Cholesterol( or cholesterol) is an organic compound, a natural fatty alcohol contained in cell membranes. The content of cholesterol in the blood directly depends on human health, so more people are thinking about how to reduce its high rates, and preferably without the use of drugs, for example, with a special diet.
- Why reduce
- Blood cholesterol indicators
- Useful substances
- Food
- Folk remedies
- Other recommendations
Why reduce
The majority of cholesterol is produced by the body, and only a fifth comes from food. The substance does not dissolve in water, but in human blood is in the form of lipoproteins - complex compounds with special proteins. Cholesterol is a necessary substance for the body: it serves as a building component for cells, helps to produce steroid hormones, supplies tissues with antioxidants, participates in the production of bile acids, which help in the assimilation of fats.
However, it is necessary to distinguish between the so-called bad and good cholesterol:
- Bad called LDL-low-density lipoproteins( or low molecular weight).When they dissolve, cholesterol crystals precipitate, forming atherosclerotic plaques, leading to obstruction of blood vessels, reducing blood flow and, consequently, oxygen to organs and tissues, increasing the risk of heart attack, ischemic stroke, and other cardiovascular complications.
- Good - HDL or high-density lipoproteins( high molecular weight).They dissolve perfectly, not releasing cholesterol in the form of sediment, and protect the vessels from atherosclerotic changes. A high level of these compounds is characteristic for a healthy organism.
Studies show that about half of the deaths from cardiovascular disease could be caused by an incorrect ratio of bad and good cholesterol. Therefore, it is important to periodically give blood to determine the parameters of lipid metabolism( fat-like compounds).
to the table of contents ^Cholesterol levels in the blood
For good cholesterol( HDL):
- Less than 35 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( or 0.9 millimoles per liter) is considered a low level that should be increased. The optimal is the figure above 1/5 of the total cholesterol level.
For bad cholesterol( LDL):
- Less than 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( or 2.586 millimoles per liter) is a normal indicator for people at high risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Less than 130 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( or 3,362 millimoles per liter) is the norm for people without heart and vascular disease.
- From 130 to 160 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( or 3,362-4,138 millimoles per liter) is the maximum permissible level with a high risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to resort to a diet to reduce the rates.
- From 160 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( 4,138 millimoles per liter) and above - it is necessary to apply drug therapy.
Also, the analysis will show the total level of cholesterol in the blood and the amount of fat triglycerides. For a healthy person, these indicators should not exceed 200 milligrams per deciliter( 5.173 millimoles per liter), and for people prone to cardiovascular disease, the threshold is even lower.
to contents ^Useful substances
Many of them are sold in the pharmacy( liquid solutions, capsules, tablets), where they are presented in optimal dosages. Also these substances are derived from food.
- Vitamin E .It is a strong antioxidant and prevents the destruction of bad cholesterol in the blood, preventing the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. Get the necessary daily amount of vitamin E can be from seeds, nuts, vegetable oils.
- Vitamin D .Daily intake of 500 international units( 0.0125 milligrams) of substance significantly reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Contained in sea fish, fermented milk products, raw egg yolks, is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight.
- Nicotinic acid( vitamin B3) .Mobilizes fatty acids in tissues, thereby reducing the level of triglycerides, moves calcium from atherosclerotic plaques attached to the vascular wall into bone tissue. Such actions help not only to stabilize cholesterol in the blood, but also reduce the risk of developing cancer. It is a part of cocoa, juice of cabbage, turmeric extract, karkade.
- Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid( B9) .It was found that a low level of vitamins B6 and B12 leads to an increase in the amino acid level of homocysteine, which corrodes the walls of the vessels, forcing the body to cover the damaged areas with the help of calcium deposits and atherosclerotic plaques. Contained in the liver, meat, milk, cereals, green vegetables.
