Japanese diet slimming and menus for 14 days

The Japanese are perhaps the most healthy and harmonious nation. And all thanks to proper nutrition. It's not for nothing that the Japanese diet is considered one of the most effective modern methods of losing weight. It allows you to quickly remove excess kilograms and normalize the metabolism, which contributes to the long-term preservation of the result. And the testimonies of the lucky ones, who lost weight by 5-9 kilograms in just 14 days, thanks to the Japanese diet, confirm this.

  • Features of the diet
  • Weight loss menu for 14 days
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
  • 8day
  • Day 9
  • Day 10
  • Day 11
  • Day 12
  • Day 13
  • Day 14
  • Exit from the
  • diet Contraindications
  • Results and reviews

Features of the

diet The main feature of the Japanesediet is a complete rejection of:

  • salt,
  • spices and spices,
  • sugar,
  • confectionery,
  • fatty piand,
  • pastry,
  • alcohol.

This is a very strict diet and the main condition for its effectiveness is the strict observance of the following rules:

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  1. Eating at the same exact time only three times a day.
  2. Dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

  3. No snacks.
  4. Use only those products and in the volume that is indicated in the diet menu.
  5. Drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean( possible mineral) water per day.

The diet in the Japanese diet is prescribed for each of the 14 days and includes consuming mainly protein foods such as:

  • eggs,
  • dairy products,
  • beef,
  • fish,
  • chicken.

Meat and fish are often used in boiled form, but if desired they can be baked, grilled or lightly fried in a frying pan with a high-quality non-stick coating with a little oil.

It is protein that is the basis of the Japanese diet. Its use in sufficient quantities allows you to maintain the body in a tonus and for 14 days to restore metabolism, and the lack of salt in the salt removes puffiness and promotes rapid weight loss.

An important factor in the positive effect of the Japanese diet on the body is the consumption of a significant amount of clean water( up to two liters per day), the first portion of which( at least a glass) is recommended to drink on an empty stomach. Also, the Japanese diet involves the use of green tea and coffee, stimulating the metabolic processes of the body. And the consumption of fruits and vegetables saturates the body with fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Read also about what to eat http://woman-l.ru/chto-edyat-vegetariancy/ vegetarians
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Menu for losing weight for 14 days

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Day 1

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee(150 milliliters).

Lunch: two hard boiled eggs, a small salad dressing( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil, one glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice( it can be replaced with one fresh tomato).

Dinner: a portion of fish( 200 grams) in boiled, baked or lightly roasted form.

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Day 2

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters) with one small fresh biscuit.

Lunch: a portion of fish( 100 grams) in boiled, baked or lightly toasted form, a small portion of salad( 200 grams) from fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

Dinner: 100 grams of boiled beef, low-fat fresh kefir( one glass).

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Day 3

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters) with one small fresh biscuit or dietary dry biscuits.

Lunch: medium-sized zucchini, cooked in a double boiler, on a grate or lightly fried in vegetable oil, one large apple.

Dinner: two hard boiled eggs, a portion of boiled beef( 200 grams), a small portion of salad( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

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Day 4

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters).

Lunch: one chicken egg( raw), three large carrots( boiled), a small portion of hard cheese( 20 grams).

Dinner: any sweet fruit( 200 grams).

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Day 5

Breakfast: a portion of salad( 200 grams) from one raw grated carrot, seasoned with lemon juice and unrefined vegetable oil.

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Lunch: a portion of fish( 500 grams) in boiled, baked or lightly toasted form, a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice( it can be replaced with one fresh tomato).

Dinner: any sweet fruit( 200 grams).

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Day 6

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters).

Lunch: a serving of chicken fillet( 500 grams) in boiled form, a small portion of salad( 200 grams) from fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil, or one raw carrot.

Dinner: a portion of salad( 200 grams) from one raw carrot, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil, two hard boiled eggs.

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Day 7

Breakfast: green, weak tea( 200 milliliters).

Lunch: a portion of boiled beef( 200 grams), any sweet fruit( 200 grams).

Dinner: a set of products to choose from in the diet menu of previous days( excluding day 3).

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8th day of

Breakfast: green loose tea( 200 milliliters).

Lunch: a serving of chicken fillet( 500 grams) in boiled form, a portion of salad from one raw carrot, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

Dinner: two hard boiled eggs, a small portion of salad( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil or from one raw carrot.

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Day 9

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters).

