Environmentalists are alarmed about the safety of the planet's natural resources and the decline in people's health, there is one drug that can fill the gaps in nutrition. It has existed on earth for millions of years. This plant chlorella - "green gold", a tiny algae intensely green. This organism has adapted to life and has learned to accumulate in itself the substances necessary for man.
chemical composition
reason for applying algae - the presence of chlorophyll. This substance is a part of plants and is the cause of their green coloration.
The seaweed includes:
- calcium, sulfur, potassium, iodine, iron( in suitable compounds for the body);
- polyunsaturated fats;
- peptides;
- phycocyanin( a compound effective in fighting cancer cells);
- a whole range of different vitamins, including vitamins A, C, E, D, E, K, PP and group B.
Useful properties of
If chlorella is used as a dietary supplement, its benefit to the body is undeniable. Physicians have proved that microalgae of chlorella have the following useful properties:
- has a restoring effect on the digestive tract;
- activates and strengthens the immune system;
- kills pathogenic cells;
- is a source of protein;
- normalizes the pressure;
- helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from body cells;
- regulates the functioning of the vascular system;
- is used as an active antiseptic;
- clears the airways;
- improves the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus;
- is used to treat early oncological diseases;
- is actively used in cosmetology as part of masks to improve the skin condition;
- is used as an additive after fractures for the early restoration of bone tissue;
- is of great importance in restoring the nervous system and improving the functioning of the brain;
- is used in dietetics.
How to take
Chlorella is available in the form of a powder and in the form of tablets.
Powder is taken, gradually increasing the dose - from 1 to 4 teaspoons to 4 times a day( for medicinal purposes).If chlorella is used as a source of vitamins, then 2 spoons will be enough 3 times a day, before eating.
Take the tablets with 1 piece, gradually increasing the dose to 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day.
to table of contents ^How to use
to the table of contents ^For therapeutic purposes
to contents ^For skin diseases
Chlorella is effective in treating hematomas, treating allergies, neurodermatitis, acne and other skin problems. For this, it is recommended as an internal device, as well as external use( compresses, application of chlorella paste to the problem area).
to the table of contents ^For diseases of the oral cavity
For problems with gums, stomatitis and throat diseases, a chlorella based rinse is used.
to table of contents ^For eye diseases
Dosage: 1 to 4 tablets per 1 reception, up to 4 times daily.
to table of contents ^With diabetes mellitus
To reduce blood sugar it is necessary to take chlorella tablets. The recommended dosage is up to 8 grams daily, divided into several doses.
to the table of contents ^For obesity
Internal chlorella is recommended in treatment doses.
to the table of contents ^In the treatment of alcoholism
Algae is used in the complex treatment of alcoholism( to restore liver function), as well as for allergies. The recommended dosage is up to 2 grams per day, inside.
to contents ^Cancer prevention
As a protection against cancer, chlorella is able to enhance the action of T cells, so it is used to restore the strength of cancer patients. In this case, the treatment is appointed by the doctor.
In cosmetic
Algae is actively used in cosmetology to restore the elasticity and youth of the skin.
to contents ^Facial mask from suspension
The chlorella mask improves the skin after the first application. The cosmetic suspension can be used by applying to the skin( suitable for use around the eyes).
to table of contents ^Facial Mask of
Powder 2 teaspoons of chlorella powder, water and 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil. The mixture should have a consistency of sour cream. It is recommended to keep the mask on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.
to the table of contents ^Mask from acne
Mix 2 teaspoons of algae powder, a little boiling water to dissolve the powder, as well as a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply the product to the problem skin and leave for 20 minutes.
to table of contents ^Anti-cellulite mask
Mix 3 teaspoons of chlorella powder, 3 teaspoons of cosmetic clay, a couple drops of essential oil of orange, water. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, apply the mask to the problem area and wrap it with a film and a towel. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. The maximum effect is achieved with regular procedures.
to contents ^In agro-industry
Microalga is a powerful growth stimulator for any living organisms. In particular, it is effective in agriculture: the suspension of chlorella is successfully used by amateur gardeners, and on an industrial scale. Chlorella for plants - perfect make-up, a unique fertilizer.
Chlorella for fish farming is no less effective. Entrepreneurs engaged in breeding fish, noted the rapid growth and recruitment of fish in the fish receiving supplementation with the addition of chlorella.
to the table of contents ^Contraindications and side effects
Chlorella is so universal biologically active additive of high quality that there are almost no contraindications to its use. Doctors recommend limiting the intake of algae with the following problems:
- autoimmune diseases;
- hypersensitivity to iodine preparations;
- gestation period;
- violation of the iron exchange process.
Possible adverse reactions( during adaptation of the body to algae intake):
- bloating,
- stool disorder,
- nausea,
- spasms.
Drugs with chlorella
Today, manufacturers produce a "green miracle" in a wide variety of forms: suspension, live chlorella, tablets, powder( for ingestion), fertilizers.
An effective preparation for gardeners, beekeepers and owners of fish farms is a special "Chlorella suspension" used in agriculture. It has a wide range of activities - this means can improve the yield, and also be used as a feeding for any farm animals.
For the internal intake of chlorella can use tablets of any manufacturer( for example, the drug "Chlorella" from the company Euro Plus).
Cosmetologists recommend alginate masks with chlorella, for example, from the company Ellevon.
Acure Organics produces a range of creams based on this useful algae, for example, an eye cream with chlorella and edelweiss or a moisturizing cream for oily skin.