How to learn how to knit quickly from scratch

Sometimes looking at beautiful knitted things, you begin to dream again of learning to knit your clothes yourself. For beginners, this may seem an impossible task, but if you master the basics of mastery and progress in it gradually, you can achieve tangible results within six months.

  • Knitting needles
  • Choosing yarn
  • How to learn how to make loops
  • How to knit with a facet
  • Features of the inner surface

At the core of the skill lie not so many whales. Your success at the start will depend on the right choice of tools, yarn, mastering the starting loops and mastering the two most common types of loops: purl and facial, as well as the gradual complication of their combinations, plus the addition of new patterns.

Knitting needles

The quality of the spokes is important, which should be light, smooth and made of durable material. Traditional materials for making spokes are wood, bone, plastic and metal. Take into account the characteristics of each of them, picking the spokes to the yarn. For example, plastic and wood are often bent, although they are light and comfortable for knitting. Of fluffy fluffy yarn, it is better not to knit with wood, because fluffy yarns cling to their rough surface.

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If you are knitting light yarn, do not use aluminum, which can leave gray traces on the threads.

Steel spokes are comfortable, durable, do not bend, do not stain and do not cling to the yarn of the yarn, but their only drawback is weight, they are heavier than the other knitting needles.

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Choose yarn

The most popular materials of yarn among needlewomen are considered to be angora, mohair and acrylic. Woolen threads are comfortable in knitting, and the products from them take on a good shape, the loops are even. Products made of melange threads are beautiful. In the choice of yarn, refer to the product selected in the magazine and the recommendations referred to it.

Read about the technique of knitting socks with knitting needles for beginners

For beginners it is desirable to learn how to understand the types of yarn, carefully study the label on the packaging and the composition of the yarn. On the labels of high-quality yarn, the manufacturer indicates the desired size of the spokes for the yarn, the thread consumption and the estimated density of knitting. Note that knitwear has the property of stretching after washing and getting bigger. When choosing knitting needles and yarn, tie a 10x10 sample to the test to make sure the selection is correct. When the means for knitting are selected and purchased, you can proceed to the stage of learning knitting skills. At the heart of any knitted fabric lie loops, which form the whole product.

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How to learn how to make loops

Fold the two spokes together.

Separating from the skein a long thread, cross it one time around the thumb and the same thread around the index finger. The end of the thread loops, which is located on the thumb, in this case must ultimately lie in the palm, and the end of the thread loops with the index finger must go outside, skirting the middle finger and ring and then go into the palm of your hand, lying on the inner surface of the little finger. We have one eyelet on the thumb and a loop on the index finger.

Hold the two spokes pressed together, pick up the loop from the thumb, then without removing this loop, grab the eyelet from the index finger and pull the loop from the index finger through the thumb loop.

The first loop that appears on the spokes, tighten with your thumb.

Then continue to create loops in the same way, one after another. Such loops are called air or starting. Having formed a number of loops, gently pull one spoke and get ready for knitting with two spokes. The basic loops in the construction of any pattern on the canvas are facial loops and purl. Having mastered the surface of the surface and purl, you will learn to create a variety of models and any even the most complex at first glance patterns.

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How to knit with facial smoothness

Working main thread, stretching from the skein, with front knitting is always behind the blade and is held by the left hand, by winding the thread on the left index finger in one turn. The knitting algorithm is the following:

  • Insert the right knitting needle in front of the fabric in the loop that lies on the left knitting needle, hook the right main knitting needle wound on the finger and draw it through the loop space;
  • Pull the new loop from the left knitting needle to the right knuckle, and pull the loop from the previous row from the left knitting needle;
  • You have connected the front loop, which on the canvas looks like a "pigtail" of two strands.
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The second kind of loops is called the purl and its execution is not at all complicated.

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Features of the inner surface

In this version, the working thread lies in front of the blade. The knitting algorithm is as follows:

  • Place the main thread on the left knitting needle in front of the loop that you are going to knit;
  • Move the right knitting needle through the loop on the left knitting needle;
  • Pull the work thread through the eyelet and move the new loop to the right knitting needle;
  • The eyelet with the left knitting needle, which was in the previous row, lower.

Having learned to create these two types of loops, try to knit several times with the facial smoothness and then several rows of purl, to polish the skill and achieve more even loops.

Read also about how to learn to knit women's coats

Then try to tie several rows with a simple pearl pattern. To do this, alternate the front loop with the wrong one, and in each new row, the loops need to be moved one by one.

  • Jun 07, 2018
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