Brazilian or American walnut appeared on the supermarket shelves recently and immediately won customers with its excellent taste and useful properties. This unique nut is the fruit of the bertheleta tree, which grows in the moist forests of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Guyana and Venezuela. Bertoletia is the only representative of the Lecithis family. This plant is distinguished by a high percentage of fruiting exclusively in pristine forests. The process of pollination is carried out only by bumblebees and large orchid bees. The first fruits are formed a few months after pollination. About 200 kg of nuts are collected annually from one tree.
The Brazil nut is also grown on plantations. Today this type of activity is considered unprofitable because of low yield.
- History of discovery
- Composition
- Caloric value
- Nutritional information
- Useful compounds
- Cooking
- Useful properties and applications
- Benefits for men
- Healing properties of oil
- How to choose and store
- Contraindications and harm
- Interesting facts
Opening history
First ratedsweet taste and properties of the Brazil nut in the 16th century Spanish conquerors. Oily kernels of the nut quickly restored strength and quenched the hunger of the warriors. The Spaniards named the fruits of the birch tree a "cream nuts".
Composition of
Nut kernels are saturated with fats, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, which activate the work of all body systems.
to table of contents ^Caloric value of
In 100 grams of Brazil nuts, there are 656 kcal.
to table of contents ^Nutritional value of
Ingredients of the Brazil nut contain easily digestible protein, cellulose, fatty acids and other compounds.
Substances | Weight( g) |
Proteins | 14.32 |
Fats | 66.43 |
Carbohydrates | 12.27 |
Dietary Fibers | 7.5 |
Ash | 3.51 |
Starch | 0,25 |
Water | 3.48 |
Mono and disaccharides | 2.33 |
Unsaturated fatty acids | 15,137 |
Useful compounds
Brazil nut is rich in Group B vitamins, vitamin E, PP and C. It also contains choline, which improves the functioning of the central nervous system.
Substances | Weight( mg / μg) |
B1( thiamine) | 0,617 |
B2( riboflavin) | 0.035 |
B5( pantothenic acid) | 0.184 |
B6( pyridoxine) | 0.101 |
B9( folic acid) | 22 |
C | 0.7 |
E( TE) | 5.73 |
PP( Niacin equivalent) | 0.295 |
Choline | 28,8 |
The Brazil nut is the record holder for selenium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
SubstancesWeight( mg / g) | |
Calcium Magnesium | 160 |
376 | |
3 | |
Sodium Phosphorus Potassium | 659 |
725 | |
Iron | 2,43 |
4,06 | |
Zinc Copper Manganese | 1743 |
1,223 | |
Selenium | 1917 |
Culinary processing
To use this productit is possible in raw, salted, sweetened and dried form. Most of the useful substances are stored in kernels that have not undergone heat treatment. Brazilian nuts are added to cold dishes, pastries and desserts. Nutritionists recommend a day to eat from 2 to 4 cores of Brazil nuts.
Useful properties and application of
The use of Brazil nut for human health is high. This product contains valuable unsaturated fatty acids, which normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. Nut kernels are rich in fiber, which activates the intestinal peristalsis and improves the function of the digestive tract.
In the Brazil nut are flavonoids, alpalinolinic acid and arginine. These organic compounds are necessary for a person with poor blood coagulability.
Systematic use of Brazil Nut kernels:
- normalizes the sexual and hormonal system;
- protects against the development of malignant neoplasms;
- relieves infertility;
- strengthens the immune system;
- relieves stress in women with PMS;
- improves metabolic reactions;
- prevents the development of early menopause in women;
- restores the functions of the nervous system;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- cleans vessels;
- increases muscle mass;
- activates the brain;
- protects the body against premature aging;
- strengthens teeth and bones.
Doctors-nutritionists advise the Brazil nut to include in the diet when:
- thyroid diseases;
- atherosclerosis;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- cataract.
Uses for men
Often this product is called the "nut of love".In the nuclei of the Brazil nut are the mineral substances of selenium and magnesium. These valuable compounds for the body:
- stimulate the production of spermatozoa;
- increases testosterone levels in the blood;
- increase the sexual activity of men;
- reduce the risk of development of oncological pathologies of the reproductive system.
Healing properties of
oil A valuable oil is obtained from the Brazil nut, which is characterized by wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Brazil nut oil:
- moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
- heals wounds;
- smooths out fine wrinkles;
- increases the elasticity of the skin;
- rejuvenates the structure of the skin;
- softens hardened areas on the skin;
- stops the process of hair loss.
A few drops of this oil beauticians are added to masks, creams, shampoos and other cosmetics just before they are applied to the skin or hair.
Brazilian nut oil is often used in cooking for making cold dressings, sauces, desserts and salads. Dishes are delicious and healthy for human health.
to contents ^How to select and store
For qualitative Brazil nuts, a dense structure and brown color of the core are characteristic. Do not buy shriveled, sluggish or deformed fruits of the benthic leaf tree, as they can provoke poisoning of the body.
Brazil nut is a quickly deteriorating product. Nut kernels are recommended to store in a cool and dry place. In the refrigerator, the Brazilian nut preserves its properties for 3 months, and in the freezer - 6 months.
It is best to buy Brazil nuts in the package, because they are oxidized in the air and get unpleasant bitterness. The benefits and harms of Brazil nuts largely depend on the correctness of their choice.
to contents ^Contraindications and harm
The kernels of this nut carry not only good for the human body, but also harm. The main contraindications to the use of this product are:
- individual intolerance;
- allergic sensitivity;
- obesity.
As part of the Brazil nut discovered radioactive compounds - radium and barium, so it is not recommended to use this product in unlimited quantities. Excessive consumption of Brazil nuts can also lead to an overabundance in the body of selenium and cause severe poisoning.
The shell of Brazil nut is concentrated substance aflatoxin, which provokes the development of liver cancer. Therefore, it is best to buy already peeled shells of nuts.
to the table of contents ^Interesting facts
Brazil nuts from a biological point of view are not nuts, but seeds of a large bertheleta tree that reaches a height of 50 meters. The fruits of this tree in appearance look like oval-shaped boxes with a lid. Within each fruit there are about 25 seeds, which are enclosed in a thick dark brown shell. About 300 fruits can form on one tree. Each fruit weighs more than 2 kg.