Lunch: a portion of fish( 400 grams) of fatty varieties in slightly roasted form, a glass of fresh tomato juice.

Dinner: any sweet fruit( 200 grams).

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10th day of

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee or green tea( 200 milliliters).

Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, three grated carrots in raw or boiled form, dressed with unrefined vegetable oil,

small portion of hard cheese( 20 grams).

Dinner: any sweet fruit( 200 grams).

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11th day of

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters) with one small fresh biscuit.

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Lunch: medium-sized squash cooked in a double boiler, on a grate or lightly fried in vegetable refined oil.

Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, two hard boiled eggs, a small salad dressing( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

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12th day of

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee( 150 milliliters) with one small fresh biscuit.

Lunch: a portion( 200 grams) of fatty fish in boiled, baked or lightly roasted form, a salad portion( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, low-fat fresh kefir( one glass).

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13th day of

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee or green tea( 200 milliliters).

Lunch: two hard boiled eggs, a small salad dressing( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil, a glass of fresh tomato juice( it can be replaced with one fresh tomato).

Dinner: a portion of fish( 200 grams) in boiled, baked or lightly roasted form.

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Day 14

Breakfast: freshly brewed black coffee or green tea( 200 milliliters).

Lunch: a portion of fish( 200 grams) in boiled, baked or lightly toasted form, a salad portion( 200 grams) of fresh cabbage, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, low-fat fresh kefir( one glass).

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Exit from the

diet The withdrawal from the Japanese diet is no less important than its strictest observance for all 14 days.

The main rules for getting out of this diet:

  1. During the week, you should eat only meals from the dietary diet for dinner.
  2. Add products that are familiar to your body gradually, in small portions, no more than one product per day and better in the first half of the day.
  3. Avoid( especially in the first three weeks after the end of the diet) eating fatty foods, sweets and smoked foods.
  4. Do not reduce the consumption of the required amount of water.
  5. Limit the intake of salt and sugar after the end of the Japanese diet.

Nutritionists say that the longer the dietary period lasts, the less stress will be on the body and the more chances you will have to consolidate the result.

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The Japanese diet is very strict and not all are capable of sustaining it. And there are categories of people to whom it is completely contraindicated.

These are:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • women in menopause;
  • children;
  • people with severe chronic diseases;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • people with kidney and liver disease;
  • people with a weak immune system,
  • people whose work is associated with constant stress, irregular working hours and heavy physical exertion;
  • allergies.
Therefore, before you begin to test your body with a Japanese diet - it is better to consult a doctor!
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Results and Feedback

The Japanese diet requires considerable effort of will and discipline. However, with its strict observance, the results really make you happy.

In just 14 days of a salt-free protein diet, its followers manage to get rid of 5 to 10 extra pounds, and with proper nutrition in the future - for a long time to keep the results.

Here's what women say about the Japanese diet:

Lyudmila, 39 years:

"For the first time I experienced the action of the Japanese diet 7 years ago. Then, thanks to the strict dietary menu, I lost 9 kg and kept weight for the next three years.2 years ago, a little relaxed, I felt that I was beginning to recover and again turned to the already tested Japanese diet. And, although it was a real feat for me, I'm happy with the result. Now I try not to succumb to temptations and to keep the result from the diet. "

Tatyana, 47 years old:

"I used the Japanese diet several times and its results have always suited me. That's just advise all women who decide on it, be sure to take a multivitamin and do not repeat the diet more than once every two years, otherwise you can significantly weaken the immunity. "

Jeanne, age 33:

"For me, an important factor in strict adherence to the Japanese diet was that my husband decided to support me and courageously ate with me absolutely not salty and unsweetened food. I am very grateful to him and proud of both of us! We really became much more slender, and tests by a strict diet have united us even more ".

Anastasia, 26 years old:

"After the Japanese diet, my diet changed radically. Now the absence of sweet and spicy food is absolutely no problem for me. I realized that healthy food, even unsalted, can also be delicious. So now I have no problems with excess weight! ".


The Japanese diet experienced six years ago, lost weight in two weeks by 9 kg. The first five days I wanted to eat, and I did not have such a special feeling of hunger. At first, it was difficult for me to eat some products without salt. For example, meat and fish I sprinkled a little with lemon juice, but vegetables without salt - it's very unpleasant, but I found a way out and started adding greens. At the end of the diet, I kept eating for a while and did not eat bread, animal fats, sweets, and smoked meats.

  • Jun 07, 2018
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