Which is better to choose contact lenses

Contact lenses are a modern and versatile way to solve many vision problems for those people who for various reasons can not resort to laser correction or do not want to wear glasses. The question of which is better to choose contact lenses should be discussed with an ophthalmologist who, with the help of diagnostic equipment, will correctly select the lenses.

  • Types
  • Hard
  • Soft
  • Optical
  • Therapeutic
  • Cosmetic
  • Decorative
  • Corneal
  • corneascleral
  • Scleral
  • Lenses
  • continuous wear
  • planned replacement
  • Popular brands
  • Acuvue
  • Biomedics
  • Proclear
  • Tutti Premium
  • Fresh Look
  • PureVision
  • AirOptix
  • Soflens
  • VizoTeque Supreme


Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of contact lenses, which can be classified by the most diversem grounds:

  • According to the degree of hardness: soft and hard.
  • By appointment: optical, therapeutic, cosmetic, decorative.
  • By diameter: corneal, corneoscleral, scleral and so on.
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This kind of lens is made of silicone, usually customized for more accurate matching of the surface of the cornea. They have permanent properties regardless of the moisture content in them, they give a clear and clear image, are durable.

Use of hard lenses for complex violations of vision refraction:

  • marked astigmatism;
  • keratoconus;
  • severe age-long-sightedness.

Rigid lenses are also recommended for temporary orthokeratology( night) vision correction.

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The most popular type of lens that is made from hydrogel or silicone hydrogel, according to statistics, they account for up to 90% of all cases of contact vision correction. Soft contact lenses are available in a wide range of designs, sizes, durations of wearing, and adapting to them is very fast.

Apply soft lenses for correction:

  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism.

It is also used for eye protection after injuries and surgeries, changes in eye color and other purposes.

However, despite their comfort, they are less durable than rigid ones, and require very accurate handling during use, regular cleaning and moistening.

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Classic contact lenses for correcting mild to moderate refractive disorders:

  • of myopia;
  • of hyperopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • of age-long-sightedness.

Before choosing contact lenses for vision improvement, it is mandatory to undergo examination with an ophthalmologist who will perform a full visual diagnosis, as well as with the selection of glasses.

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Medical lenses that are used to protect the cornea of ​​the eye after injuries, operations, they can serve as a reservoir for the delivery and prolongation of the action of medications.

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It is necessary to correct congenital or acquired defects of the cornea, iris or lens of the eye, for example, corneal opacity, inoperable cataract, different eyes color and so on. These lenses can have only a cosmetic effect or can be supplemented with an optical power for simultaneous correction of vision.

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This type includes lenses:

  • tinted;
  • color.

The first have a weak color( up to 20%), which strengthens the natural shade of the eyes or gives them a new one, while the colored lenses are used to radically change the color of the eyes. These lenses can simultaneously have vision-correcting properties.

Also available are special "carnival" contact lenses, photos of which are very popular in the network, with a variety of patterns and patterns, unusual colors. They are not intended for prolonged wearing or correcting vision.

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As a rule, hard corneal contact lenses of small diameter - from 9 to 11 mm. They consist only of the optical part and are held on the cornea by the surface tension of the eye's own tear fluid. This kind of lens is used for contact correction of astigmatism.

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Typical soft lenses 12 to 15 mm in diameter that exceed the diameter of the cornea.

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Rigid lens with a diameter of 15 to 21 mm. Currently used to protect the eyes with increased sensitivity of the cornea, the treatment of microphthalmia( underdevelopment of the eye), keratoconus, aniridia( absence of iris), surgical complications, chemical burns of mucous membranes and so on.

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By terms of use the lenses are divided into 2 types:

  • continuouswearing with a traditional period of application;
  • planned replacement.
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There are pluses and minuses of contact lenses of different period of use.

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Continuous wearing

The life of this type of lens is from 6 to 12 months. This is the most economical option of using contact optics, but it requires constant and rather troublesome care. Cons: with time, deposits form on the lenses, which cause mechanical irritation to the eyes, in the event of a breakage of one lens there is no reserve to replace it.

