Basics of dry felting technique

Dry felting is one of the trends in the felting technique. Its name already reveals the essence of this technique. So, in wet felting soap solutions are applicable, in this same only the connection of the hair with needle pricks, not more. To get acquainted with the basics of mastery, it is enough to pass the next master class on making a three-dimensional brooch in the form of a heart.


Required Materials
  • Step-by-step creation of the
  • brooch Materials required

    To create this beauty you will need:

    • special felting needle or gypsy needle,
    • wool of red or pink color,
    • felt of different thickness,
    • zipper,
    • fastener or fastener forbrooches,
    • glue,
    • lighter,
    • washcloth,
    • sewing supplies.
    Pass also a master class on wet felting
    to the table of contents ^

    Step-by-step creation of the brooch

    Procurement of the base. First of all, cut the zipper from the fabric, scorch its edges.

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    Then, on the selected piece of felt( take a more dense felt), draw a sketch of the heart.

    Cut out the workpiece and sew it with a zipper.

    After this, you can go to felting. Place sponge under the workpiece.

    Felting provides for the use of special needles, which, in fact, achieve the stalling effect. It is designed to create three-dimensional things of wool. To get the heart like this, start with the following actions: first, distribute the hair, take a needle and form each edge of the craft, repeatedly piercing and, as it were, tangling the fibers.

    It is necessary to pierce directly through felt, thoroughly.

    The second ball of wool. Depending on how much you want to give the heart, the amount of wool used is calculated. In order to make it convex, continue to add wool from the center to the edges, adding more in the central part of the craft.

    Optional decor. After the wool is laid, you can additionally decorate the heart. To do this, it is necessary to go through stitches along the inner perimeter of the craft. Such stitches will also strengthen the work.

    Mounting. After that, you just need to add the mount. A special fastener is glued to the second piece of felt, to that which is not so tight.

    Attach the second felt to the heart, circle and cut.

    After this, sew two pieces together, walking along the perimeter of the zipper.

    • Jun 08, 2018
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