The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is quite exciting. He is distinguished by the appearance of fears and fears about the health of the child. Ignore the stressful state in this period should not be. Experts recommend turning to the most sparing medicines for help. One such is valerian.
- Chemical Composition
- Pharmacological Properties
- Indications
- Methods of Application
- In Pregnancy
- When Breastfeeding
- Contraindications
- Side Effects
Chemical Composition
Preparations based on a valerian extract are allowed while taking a child. This is due to the lack of harmful effects on the body. The active substances are in the rhizomes of the plant. The concentration of essential oil can reach 3.5%.Valerian oil contains the following components:
- terpineol;
- tanning agents;
- barniol;
- valeric acid;
- organic acids;
- pinene;
- bornyl isovalerianate.
Valerian is available in the form of drops, tablets and tea. The solution in the drops has a honeydew and a specific smell. Tea from valerian is a package with disposable packets. There is also a loose option.
Pharmacological properties
The drug is prescribed for the development of nervous disorders. For pregnant women, this is extremely important, since excessive anxiety can cause a tone of the uterus. The main pharmacological properties of valerian include:
- sedative effect;
- dilated blood vessels;
- choleretic action;
- decreased excitability;
- decreased smooth muscle tone;
- recovery of sleep function;
- reduction in headaches and nausea.
The intake of tincture of valerian during pregnancy increases the chances of successful childbearing. After the birth of a child, many women develop a postpartum syndrome. It is characterized by increased irritability. The use of valerian during this period helps to maintain a balanced state, which favorably affects the process of lactation.
to table of contents ^Indications
Valerian during early pregnancy is often prescribed in the event that the conception was carried out by IVF or stimulation of ovulation. If there are problems with reproductive function, the woman experiences additional stress, which can affect the process of embryo attachment.
The main indications for taking medication are:
- frequent migraines;
- sleep disturbance;
- mental instability;
- uterine tone;
- spasms in the digestive tract;
- excessive nervous excitability.
With the right approach, valerian can be of great help to the body without causing side effects. Its main advantages include affordable cost, efficiency and no harm to the body.
to table of contents ^Ways of using
During pregnancy
The way of taking the medicine depends on its format. Before starting treatment, you should carefully read how to take valerian during pregnancy.
Valerian in tablets during pregnancy is taken by a doctor-appointed scheme. It depends on the intensity of the symptoms. The drug package may include 30 or 60 tablets. Admission is carried out after meals. The standard scheme involves taking no more than 2 tablets per time. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets.
Ground valerian roots are used for cooking decoctions. Two tablespoons of a dry mixture is poured into a glass of water and heated on a water bath. After cooling, decoction is filtered. Take the medicine should be after eating 1 tablespoon, three times a day.
Tincture of valerian during pregnancy in the first trimester is strictly not recommended. The composition of the drug is alcohol. His admission at this stage of child development is undesirable. The tincture is prescribed to pregnant women in the case when the fastest effect is required. Single dose is 20-30 drops. For long-term treatment in the complex therapy, valerian is rarely used.
Valerian during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is often used to relieve the tone of the uterus. Often, it is prescribed and to eliminate the consequences of the hormonal outbreak. It is expressed in insomnia, nervous excitability and depressive state. Duration of admission is determined by the attending physician. Tincture is taken only once, and you can drink broth or tablets for 2-3 weeks.
Valerian during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester helps a woman prepare for the upcoming birth. Waiting for a meeting with the baby provokes the appearance of fears. Without the help of medicines, it is extremely difficult to manage. Valerian in late pregnancy is also accepted during training fights. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus, allowing a woman to better transfer this period.
to the table of contents ^When breastfeeding
After giving birth to a child, many women ask how to drink valerian when breastfeeding. The instructions to the medication state that the intake during feeding is possible. Despite this, the drug should be taken with caution, focusing on the scheme prescribed by the doctor. The dosage of valerian during breastfeeding depends on the intensity of manifestations of the disease. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
During feeding, most of the substances from the mother's body enter the milk, and are passed on to the baby.
Valerian in tablets with breastfeeding should drink 3 times a day for 1 piece. If the child has an allergic reaction, stop treatment and consult a doctor.
to contents ^Contraindications
Any medicinal product contains a number of contraindications. Valerian is no exception. The drug can not be taken in the following cases:
- probability of stroke;
- abnormalities in liver function;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- high blood pressure;
- the presence of an allergic reaction.
Side effects of
It should be remembered that drinking valerian without the recommendations of a gynecologist is not recommended. Exceeding the dosage of valerian during pregnancy leads to the appearance of side effects. These include:
- nausea and vomiting;
- cardiac dysfunction;
- of migraine;
- inhibited state;
- sleepiness.