What gifts and souvenirs can you bring from Tallinn

Estonia since the Soviet times caused a pleasant yearning for Russian tourists: the country is located in the neighborhood, but at the same time is the real abroad. In addition to sightseeing and tasting of local cuisine, all visitors are interested in what souvenirs to bring from Tallinn in memory of visiting this wonderful city?

  • Knitwear
  • products made of colored glass
  • Kama
  • Pottery
  • Liqueurs
  • Canned
  • Sweets
  • Marzipans
  • Chocolate
  • Textiles
  • Amber
  • can not remove


things in the Estonian capital, you can buy the fruits of labor of local knitters. Sweaters decorated with ornaments or animal patterns, hats with horns and ears, as well as mittens, scarves. Special chic is the delicate shawls associated in the city of Haapsalu. You can buy such knitted things with national color in the market, located along the Tallinn fortress wall, as well as in souvenir shops.

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Colored glass products

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Tallinn is famous for its production of colored glass. A variety of dishes, glasses, vases, decorations for the interior - all this can be bought in the markets and souvenir shops, the most popular of which is Krabuda. If you go from the south side of Katarina Lane, you can find a number of craft shops, one of which is devoted to glass-blowing business. They will offer not only to buy the product they liked, but also to observe the process of making it.

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Kama is the oldest Estonian food that was used by primitive people who did not know how to build a fire. Kama consists of ground and roasted rye, barley, peas, oats and beans. The range of application of this kind of flour - dairy products, cereals, pastries. You can buy Kama in any supermarket.

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Ceramic products are popular in Tallinn since the Middle Ages. From ceramics, almost everything is done here: mugs, teapots, plates and other utensils, sculptures and figurines, jewelry, toys and many beautiful and funny things. Products can be both hand-painted and glazed;made in the medieval style, and in the modern. Stores such as Lumelud, Keramamicakoda and Lyukse Yala Galeri, located in the Masters' yard, can satisfy the interest of any tourist. Also known is the Halina Tilk shop, in which the local artist sells her original works of ceramics.

What gifts and souvenirs can you bring from Armenia http://woman-l.ru/podarki-i-suveniry-iz-armenii/
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"Vana Tallinn" and "Kännu Kukk" are the two most famous Tallinnliquor."Vana Tallinn" is divided into the original forty-degree liquor, "classic" - 45 degrees, and "strong" - all 50. For those who want to soak the drink there are easier options - "Chocolate Cream" and "Orange Cream" with 16 degrees of strength."Vana Tallinn" contains citrus oil, vanilla, cinnamon and rum, which gives a special exotic to cocktails made on the basis of this liqueur. It can also be added to coffee.

"Kännu Kukk", in turn, is a tart and bitter liqueur with notes of cumin and a strength of 45 degrees. He is slightly inferior to his competitor in popularity, but not in quality.

Herbal liqueurs are also on sale: Herbert, Gabriel and Urdimeister.

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Canned fish

The Tallinn port is one of the largest ports of the Baltic Sea, through which every day tons of all kinds of fish pass. A large part, which later becomes canned. Many people ask themselves the question: "What to bring from Tallinn from products"?Sprat in tomato, herring, mackerel and sardine in oil, smelt and famous Estonian sprats - all this wealth can be found in any Tallinn supermarket. It is also recommended to visit the market "Kalaturg".

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Dessert from sugar syrup and almonds is an old treat in Estonia. You can enjoy the marzipans in Old Tallinn on Pikk street in the cafe "Maiasmokk".There is also a small marzipan exhibition-store, from which hardly anyone will leave without purchases.

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The Estonian confectionery factory "Kalev" is known not only for chocolate "Kamatavel".It produces more than fifty different names of sweets, biscuits and other sweets that it sells through its branded stores. Milk chocolate "Kalev", "Linda" and "Kalevipoeg" are the leaders of sales among locals and tourists.

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Products of the Krengolmskaya Manufacture definitely will please tourists with their quality. Particularly satisfied will be those who remember "Kreenholm" in their Soviet youth. The same applies to the knitted goods of the firm "Marat".Both brands are in great demand among tourists in Tallinn.

Linen products also bring good returns to their manufacturers. Linen tablecloths, towels and napkins decorated with national ornaments and patterns, as well as bed linens and clothes made of this material are very often packed in luggage and taken away by tourists home.

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Amber from Saaremaa Island is the main raw material for making various decorations and souvenirs in Estonia. Beads, bracelets, earrings, combs for hair, mouthpieces and other pleasant trifles can become a good memorable gift. Sometimes amber products imported from Latvia and Lithuania come across. They can be bought in many souvenir shops in Old Tallinn. For the works of Estonian masters themselves, it is worth going to the store "Ny Nordic".

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Do not export

  • frozen and chilled meat and fish products;
  • items with high historical and cultural value.
  • Jun 07, 2018
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