How to choose the right epilator for home use

To get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body, a variety of means and methods have been invented, designed for use in salons and for home use. The most popular among those who prefer to conduct home hair removal, uses a depilator. On how to choose the right epilator from all the species on the market today, what characteristics to pay special attention to and which manufacturers to give preference, we will discuss in the next article.

  • Aspiration types
  • Aspiration types
  • Aspiration depilation
  • Aspiration depilation
  • Disk depilator
  • Tweezers epilator
  • Tips for choosing the epilator
  • Determining the usability of the epilator
  • Power source: mains or battery
  • Battery type: lithium-ionic or nickel-cadmium
  • Battery charging time and timeautonomous work
  • How many additional attachments for the epilator will be enough?
  • How many speeds should a depilator have?
  • What should be the bundle of the epilator?
  • What should be the noise level of the epilator?
  • instagram viewer
  • Useful functions of epilators
  • Floating head
  • Double epilating head
  • Regulation of the number of active tweezers
  • Waterproof
  • Pain relief
  • Backlight
  • Manufacturers of epilators
  • Types of epilators

    Modern manufacturers of devices intended for hair removal at home offer customers three types of epilators:

    • spring;
    • disc;
    • tweezers.
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    Spring depilator

    Spring epilators were the first to appear on store shelves and were very successful even though they have several important drawbacks. But since they had not had an alternative since ten years ago, the customers and they were swept off the shelves. Today, spring epilators are practically not represented on the market, they are produced mainly by little-known firms, which focus on low cost, and not on the quality of the product. Hair removal occurs due to the bend of the spring built into the head of the device, which pulls out the hairs.

    Advantage of spring epilators:

    • is relatively low cost.


    • quick failure of the active part( the same spring, due to which the hairs are plucked);
    • high probability of negative consequences of depilation( irritation and ingrowth of hairs);
    • soreness of sensations when used.
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    Disk epilator

    Disk epilators are the next generation of devices for removing unwanted vegetation on the body. The principle of their action is similar to the principle of the action of spring epilators, only the function of the springs is performed in this case by disks arranged in the next order. When the epilator is working, the disks approach each other and, when in contact with the hairs, they pull them out. Today, disk epilators are considered obsolete.

    Advantages of disk epilators:

    • affordable;
    • reliability;
    • fast carrying out of procedure.

    Disadvantages of

    The disadvantages are, first of all, the negative consequences of hair removal performed by the device. Hairs often break off, grow, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. Hair removal by a disk epilator is a rather painful procedure.

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    Tweezers epilator

    Tweezers epilators are the most modern kind of epilators, which have been refined taking into account elimination of all the shortcomings revealed in previous models. The principle of the tweezer epilators is based on the functioning of mini-tweezers, which are staggered in the head of the epilator. When the head rotates, the tweezers first open, grasp the hairs, and then close, resulting in hair removal.

    Advantages of tweezers:

    • high efficiency;
    • relative painless procedure;
    • minimal risks of ingrowth and breakage of hairs.

    Disadvantages of

    The main disadvantage of the tweezers is its high enough cost. But to choose the best option for the price is quite possible, the main thing is to correctly consider all the selection criteria.

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    Tips for choosing the

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    Determining the usability of the

    epilator The comfort of carrying out the epilation procedure depends largely on the ergonomics of the epilator. Please note, if you find it inconvenient to keep it in your hand, the effectiveness of its use will significantly decrease. Before buying a depilator, study its design and hold it in your hands. Also make a few typical movements for hair removal. If the epilator in the arm "does not lie down", refuse to purchase it.

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    Power source: mains or battery

    Most of the epilators on the market operate exclusively on the network, for this reason they can only be used at home or in places equipped with sockets. But you can find models that are powered by built-in batteries, which makes it possible to apply them at any time and in any place. However, the operating time of such epilators is very limited. If you travel frequently, you should probably give preference to models with two variants of power sources - manufacturers offer and such.

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    Battery type: lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium

    If you chose a battery-powered model, you should also pay attention to the selection of a battery. If the nickel-cadmium battery is often not fully charged, the capacity of the battery is gradually reduced, which adversely affects the life of the battery. As for lithium-ion batteries, they have such a lack, and you can charge them at any time.

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    Battery charging time and battery life

    Depending on the model, the battery can be charged from one hour to more than a dozen hours. A more important parameter is battery life, especially for those who plan to epilate away from power supplies. The operating time of the epilator without recharging can be from twenty to one hundred and twenty minutes.

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    How many additional attachments for the epilator will be enough?

