Diuretics or diuretics are medicines that remove excess fluid from the body and are used to lower blood pressure, when treating various diseases, swelling. However, they have a side effect - the excretion of urine and the necessary for the body salts, in particular, calcium, which threatens with impaired renal function or osteoporosis. To avoid such complications, it is recommended to choose diuretics that do not excrete calcium.
- Thiazide and thiazide preparations
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- Hypothiazid
- Adelfan-Ezidreks
- Arifon
- Indapamide
- Oksodolin
Thiazide and thiazide preparations
Thiazide diuretics - is derived benzothiadiazine( hydrochlorothiazide, polythiazide), dramatically increase the excretion of sodium, the delay in the water body. Decrease in pressure occurs due to a decrease in the volume of circulating fluid in the circulatory system.
Thiazide and the like have a moderate diuretic effect, but do not excrete calcium. These drugs can be administered to children, the elderly and patients of any age who, in addition to puffiness and high blood pressure, suffer from hypocalcemia. In addition, treatment with thiazide and thiazide-like drugs reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis in old age.
They are prescribed for:
- heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, liver cirrhosis;
- in the complex treatment of hypertension;
- glaucoma( increased intraocular pressure);
- diabetes insipidus to reduce feelings of thirst;
- treatment of edema in children.
To negative side effects of thiazides include:
- a significant decrease in potassium in the blood, which causes arrhythmia, a feeling of weakness and increased fatigue;
- increase in calcium in the blood;
- decrease in the body's response to insulin drugs;
- suppression of the activity of many drugs, in particular, anticoagulants;
- increase in cholesterol in the blood.
Thiazide-like diuretics, for example, indapamide, do not have such a negative effect on the metabolism, that is, they do not change the level of insulin, cholesterol, potassium and other salts in the body. Unlike thiazide drugs, indapamide lowers arterial pressure due to vasodilation with a slight diuretic effect, performs cardio and nephroprotection. To the same group of drugs include chlortalidone, which has antihypertensive and moderate diuretic effects.
The drug of domestic production, shown with arterial hypertension, edema of various origin, diabetes insipidus, glaucoma. Contraindicated in hepatic insufficiency, kidney disease and expressed violations of their work. When renal insufficiency is necessary to control the concentration in the blood of electrolytes and creatine kinase.
Hungarian preparation based on hydrochlorothiazide with a similar active substance, indications and contraindications. Can be used to prevent urolithiasis in predisposed patients.
to table of contents ^Adelfan-Ezidreks
Swiss combination drug based on hydrochlorothiazide, dihydralazine sulfate and reserpine, antihypertensive agents that mutually enhance the effect. Reserpine reduces arterial pressure through a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, dihydralazine dilates the vessels, and hydrochlorothiazide exerts a diuretic effect.
to table of contents ^Arifon
A thiazide-like preparation of French origin based on indapamide. Causes a persistent lowering of blood pressure with a moderate diuretic effect. Has a protective effect on the heart - reduces the hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Contraindicated in severe forms of hepatic and renal failure, hypokalemia, sensitivity to sulfonamides.
A thiazide-like preparation of domestic production based on indapamide. A complete analog of Arifon( Arifon-Retard) on the effect produced and contraindications. It is prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure, edema in chronic heart failure.
to contents ^Oxodoline
A thiazide-like diuretic of domestic production based on chlorthalidone. It is indicated for chronic heart failure, increased arterial pressure, nephroses, nephritis, renal form of diabetes insipidus, edema of unknown origin, obesity. During the period of treatment, control of blood electrolytes is recommended.