Fir oil in folk medicine has been used by mankind for a very long time, practically every healer and healer in the medicine cabinet had this healing remedy. In our time, the use of fir oil has greatly expanded, and it is already successfully used in traditional medicine due to its rich composition and unique properties.
- Properties
- Getting
- Application
- In
- medicine in cosmetology
- Other ways
- Recipes treatment of diseases
- Cough
- wounds, cuts, third-degree burns
- bruises and fractures
- diseases nasopharynx
- Periodontal disease and dental pain
- Skin Diseases
- Diseases peripheralNervous System
- Foot Fungus
- Bowel Diseases
- Angina
- Furuncles and abscesses
- Dermatoses
- Lishay
- Hemorrhoids
- For children
- When pregnant
- Contraindications to treatment
Fir oil has bactericidal, tonic, antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic, expectorant and fortifying properties. It also has a soothing and tonic effect.
to contents ^Obtaining
Fir oil is extracted from young shoots and fir needles. In Russia, the places of large growth of fir are considered to be the Altai Territory, Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Eastern Siberia. It is there that the main amount of this money is received in the country. As for foreign countries, in North America, Asia and Europe also receive it, but only from balsamic and white fir.
Application of
Fir oil is widely used in cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine, and even in everyday life.
to contents ^In medicine
Oil is used for preventive purposes and for the treatment of diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, influenza, SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. It exerts an expectorant and soothing effect, relieves irritation. The product is rich in phytoncides and provitamins, which makes it possible to use it effectively to strengthen and enhance the defenses of the body. Its action is invaluable in hypothermia and frostbite.
Thanks to its analgesic properties, fir oil helps with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and various muscular and articular pains, moreover, the drug additionally exerts anti-edematous effect.
Also, oil is valuable for its vasoconstrictive activity and the ability to increase the contractility of the heart muscle, stimulate increased blood pressure and restore the disturbed blood circulation.
Fir oil has a favorable stimulating effect on the condition of the central nervous system, relieves stress, copes with chronic fatigue, neuroses and sleep disorders, making it more deep and calm.
In addition, the drug is used as an additional treatment for gynecological diseases( with inflammatory processes in the vagina, etc.), and urological nature( with reduced potency, prostatitis, etc.).
to contents ^In cosmetology
Fir oil for cosmetic purposes is used as a deodorizing and antiseptic agent. It is ideal for the treatment of furunculosis, pustular eruptions, acne, acne, swelling.
Healing product is indicated for excessive sweating of the feet and for the treatment of dermatoses on the feet.
Also, oil is considered effective in combating cellulite. Already 2 weeks after the start of the mask, prepared at home, the skin becomes smooth and acquires an even and beautiful color.
For the healing mask you need 4 tablespoons of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of fir oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. All components are mixed, the resulting mixture is slightly heated in a water bath and applied by massage movements to the problem areas of the body. Then massage the skin for 5-7 minutes, wrap the food wrap, put on warm clothes and lie down for 30-35 minutes under a warm blanket. After take a warm shower. Repeat treatment is recommended 2-3 times a week for 30 days.
Fir oil is also used to treat hair. It is an indispensable tool in eliminating dandruff, scalp peeling, increased secretion of sebaceous glands, because of which hair lose its volume, shine and quickly become fat. To do this, before washing your hair add 2-3 drops of oil in the usual dose of shampoo. Treatment is carried out for 14-21 days 2-3 times a week.
In addition, the oil stimulates and accelerates the growth of hair. In this case, you should apply the product in a pure form on the scalp for 1.5 hours before washing, and then rinse.
Other ways of
You can use fir oil in your home for flavoring anddisinfection of premises:
- Harmfully affects pathogenic microbes, parasites.
- Actively struggles with mold.
- Cleans air.
- For a long time refreshes the surface.
- In addition, the product is able to scare away various insects and mosquitoes, especially in summer heat.
Recipes for the treatment of diseases
To date, using fir oil, many diseases are treated. From it, a synthetic camphor is obtained, which helps in the treatment of both adults and children of the youngest age.
to table of contents ^Cough
Application of fir oil as a cough remedy is performed in several ways: by massage, ingestion, compresses, inhalations, baths.
- For massage, rub the oil in the chest and upper back, while doing light circular motions.
- For oral administration, add 5-6 milliliters of oil in any( except citrus) natural juice, put 1 teaspoon of honey, take it on an empty stomach.
- Baths can be general, sedentary or local. For a common bath, 50 milliliters of fir oil must be dissolved in water. The procedure can be no longer than 15 minutes. The sitting bath differs in that it is necessary to sit in the water, rather than lie, for 10 minutes. Local baths can be made for the hands and feet, for this, 20 milliliters of oil dissolve in a small amount of water and keep limbs there for about 10 minutes.
- Inhalation for coughing at home: take enamel dishes, pour boiling water and 3-4 drops of oil, then cover something with your head and breathe a healing steam.
Wounds, cuts, third degree burns
Small wounds, cuts are processed with fir oil to prevent the process of suppuration. You can simply treat the surface with a tool or make a compress: moisten a piece of bandage or sterile gauze in fir oil, attach it to the wound, put a waterproof film on top, for example, polyethylene, and bandage it. The dressing should be changed every 12 hours. If the area of damage is too great, then it is not recommended to treat the wound with fir oil.
Treatment of third degree burns involves the manufacture of an emulsion: mix 3/7 oils and 4/7 spermaceti. Burns should be lubricated with a ready-made emulsion 2-3 times a day.
to table of contents ^Bruises and fractures
In order for the bone to fracture to grow faster, and if the pain subsided, the tumor diminished, gently rub the fir oil into the sore spot.
to the table of contents ^Nasopharyngeal diseases
To resolve problems associated with the nasopharynx, you can do inhalations with the addition of fir oil, baths, massage, rubbing.