- Omega-3 essential fatty acids .Protect from inflammation, prevent blood clots, reduce triglycerides, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Contain mainly in fish oil. Omega-3 can be consumed as additives or derived from natural products: sea fish, flaxseed, rape, primrose oil. Also, the level of Omega-3 can be increased by the regular intake of coenzyme Q10.
- Magnesium .One of the many useful properties of this element is the ability to act like drug statins - to lower the level of bad cholesterol, raising the level of good. With a lack of magnesium, the capacity of endothelial cells that cover the vessels from the inside, the hydrogenated fats, is lost. Replenish the lack of substance in the body will help the use of soybeans, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, salmon.
- Phytosterols ( sterols of plant origin).They help stabilize the level of cholesterol in the blood serum. These substances are rich in bran brown rice, wheat germ, sesame, nuts, sunflower seeds, flax, pumpkin. Consuming 50 grams of almonds a day reduces bad cholesterol by 7%, while increasing the level of good by 6%.
Normalize the level of cholesterol will help a diet that includes the following products:
- Vegetable oils - wheat germ, olive, soybean, linseed, grape seed, rice bran .In addition to the high content of phytosterols and the ability to normalize the ratio of good and bad cholesterol, they have the property of relaxing the endothelium of blood vessels and eliminating inflammatory processes.
- Avocado. Contains a special kind of phytosterols - beta-sitosterols. With daily use of half of the avocados after 3 weeks, the total cholesterol level in the blood will drop by 8% or more. In addition, the product contributes to raising good cholesterol by 15% and reducing the bad by 22%.The amount of triglycerides also decreases.
- Kiwi. Is a source of vitamin C in a huge amount, as well as vitamins A, E, Group B, a large number of micro- and macroelements. Contains a special enzyme actinidin, which normalizes blood clotting, splits animal proteins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The use of 2-3 fruits a day( preferably with skin) allows you to quickly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. The closest relative of the berry - gooseberry - also has similar properties.
- Green tea .Contains interfering with the appearance of atherosclerosis compound - polyphenols. These phytochemicals improve the metabolism of lipids, reduce cholesterol, fight free radicals.
- Garlic .Sulfur compounds in its composition( in particular, alliin) are able to thin the blood, which prevents the formation of clots in the arteries, and lowers the level of cholesterol. Garlic is recommended to eat raw, preferably, chopped. Soy Protein .Soy isoflavones( genistein, daidzein) are original plant estrogens - they reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reduce the overall cholesterol level due to increased secretion of bile acids.
- Soluble vegetable fiber .Participates in fermentation processes of the colon, and is a food for beneficial bacteria of the body. Its action is similar to prebiotics, which help reduce fat deposits in the liver and reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood. Due to this substance, the level of cholesterol can decrease by 25%.Contained in bran brown, red rice and oatmeal, barley, peas, lentils, flaxseed, apples, aubergines, many vegetables.
- Red, violet, blue berries and fruits - pomegranate, red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants, cherries, plums. If you eat about 100-150 grams of these products a day, you can raise your cholesterol by 10% per month. Daily consumption of cranberry juice will help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 40%.
- Red wine .Reduces cholesterol, but has a lot of side effects - increased blood pressure, addiction, kidney and liver disease. It is recommended to use no more than 50 milliliters per day.
Some products should also be excluded from the diet:
- Trans fats are artificially synthesized oils that are found in creams, whipped cream, margarine, popcorn, fried foods, and instant food. Trans fats consist of bad cholesterol, and contribute not only to lowering the level of good cholesterol, but also to the development of serious diseases.
- Sweet .With a decrease in the glycemic index of the consumed products( that is, their effect on blood glucose level), it is possible to significantly increase the values of good cholesterol. Also, regular blood sugar jumps increase the glycosylation( stickiness) of red blood cells.
- Animal fats - butter, sour cream, whole milk, fat meats, offal, eggs. They are a source of cholesterol, but contain many useful substances, so you should not completely abandon them, you only need to limit your intake.
