What should be food to preserve the health of teeth and gums

Healthy teeth - a pledge of beauty and well-being. Infections of the mouth can cause many diseases: inflammation of the kidneys, joints, blood and heart diseases, hearing impairment and lowering of immunity.

One of the keys to dental health is proper nutrition. The main chemical elements that are part of the tissues of the tooth and enamel are calcium, fluorine and phosphorus.

If a person receives an insufficient amount of these nutrients with food, then the process of restoration and renewal of tissues slows down, which causes a weakening of immunity. The body loses its resistance to diseases of teeth and gums.


  • Food set that will please the teeth and gums
    • Dairy products
    • Vegetables and fruits
    • Fish and seafood
    • Eggs - what can be better for enamel?
    • Delicious and healthy nuts
    • And again about the benefits of honey
    • Cheese-based diet
    • Seafood
    • Benefits of berries
    • Tea drinks
  • TOP-5 of the best tooth whitening products
  • instagram viewer
  • What products are harmful to the oral cavity
  • General nutrition recommendations
  • Habits that are devastatingeffect

Grocery set that will please the teeth and gums

Products that will be useful for teeth and gums are available in every store, but for some reason not everyone is eager to consume them for food.

Dairy products

Milk and fermented milk products contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus, strengthening enamel, and protecting tissues from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The consumption of cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, ryazhenka, kefir will give the body a lot of vitamins( groups B, D and A), strengthening enamel, and enhancing saliva formation. Saliva, in turn, protects the mouth and gums from inflammation.

Vegetables and fruits

Solid varieties of vegetables and fruits are especially useful. The use of apples helps to naturally clean teeth from plaque, to increase salivation. Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, necessary for enamel health, minerals fighting with microorganisms in the mouth. Chewing carrots helps remove plaque.

The juice contained in cucumbers is useful for periodontal disease. In addition, chewing this vegetable is a good massage for the gums.

The consumption of the pulp of watermelon, containing vitamin C and having antioxidant properties, helps in the prevention of dental diseases, strengthens the gums.

Oranges are a source of vitamin C. Fruit helps maintain a normal level of acidity in the mouth. The consumption of the pulp of the orange enhances the formation of saliva, and the white layer of its crust contains pectin.

Another useful fruit is pineapple. They contain the enzyme bromelain and vitamin C. These trace elements help fight bacteria, and remove plaque.

Fish and seafood

Sea food contains a lot of protein, useful for teeth fat, phosphorus, fluorine and potassium. Fish helps strengthen bone tissue, strengthens enamel.

Iodine, contained in fish, strengthens the immune system, which helps to resist the development of caries. Vitamin D is necessary for better absorption by the body of calcium.

Eggs - what could be better for enamel?

Vitamin D and phosphorus contained in eggs are useful for dental tissue, and the constituent B, A, D, E, PP vitamins ensure the health of the entire oral cavity. The egg shell is 93% composed of calcium carbonate, which is fully absorbed by the body, and is a building material for hard tissues.

Eggshell is used either as a powder or calcium water. To prepare the powder, the shell of the boiled eggs is dried( previously removed from the film) and crushed. The powder is used one teaspoon per day.

To obtain calcium water, the eggshell is poured with water, and insists on how much hours. In the future, the resulting water can be used to make tea and infusions. Calcium from the egg shell is an easy way to get healthy teeth and gums.

Delicious and healthy nuts

Nuts are a source of protein, vitamins A, E, group B, amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron. Walnuts contain fiber and folic acid, which strengthen tooth enamel.

Cashew helps to neutralize microorganisms that can cause caries. Pine nuts give vanadium and phosphorus, which are the building material for bone tissue. Almond oil has excellent disinfecting and analgesic properties.

And again about the benefits of honey

Special benefit is provided by honey contained in enzymes and propolis. The organic acids present in the bee glue stop the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms, disinfect, and anaesthetize the oral cavity.

Propolis has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to repair damaged tissues.

Cheese Diet

This product, derived from natural milk, contains a lot of calcium. The use of cheese restores the PH-balance of the oral cavity, neutralizes the harmful effect of lactic acid, which can cause enamel damage and gum disease.

Sea kale

Laminaria contains valuable amino acids and iodine. Their deficiency in the body can lead to diseases of the endocrine system and a decrease in immunity. In particular, disruption of the thyroid gland can cause dental diseases.

