substance-allergen( dust, animal hair, pollen of plants, metals);
  • is aquatic - from contact of the skin with water( when the allergen is formed directly in the skin of people, and water acts as a solvent for it).

Pay attention also to how the allergy to the sweet in children and adults manifests itself and how to treat it
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Becausethe cause of the disease in 90% of cases remains unclear, the main means of treatment for hives are antihistamines, which have virtually no side effects, but have a prolonged effect.

If the disease is severe, it is possible to use steroid hormones, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Hormonal therapy is associated with a variety of side effects, so it takes a short course.

Ointments are used as an additional remedy, they are usually prescribed after application of injections or tablets. However, in mild cases of the disease, the situation can be solved with the help of ointments alone. Funds are divided into hormonal( more effective) and non-hormonal( weaker, but safe).

In severe cases of urticaria with complications, for example, with the edema of Quincke( when the mucous airways swells, breathing is difficult, there is a wheezing cough), the patient is placed in a hospital where the treatment with histamin blockers and hormonal drugs is carried out, the allergen is excreted from the body with sorbents,droppers, gastric lavage.

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A carefully selected diet reduces the production of histamine. When urticaria from the diet are excluded:

  • products containing preservatives, flavors, artificial sweeteners, dyes and other chemical additives;
  • berries, vegetables and fruits of red and orange flowers, citrus;
  • oily fish and seafood, caviar;
  • fatty meat;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  • baking and confectionery;
  • honey and nuts;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • spices.

Instead of fried foods, products are cooked or baked. Allowed:

  • lean meat( skinless);
  • low-fat fish;
  • vegetable soups( meat broth is inadmissible);
  • vegetables and fruits of white and green colors;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • pasta of solid varieties and cereals of cereals( except semolina);
  • whole-grain bread and bran, biscuit biscuits;
  • vegetable( olive and sunflower) oils;
  • sugar in a limited amount( preferably fructose).

When the skin clears, the diet can gradually return the usual food.

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In children

The immune system of a child under 6 years is underdeveloped, and therefore up to 25% of children periodically encounter hives. Many drugs for children are contraindicated, so it is not recommended to treat it without consulting a doctor.

Causes of the disease and the principles of treatment for childhood urticaria are the same as in adults. However, additional recommendations for parents will be additional recommendations:

  • to cut the child's nails shortly to avoid combing the affected itchy skin areas;
  • at the time isolate the child from pets;
  • bathe the baby in cool water instead of a hot bath;
  • to reduce itching lubricate the skin with a baby cream with panthenol and similar substances.
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If the rash is accompanied by fever, nausea or vomiting, increased breathing and heart rhythm disturbances, swelling( especially on the face), you should immediately call a team of doctors.

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Pregnant and lactating mothers

A change in the hormonal background and a decrease in immunity in pregnant women sometimes lead to urticaria. Almost always it appears in the third trimester and often continues until the very birth. On the child the disease does not affect in any way, but delivers certain discomfort to the future mother( itching, nervousness, sleep disturbance).

There are often cases of urticaria after childbirth. This is caused by hormonal imbalance in the body and stress. Despite the assurances of nursing mother to suffer, it is necessary to carry out treatment.

Most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Antihistamines are able to penetrate the blood and breast milk, negatively affecting the health of the child. Categorically it is not recommended to carry out any treatment, even homeopathic and folk remedies, without the approval of a doctor.

It is important to exclude contact with all possible allergens( cosmetics, household chemicals, medical products, pets and flowering plants).Pregnant women and lactating mothers should adhere to a strict hypoallergenic diet.

If urticaria symptoms persist, treatment continues with medication. If it is necessary to use hormonal drugs, breastfeeding stops until full recovery.
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Treatment with folk remedies

A good effect in the treatment of urticaria is provided by products manufactured at home. Relieve from the constant itching and redness of the skin will help ointments and lotions:

  • Basil ointment: 10-15 fresh leaves of the plant to rinse and grind to a homogeneous paste, add a little aloe juice. Lubricate rashes several times a day. Basil leaves can alternate with leaves of sandalwood.
  • Oats from oats: 20 grams of cereals soak for 60 minutes in 200 milliliters of hot boiled water. The resulting gruel mix and leave for another 30 minutes. Apply to the skin several times a day.
  • Oatmeal ointment: mix 0.5 cups of small flakes and 0.5 cup cornstarch, add 50 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. If the ointment is dense, lightly dilute it with warm water. Lubricate the skin leaving for 15-20 minutes.
  • Ointment based on soda and water in a 3: 1 ratio. This remedy should not be used if the skin is very irritated or damaged due to scratching.
  • Seeds of nettles: 30 grams of leaves put in 0.5 liters of water, boil, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Gauze or cloth soaked in a decoction, apply to the affected areas.
  • Lotion from thyme: pour 15 grams of raw material 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, cover the container and cool. Do lotions for 10-15 minutes to reduce itching.
  • Bath with oatmeal: pour 100 grams of cereals with 2 glasses of hot water, mix and leave for 15 minutes. The resulting mass pour into a tub with cool or warm water and stir. Such baths soothe the skin very much, children can take them too.
  • Cosmetic ice from mint: in 15 grams of leaves pour 200 milliliters of boiling water, cover the container, cool and strain. Pour the infusion into molds and freeze. Mint ice is contraindicated in cold hives.
  • The affected skin can be treated with mild soap, dried and smeared with a little lemon juice. After 10 minutes, apply 1 tablespoon of honey, mixed with 1 teaspoon of shallow sea salt. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Decoctions and infusions with hives are effective not only for external treatment of the skin, but also when ingested:

  • Broth of raspberries: 100 grams of rhizomes of the plant, pour 500 milliliters of water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat and leave for 1 hour. For 100 milliliters of filtered decoction drink several times a day.
  • Infusion from the flowers of the nettle( deaf nettle): 4 teaspoons of dry raw material pour 1 cup of boiling water, wrap for 30 minutes and strain. Drink warm to 100 milliliters 4-5 times a day.
  • Yarrow infusion: 20 grams of herbs pour in 200 milliliters of boiling water, insist 45 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of alternation: 15 grams of raw material pour 150 milliliters of hot water and, when the color of the infusion becomes golden, strain. Drink 3-4 times a day.
  • Celery juice: grind the roots in a meat grinder or on a grater, squeeze, take 1-2 teaspoons before eating.
  • Infusion of celery: 2 tablespoons of ground roots into a glass of cold water, leave for 2 hours and drain. Drink 70 milliliters of infusion before meals 3 times a day.
  • Root of ayr: crushed rhizomes take 5 grams daily before going to bed, washing down with water.

If the disease has not receded after 6 weeks of treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • Mar 06, 2018
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