The first month of life of a newborn baby is perhaps the most important and crucial period for both his parents and himself, because in just a few weeks he had to adapt to the real world after living in the womb - his blood circulation was reconstructed, the immune,endocrine and digestive systems, they earned kidneys. The physical, mental and mental development of the infant has begun, and it is very important that the baby develops correctly.
- Physical development
- Intellectual development of
- Emotional development of
- Psychological development of
Physical development of
In the first month of life, the baby grows in a well-known saying - by leaps and bounds. During this period, its growth increases by about 3 cm, and the weight by about 600 grams. The baby spends most of the day in a dream( 17-20 hours).
According to experts, the monthly child should be able to:
- to turn the head to the side, lying on a flat surface on the tummy;
- attempt to raise the head in the lying position;
- keep the head in the lying position for a few seconds;
- fix the sight on a motionless and on a smoothly moving object( at a distance of 20-30 cm);
- react to sharp sounds;
- listen to quiet sounds;
- try to smile;
- distinguish between bright and contrasting colors and patterns;
- recognize the mother's voice, the touch of her hands.
At this age it is important to develop the muscles of the newborn, the feeling of his own body, so an important factor in his physical development is freedom of movement and tactile contact with his mother. As often as possible, touch the child, iron it, move its handles and legs - this will help the correct and full development of the baby.
to contents ^Mental development of
Already at the age of one month the baby makes attempts to communicate with adults around him, imitating their speech. Normally, at the age of 1 month the child must:
- make simple sounds - "walk";
- follow the mimicry of parents and wiggle their lips, imitating their movements;
- respond to communication;
- perform micromotions and make simple sounds in time with the speech of the person talking to him;
- during wakefulness to make simple sounds, talking with yourself.
Anxiety of the parents of a one-month-old baby should cause his silence before feeding and problems with sucking, becausein the future this can lead to dysarthria - a violation of pronunciation.
To avoid this, it is necessary to stimulate the development of speech of the newborn.
For this you need:
- to communicate with the child more often, to talk to him with a gentle, calm voice, sometimes imitating his infant sounds;
- include the child's music, especially classical, alternating calm and animated melodies;
- croons the child various vocal melodies;
- if you can not communicate often - include audio recordings of your speech.
Emotional development of
At the age of 1 month, the baby has only two ways of expressing one's mood: crying and smiling. If the child is good, he is full and happy, his face involuntarily appears a smile. This is not yet a conscious, physiological smile that can appear after feeding, bathing or in a dream. However, if you smile often to your child, by the end of your first month of life, perhaps your baby will please you and a conscious, touching smile.
If the child experiences discomfort - it is cold, painful or he is hungry - he begins to cry. At the moment, this is the only way to inform adults about their discontent. Also crying baby can react to the emotional state of mom - irritated and dissatisfied.
It is important for a newborn to feel the presence and calm state of his mother, smell her, hear her voice and even the heartbeat - the most native and pleasant sound that he heard during the entire period of intrauterine life.
to contents ^Psychological development of
The psychological development of the infant during this period is based, first of all, on unconditioned reflexes - the so-called reflexes of the newborn. It is their presence that indicates the psychological usefulness of the baby.
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Sucking reflex. A child should perform rhythmic sucking movements as soon as you run a finger near his mouth or bring a breast or pacifier to his lips. This is the main reflex of the newborn, providing him with food.
Proboscis reflex. The child should slightly stick out the lips, imitating the "proboscis" with a light and jerky touch of his lips. This reflex, as well as the sucking, is associated with the process of nutrition. Usually fades to the third month of life.
Search reflex. When touching the cheek, the infant should turn the head towards the stimulus - this is the reflex of the power search.
Grasping reflex. If you stroke a child's palm or touch it - it should squeeze the palm, thus grabbing your finger. This reflex "works" until about the fifth month of the baby's life, after which he is replaced by conscious grasping movements.
Protective reflex. If the child is put on the tummy, he must turn the head to the side so as not to suffocate.
Reflex support and walking. If you take the kid under the handles and "put" it so that it touches lightly on the feet of a flat surface - the baby should immediately straighten the legs and try to "get up"( of course, with your help, because he alone can do it only in 8-12months).If in this position, tilt the child slightly forward, displacing the center of gravity, he must begin to move with legs, as if imitating walking.
Bauer crawl reflex. The child must perform movements that mimic crawling, if placed on the stomach and slightly press on the feet. This is another unconditioned reflex associated with the movement of the newborn.
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Mora Reflex. The child must raise and lower the handles and legs with sudden and loud sound. However, if this reflex occurs spontaneously and often even with insignificant sounds, most likely, the child suffers from increased excitability.
Read about the development of two months - by the end of the first month, along with unconditional, conditioned reflexes begin to form in the baby, which testifiesabout his readiness for training. However, he still has not mastered the world around him and is absolutely helpless. The kid requires constant care, communication and the presence of parents. It is the presence of the mother that gives him a sense of peace and security.