Benefits of berries

The vast majority of berries are natural sources of vitamins of group B, C, E, H and PP, calcium, phosphorus and beta-carotene. Cranberry juice and grapes are used for the prevention of caries due to its bactericidal action and the presence of substances that block the activity of microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Tea drinks

All sorts of tea contain polyphenyl - a substance that helps fight the spread of bacteria that cause caries. Green tea is the source of catechins, which reduce the bleeding gums that destroy bacteria, and prevent the appearance of bad breath. Green tea is a preventative against periodontal disease.

TOP-5 of the best products for teeth whitening

Darkening of dental tissues occurs with frequent use of coffee, black tea, smoking and the use of products that paint enamel. Nowadays, dental procedures for bleaching enamel teeth are very popular, but such manipulations are often painful and have a high cost.

However, you can achieve an impressive effect without resorting to the services of specialists, and using certain products that brighten the shade of enamel. At yellowing or darkening of enamel color, the following products for teeth whitening should be included in the diet:

  • strawberry;
  • apples;
  • nuts;
  • broccoli;
  • citrus fruits.

Apples and strawberries are a natural natural "bleach", thanks to the presence of malic acid.

The use of nuts will help to clean enamel from stains and plaque. Citrus fruits are rich in pectin, ascorbic and citric acid, which successfully cope with plaque.

Broccoli is an effective remedy for caries prevention and for darkening of enamel. When you use this vegetable on the teeth formed a special film that protects the enamel from acids and bacteria.

Which products are harmful to the mouth

Products whose damage to the teeth is most noticeable and obvious:

Sweets and confectionery .Particularly harmful are sticky or resorptive sweets that are in the mouth for a long time, and manage to create a dense coating - an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Hard candies, if gnawed, can damage the enamel. Sweet soda .Contained in such drinks, sugar in combination with acids and carbon dioxide thinens the enamel of the teeth, which creates conditions for pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. Colorful soda can color the enamel and change the color of the teeth.
  • First of all dried fruits are harmful because of the high content of sugars and carbohydrates. Some dried fruits( raisins, prunes) are similar in their effect to teeth to sticky candy.
  • Easily assimilated carbohydrates .Products containing starch, under the influence of saliva, break down into simple sugars, which are an excellent medium for the development of microflora, which destroys the teeth. Such products include pasta, French fries, white bread, pastries and chips.
  • Acidic fruits and drinks .Due to the high content of citric acid, these products can soften the enamel, and on such a surface it is easier to stay with bacteria and sugars. After eating acidic food, you need to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.
  • Marinated products and sauces .The high content of vinegar in these products harms the enamel, and some pickled vegetables( tomatoes, peppers) contain pigments, dyeing teeth and enamel coating.
  • General recommendations on nutrition

    The list of products adversely affecting the teeth and gums is wide enough, but they do not have to be abandoned if you follow certain recommendations.

    Minimizing the harm will help rinse the mouth or brush your teeth. It should be remembered that if you brush your teeth too often, you can thin the enamel( it is optimal to do it twice a day in the morning and evening before going to bed), and the rinsers are absolutely harmless. The time interval between meals should be 2.5-3 hours. During this time, the PH-balance of the oral cavity is restored.

    Sour juices and soda are recommended to drink through the tube, so as not to hold them in your mouth, and try not to store acidic foods in your mouth for a long time. Buying a bar of chocolate, preference should be given to black bitter species. Such chocolate is even useful for teeth, because it contains theobromine, a substance that strengthens enamel.

    After eating it is useful to chew gum with xylitol. These crystals contribute to the production of saliva, which prevents the appearance of acids that cause caries. After eating, it is also recommended to use a dental floss or toothpick.

    Habits that have a devastating effect

    Harm to the health of the mouth not only causes food, but also bad habits of the person. Using teeth as a tool to tear off the thread or open the bottle, the habit of gnawing pencils and pens can lead to destruction of the enamel and the development of caries.

    Biting the nails leads to the ingress of bacteria into the oral cavity. The use of excessively hot or cold foods, as well as ice, can cause great harm to the teeth and gums, as the enamel is very sensitive to temperature contrasts.

    To maintain oral health and a beautiful smile for many years, it is necessary to follow simple rules: to observe all hygienic procedures, to eat more healthy fibrous food and to minimize the consumption of harmful foods and alcohol.

    Timely visits to a dentist will help to identify any oral problems at an early stage and prevent more serious diseases.

    • Mar 06, 2018
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