Oak bark - indications and contraindications to treatment

Oak bark due to its curative properties is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Despite its unique composition, vegetable raw materials have contraindications for use. If the external use of the bark extract is practically harmless, then when taken internally, for example, to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a doctor's consultation is required.

  • Medicinal properties
  • Recipes
  • Broth
  • Tincture
  • Methods of Use
  • mouth and throat diseases
  • burns and skin inflammation
  • Skin diseases
  • Increased sweating of hands and feet
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Gynecological Diseases
  • Diarrhea
  • Problems of the scalp and hair
  • Contraindications
  • For children
  • In pregnancy

Therapeutic properties of

The active substances of the bark are tannins, starch, proteins, sugar, flavonoids, pentosans, pectins, keItin, tannin, gallic acid and ellagic acid, carotene.

Oak bark is used for many diseases due to its curative properties:

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  • Disinfectant and bactericidal - for treating inflamed skin areas or burns.
  • Anti-inflammatory - with the help of decoctions and infusions from the bark of oak, stomatitis, gingivitis and tonsillitis are treated.
  • The astringent property of the bark extract, which is provided by tannins, is useful in the treatment of hemorrhoidal currents, gastrointestinal and dysentery diseases.

  • Calming and analgesic effect provides tannin, which is necessary to reduce irritation of the oral cavity and get rid of pain.
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Recipes of

The preparation of oak bark depends on the way it is used. For example, to gargle the mouth, a decoction is used to get rid of sweating of the feet and hands, baths are made. To treat hemorrhoids from the resulting decoction make lotions to the inflamed hemorrhoidal node, to cope with intestinal disorders apply tincture from the bark of oak to alcohol.

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Decoction of

20 grams of plant raw material is poured into boiling water with a volume of 200 milliliters. Then the container with the welded raw material is placed on a water bath and held for 30 minutes. After that, the resulting broth is filtered through gauze, folded in half. The volume of the preparation should be diluted with ordinary boiled water and brought to the original volume of 200 milliliters.

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Tincture of

15 grams of quality vegetable raw material is poured with 1 glass of alcohol and insisted in a dark premise for a month. Before use, it is necessary to filter the obtained tincture.

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Ways of using

Oak bark is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, while cooked decoctions and tinctures are used both externally and internally.
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Diseases of mouth and throat

A freshly prepared decoction of oak bark is used for rinsing with stomatitis, gingivitis, flux, periodontitis and gingival hemorrhage. The drug is effective in treating throat diseases: sore throat, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

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Burns and skin inflammations

To prepare the decoction for external use, the amount of raw material per 200 milliliters of boiling water is doubled to 40 grams.

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Skin diseases

For the treatment of decubitus or ulcers, 2 tablespoons of herbal raw materials are poured in water at a volume of 400 grams. The brewed bark needs to be boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes, then insist another 1 hour. After that, the broth should be filtered and processed by them problem areas of the skin.

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Increased sweating of the hands and feet

It is treated with the help of baths, the broth for which is prepared according to the recipe: 200 grams of raw material pour 1 liter of boiling water, then cook over low heat for half an hour. The resulting broth filter and store in the refrigerator.

For a bath the product is diluted at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of pure water. The duration of the procedure is approximately 15 minutes, after which the legs and hands should be dried without rinsing.

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Oak bark decoction in the treatment of hemorrhoids is used in the form of lotions.6 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Then brewed bark is aged in a water bath for 40 minutes, and it is insisted for 2 more hours. Moistened in the resulting broth gauze is applied to the inflamed hemorrhoidal node.

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Gynecological diseases

Preparations with oak cortex are used in gynecology and are effective in colpitis, cervical erosion, vulvovaginitis and whites.

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Decoction for dewatering and syringing is prepared according to the recipe: 1 tablespoon of raw material pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, and then cook on low heat for about 15-20 minutes. The resulting liquid must be filtered and left to cool at room temperature.

With uterine bleeding, the oak bark infused in water is used. To do this, 0.5 teaspoon of raw material, pour 2 cups of cold liquid and infuse for 8 hours. After filtering, the infusion is diluted with one glass of red wine. The received agent is ingested 2 times a day for 1 glass.

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Recipe for infusion of oak bark from diarrhea: 1 tbsp chopped oak bark is poured with 1 glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. The resulting remedy is infused for 1 hour, then filtered through gauze. Take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

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Skin and hair problems

To get rid of dandruff before washing the head, the skin is treated with infusion of oak bark. The head should be wrapped in a plastic bag and a towel and left for an hour. Then the product should be washed off with water and thoroughly washed with hair.

To prevent hair loss, infusion of bark is done with the addition of onion peel. Half the glass of each ingredient is poured into one container, poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for an hour. After percolation, the product obtained is rubbed into the scalp after washing the hair.

Read also about useful properties and contraindications, the use of ivan tea in folk medicine http://woman-l.ru/ivan-chaj-ili-kiprej/
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The use of oak bark is contraindicated in case of constipation or hemorrhoids andfor oral administration to children. The use of drugs with its extract in large quantities can lead to vomiting. After a long course of mouth rinsing, olfaction may worsen, and after prolonged consumption of decoction of the oak bark inside, gastric manifestations are likely.

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For children

Medicinal product from natural plant material has a bactericidal and soothing effect, which is especially effective in children's stomatitis, inflammation of the mouth and bleeding gums.

Decoction from the bark of oak helps with the treatment of various seasonal diseases, such as pharyngitis or laryngitis. It is used to rinse the mouth and throat. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent for nasal lavage.

Preparations based on oak bark help with burns, frostbite and for the treatment of skin diseases. Due to the deodorizing properties of the bath with decoction of plant raw materials are used to treat skin in children suffering from scrofula.

To treat diarrhea in children, microclysters are made with infusion of oak bark and chamomile. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of each ingredient and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The resulting "welding" is insisted in the thermos for half an hour, and then cooled to 37 degrees. Then 10 drops of valerian are added to the infusion.
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In pregnancy,

In pregnancy, the decoction of the oak bark is used to rinse the throat and rinse the nose. In addition, it is used to treat eczema, with excessive sweating of the feet, fungal and gynecological diseases. Due to the flavonoids contained in the oak bark, the skin condition improves and cell regeneration takes place. The use of preparations based on plant raw materials is administered orally by the attending physician.

Oak bark also has hemostatic properties, which allows the use of drugs based on it for the treatment of hemorrhoids and scarring of stomach ulcers that arise during pregnancy.

For external use, preparations based on vegetable raw materials are suitable for almost all future mothers, except for those who have individual intolerance to the active substances of the oak bark. Before using or syringing, a gynecologist is required.

  • Jun 07, 2018
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