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Planned replacement

This kind of lenses is produced in blisters, they are replaced quarterly, monthly and more often, up to each day. The latter option is considered the most hygienic, since they do not require any self-care. Of the general pluses note:

  • availability of a stock in case of loss or damage to the lens;
  • reduces the risk of infection or allergic reaction.

To the minuses of the planned replacement lens can be attributed a higher price compared to traditional continuous wear lenses.

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Popular brands of

Currently, many manufacturers offer contact lenses on the domestic market, photos and descriptions of which can easily be found on the Internet and other media. Each of the brands has its own characteristics, a different level of prices, which allows each buyer to find the best option for contact corrective optics.

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One of the most popular brands of silicone-hydrogel contact lenses from Johnson &Johnson, with which help correct astigmatism and farsightedness / nearsightedness. It is very soft and comfortable in wearing lenses with high oxygen permeability, light toning, which makes them more visible in the packaging and facilitates extraction.

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Silicone hydrogel soft lenses manufactured by CooperVision( USA).They are characterized by a high moisture content and the presence of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Comfortable lenses that retain their shape for a long time, they are invisible when used due to the smooth surface, the fineness of the edge edge and the biconvex design.

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Another brand of lenses offered by CooperVision, which belongs to biocompatible means of contact correction, which is achieved due to a special coating of fotilcholine( a natural component of the cellular membranes of the cornea of ​​the eye).

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Comfort in wearing is achieved due to high water content and oxygen permeability, these lenses are suitable even for sensitive eyes.

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Tutti Premium

Colored lenses of the Korean company Bescon( Korea), which are produced both with a corrective vision and without it. The coloring pigment of these lenses is not applied to the surface by printing, but is embedded inside the material. Tutti Premium is characterized by a smooth surface, they do not cause eye irritation and have a high enough oxygen permeability.

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Fresh Look

Cosmetic lenses from Ciba Vision( USA), designed to enhance or change the color of the eyes. Fresh Look have a lower oxygen permeability, may slightly reduce the quality of vision, like other color lenses, so they are not suitable for all users, especially with the sensitive cornea of ​​the eye.

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Corrective lenses from the American company Bausch & Lomb, are intended for use for 1 month. The peculiarity of these lenses is high permeability for oxygen, high comfort of wearing due to thin and rounded edges, use of innovative High Definition ™ Optics technology, which allows to see well even in low light.

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Air Optix

Another popular brand of silicone-hydrogel lenses of monthly wear from the American manufacturer Ciba Vision. These lenses have an increased permeability for oxygen, which creates high comfort for the eyes: there is no dryness, resists or irritations. Thanks to these features, the lens can be worn in a variety of modes: day, flexible or continuous for up to 6 days. The smooth surface of the lens prevents the accumulation of protein deposits on it, and the aspherical design provides a good fit.

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Monthly contact lens for day wear from Bausch &Lomb( USA) with reduced edge thickness. According to the feedback of users in these lenses it is quite convenient to drive an active lifestyle, to drive, although in people with sensitive eyes they periodically cause dryness and eye irritation due to considerable thickness and insufficient oxygen permeability.

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VizoTeque Supreme

Contact lenses of the third generation from the German manufacturer. Their main feature is the content in the silicone hydrogel of hyaluronic acid, which effectively prevents the drying out of the eyes even in dry air. In this case, the lenses have a high oxygen permeability, thin enough and convenient in the process of removal and dressing.


Eh, and I still can not find suitable ones. .. I spend a lot of time behind the wheel, so all the lenses that I tried, glare at the scary(


Good article, otherwise I can not find the right one for myselfmodel of lenses( ((Everything is not right. .. It's not convenient, then the eyes dry under the lenses.) It seems that now there is a big choice and I can not find anything for myself( (

  • Jun 07, 2018
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