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    Extra attachments are designed to simplify the procedure of epilation, and also to make it faster and more efficient. Among all offered by the manufacturers of baits can be identified four, which are sure to be useful:

    • nozzle-trimmer( helps to trim the hair, cutting them to the size needed for epilating);
    • exfoliating nozzle( used to combat ingrown hairs growing under the skin);
    • shaving head( designed to remove hair in particularly sensitive areas - bikini and axillary areas);
    • attachment-stopper( designed to limit the area of ​​epilation, using it, you can reduce the width of the zone to be epilated from five to two centimeters).
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    Some manufacturers supply epilators with a special eyebrow attachment - with its help you can easily and quickly trim your eyebrows and correct their shape, but not everyone will find it convenient and effective.

    There is also a nozzle for spot removal of hair, which has only a few tweezers, which makes it possible to remove individual hairs. Such a nozzle is simply replaced by a conventional tweezers.

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    How many speeds should a depilator have?

    Modern epilators have, as a rule, two speeds. But it is better to choose the models with three speeds, this will make the process of hair removal more effective. The first speed is used to remove fine and short hair, the second - to remove hard and long hair. The third speed allows you to optimize the removal of both thin and hard hair, the procedure will go much faster.

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    What should be the bundle of the epilator?

    When choosing an epilator, please note that it should be convenient not only for use, but also for storage and care. Proven manufacturers sell epilators complete with a storage case or protective cap, as well as a brush for cleaning. If you travel often, you will need a model with a special handbag to transport the epilator in the kit.

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    What should be the noise level of the epilator?

    Some epilators are characterized by very loud work. If the fact of the noise of the epilator makes you uncomfortable, compare several devices before purchasing and choose the epilator with the lowest noise level. Some manufacturers offer customers almost noiseless epilators, which you can use at any time and in any place without restrictions.

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    Useful functions of the

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    Floating head

    If you choose the floating head device, you can make the epilation process more simple and convenient, and the result is more qualitative. Such a depilator is convenient to handle all the bends of the body, since the floating head will repeat them, removing all the hairs.

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    Double epilating head

    Most epilators are equipped with a single head, and in some modern models there are two. Thanks to the presence of two working heads, the useful area of ​​the tweezers increases, which makes it possible to shorten the duration of the epilation process.

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    Adjusting the number of active tweezers

    This function will help reduce the pain associated with the procedure for epilation. Especially useful it will be for those who have just moved to getting rid of unwanted vegetation using epilators - in beginners, as a rule, the skin is more sensitive. It is not out of place regulation of the number of active tweezers will be for owners of particularly sensitive and delicate skin with a low pain threshold.

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    The housing of some epilators is hermetically sealed. This makes it possible to use them safely and without risk during water procedures. It is not only convenient, but also effective - if you take a bath, the skin is steamed, accordingly, hair removal occurs almost painlessly, quickly and in a pleasant relaxing environment. When you operate the waterproof epilator, you can also use shaving foam that will soften the hairs and make the process of removing unwanted vegetation less painful. This epilator you can easily and quickly cleaned by rinsing it under running water.

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    If you are just starting your acquaintance with epilators, be sure to pay enough attention to the function of anesthesia, otherwise the first acquaintance may be the last for you because of too severe pain. Anesthesia can be achieved in two ways:

    • by cooling;
    • massage.

    Epilators with cooling function have a special cassette inside of which water is poured. A few hours before the epilation, the water cassette is placed in the freezer, and immediately before the removal of the hair is attached to the epilator. The device cools the skin, the hair on which is to be removed, thereby reducing sensitivity and reducing soreness.

    In addition to or instead of a cassette, a special glove can also be used. Use it as simply as a cassette - an hour before the epilation the mitt is placed in the freezer, and before removing the hair is applied to the treated area for several minutes.

    Massage with epilation is achieved by the operation of a special vibrating brush( or roller) made of rubber that gently affects the skin. The intensity of the massage, as a rule, is adjustable. Vibrating movements prevent the transmission of pain signals along the nerves, which means that the pain sensations will be much less pronounced.

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    The built-in epilator backlight will help you not only make the process of hair removal more qualitative( after all you can clearly see the treated area), but also perform epilation even in rooms with poor lighting. Especially relevant this function will be for those who do hair removal not only at home.

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    Manufacturers of epilators

    Many famous manufacturers of body care devices specialize in the release of epilators. Among the most widely represented on the modern market:

    • Braun;
    • Philips;
    • Rowenta;
    • Panasonic.

    On the shelves of stores in large quantities, you can also find devices from lesser-known manufacturers, but their quality, as a rule, leaves much to be desired.

    When choosing a depilator for home use, remember that its high-quality performance, the availability of essential functions, as well as simplifying the use of epilator attachments will help you make the process of hair removal quick, high-quality and painless.

    • Jun 07, 2018
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