Folk remedies
In addition to dietary nutrition to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood will help the herbs. However, before using the methods of traditional medicine, you should read the contraindications to them and consult a doctor:
- Lime flowers - 1 teaspoon of dried raw material to boil and drink instead of tea 1-3 times a day.
- Dandelion .Powder from the roots of the plant take 1/3 teaspoon before eating. Fresh leaves can be added to salads, seasoning with olive oil.
- Milk thistle - the plant contains a large amount of fiber. Schrot( shredded seeds) can be added to food or cook on its basis broth: 1 tablespoon of raw material pour 1 cup boiling water, boil 15 minutes in a water bath, cool and take 0.5 cup 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
- Golden mustache( scented fragrance) - 1 fleshy leaf length of 15-20 centimeters cut into pieces, pour 1 liter of boiling water, wrap and let it brew for a day. Take infusion of 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. After 3 months, the level of cholesterol and blood sugar will decrease, liver tests will be normalized.
- Alfalfa sowing - Fresh leaves can be eaten as salads or squeezed out of them juice and drink 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 1 month.
- Peppermint .Essential oils of plants help to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Fresh or dried leaves should be brewed instead of tea and drunk several times a day. It can be used as a seasoning for various dishes - from the first to the desserts.
- Kvass from icteric - 50 grams of dry ground grass put in gauze pouch with a sinker, pour 3 liters of boiled water at room temperature, add 1 glass of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Leave in a warm place for 2 weeks, stirring daily. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 1 month. Each time add to the container with a drink the missing amount of water with 1 teaspoon of sugar.
- Tincture of Japanese Sophora fruit and mistletoe grass of white - grind 100 grams of each plant, pour 1 liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, strain. Drink 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for half an hour before meals until the product is finished. Tincture stimulates cerebral circulation, treats cardiovascular diseases, reduces fragility of capillaries, cleans vessels and prevents their clogging. Sophor eliminates organic deposits( cholesterol), mistletoe - inorganic( radionuclides, salts of heavy metals).
- Beekeeping products .Alcohol 10% tincture of propolis take 10 drops 3 times daily before meals. You can replace the dissolving of Perga - 2 grams before each meal. Another means - a decoction of bees: for 1 tablespoon of 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 2 hours in a water bath and drink 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
- Honey-cinnamon paste .Refers to the means that reduce the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, allows you to clean the vessels, strengthen immunity. Mix honey with cinnamon in the proportion of 2: 1, eat a day not more than 2 teaspoons of the drug.
- Salad for lowering cholesterol - peel and cut 1 grapefruit, add 1 grated carrot, 2 chopped walnuts, 1 teaspoon of honey and 0.5 cups of kefir.
- Juice from fresh vegetables - carrot, beet, cabbage, from celery. Reduces cholesterol and cleanses blood vessels. Use it with caution - not on an empty stomach, observing the dosage( not more than 100 milliliters per time and 200 milliliters per day), without sugar, without mixing the ingredients.
Other recommendations
The use of folk remedies must be combined with other methods that reduce cholesterol in the blood:
- Give up smoking. Cigarette toxins damage the walls of blood vessels, and also contribute to the oxidation of LDL and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.
- Do not abuse alcohol. Excessive use can lead to disruption of the liver, stasis of bile, the formation of gallstones, the main component of which is cholesterol.
- Eat right. This is the main condition necessary to improve the lipid composition of the blood.
- Go in for sports. Moderate and dosed physical activity stabilizes blood cholesterol without drugs, eliminates excess weight, removes the inflammatory process, favorably affects blood sugar level, increases the body's resistance to stress. Favorable effect is even walking 2 hours a day.
- Feel positive emotions, relax. Mortality among patients with heart failure and depressive disorders is 40% higher than in people without depression. Laughter stabilizes blood pressure, reduces the release of stress hormones and significantly improves blood supply to organs and tissues.