Effective as dry, so moist inhalation. This procedure will only take 10 minutes 3 times a day.
Also an internal oil reception helps, for example, you can add it to tea or natural juice in the amount of about 5 milliliters of oil per glass of liquid. If desired, you can mix 5 milliliters of fir oil with 30 grams of honey.
to table of contents ^Periodontal disease and toothache
In this case it is necessary to use fir oil diluted in warm water at the rate of 5 milliliters of oil per glass of water. In this mixture, dipped cotton swabs, which then attach to the gum and a sick tooth. Similar procedures need to be repeated 15-20 times. If the disease occurs in severe form, then in a few months it is recommended to take another course.
to contents ^Diseases of the skin
However, there are cases that require other methods. For example, with wet eczema it is necessary to prepare an ointment. Take 3-4 parts of fir oil and 6-7 parts of any fat, all this is mixed. Finished ointment should be treated wound up to one and a half weeks 2 times a day, if the healing of the wound progresses slowly, the course can be extended 2 times.
to the table of contents ^Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
In sciatica, radiculitis and similar problems, it is necessary to rub fir oil directly into the diseased area. The effect will be much better if you rub a sore spot before rubbing, for example, take a bath. The course of treatment implies 10-15 procedures. This technique also works when there is pain in the knees.
to contents ^Foot Fungus
To get rid of the foot fungus, you can make lotions with fir oil. They should be kept for 25 minutes. If the fungus touches the nails, it is best to lower your legs into a small bowl with this medication also for 25 minutes.
to the table of contents ^Bowel diseases
Fir oil perfectly copes with intestinal infections. The recipe for treatment is simple: 5 milliliters of oil per glass of liquid. You need to drink every 3 hours.
to table of contents ^Angina
For the treatment of angina fir oil is applied directly to the tonsils with a sterile cotton swab. Repeat manipulations every 4-6 hours. In chronic tonsillitis, you need to dig in a few drops in the nose. At the same time the sensations of discomfort and burning are quite normal, they will pass in a quarter of an hour.
to contents ^Boils and abscesses
For treatment of boils, it is necessary to prepare an ointment. It is prepared from Vishnevsky ointment( 3 parts) and fir oil( 7 parts).The necessary small amount of this mass to lay out on a sterile bandage and attach it to the wound, then bandage. Dressings should be done 2-3 times a day.
to the table of contents ^Dermatoses
An excellent effect in the treatment of dermatoses can be achieved if you combine in combining the fir oil with celandine juice. For this, you need to pass 200 grams of celandine through a meat grinder and squeeze well with gauze. After that, add 40 milliliters of fir oil to the juice and gently mix. The finished product should be lubricated with a wound 3-4 times a day.
to table of contents ^Lishay
To cure lichen, you can use another recipe. To 20 milliliters of fir oil add the juice of one lemon, 10 milliliters of vinegar, squeeze out 3-4 cloves of garlic. Carefully mixed mass should be applied to deprive 2-3 times a day, it cauterizes it.
to contents ^Hemorrhoids
Candles with fir oil in hemorrhoids combined with conservative treatment bring a quick and desirable result. For their production, you need 2 tablespoons of the drug with interfere with 2 tablespoons of beeswax and 200 grams of melted milk. All components are mixed in a water bath, cool and give the resulting mass of candles. Store in the cold and apply at bedtime for 10 days.
to table of contents ^For children
Application of fir oil in children is quite widespread:
- When a child is naughty.
- In case of restless sleep.
- To stimulate intellectual activity.
- With sore throats, colds, skin diseases.
- With reduced immunity, etc.
- For the prevention of these conditions.
To apply to children it is possible in any convenient way:
- To do inhalations at a genyantritis, a sore throat, cough.
- Hot baths for colds. If the child has caught a cold, but the body temperature is normal, it is recommended to put him before going to bed in a bathroom with hot water with the addition of 3 milliliters of fir oil for 15-20 minutes. If the body temperature has exceeded the mark of 37.2 degrees, then such baths are contraindicated.
- Drops in the rhinitis and sinusitis. It is necessary to mix 1 spoon of vegetable oil with 3 drops of fir. Bury your nose 3 times a day for 1-2 drops. Between instillation the child needs to wash out a nose a saline solution. Also, with a cold, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal mucosa with oil.
- For warts, bites, rashes, herpes on the lips, etc., it is necessary to lubricate each seal with oil.
In addition, the medicinal product can be applied to toys( provided that the child does not take them into the mouth) or to dilute a little oil in the water, then pour into an atomizer and spray in the children's room for disinfection purposes.
It is prohibited to apply fir oil to children under 3 years of age and in cases when the child:
- Seizures.
- Epileptic seizures.
- Allergic reactions.
When pregnant
Women who are expecting a child, the use of fir oil is contraindicated. It is proved that using it during pregnancy provokes a violation of embryonic development and causes kidney failure.
In the period of breastfeeding, fir oil is also prohibited for use.
to table of contents ^Contraindications to treatment
Oil is forbidden to apply in pathology of the kidneys, peptic ulcers, gastritis, as well as people with cardiovascular problems and individual intolerance.
When applying oil to the skin, prone to allergies, there may be irritation, and some species of fir can provoke bronchial spasm. In this regard, before using oil in medicine, everyday life and cosmetology, it is necessary to conduct tests for an allergic reaction.
It is also necessary to carry out an aerosol test - drop a few drops onto a cotton disc or scarf and inhale the fragrance for 2-4 minutes. After that, you should observe the general condition: if there is nausea, dizziness and confusion, then fir oil should not be used.