The chestnut tree pleases us with its beautiful flowers, delicate leaves and useful fruits - nuts. There are two main types of chestnut: horse and sweet chestnut. The fruits of horse chestnut are inedible and are used in pharmacology. We often see horse chestnuts on city boulevards and in parks. Walnut sweet chestnut is a delicacy product that is rich in nutrients and is used in cooking for cooking delicious dishes. The sweet chestnut grows in the USA, Asia and southern regions of Europe. Today, edible chestnut nuts can be bought in any supermarket.
- Opening history
- Kinds of edible chestnuts
- Nut composition
- Caloric value
- Nutritional information
- Useful compounds
- Cooking
- Useful properties and applications
- The healing properties of chestnut oil
- How to choose and store
- Contraindications and harm
- Interesting facts
Opening history
One ancient legend says that the beautiful nymph Ney, avoiding the excessive attention of the loving Jupiter, committed suicide. The young man turned a nymph into a tree with spiny fruits and called it "Casta", which means "virgin".After a while the tree was called a chestnut tree.
In ancient Rome, chestnut nuts were used in cooking. Fry nuts on bonfires and served as a delicious and fragrant dessert. In Japan and China, the fruits of chestnut began to be cultivated before rice. They were prepared with meat products and vegetables or used as a snack for alcoholic beverages.
The nutritional fruit of chestnut Alexander the Great often took with him to distant military campaigns. Nuts perfectly restored the strength of the soldiers and helped them cope with many diseases. By order of the legendary commander, chestnut groves were planted.
to the table of contents ^Types of edible chestnuts
Currently, there are about 30 kinds of chestnut trees, the fruits of which can be eaten. The most popular among consumers are the following types of chestnuts:
- Chestnut sowing European. The nuts of this chestnut are covered with a round fluffy shell that resembles a cocoon. The fruits of chestnut sowing are distinguished by their large sizes and excellent taste qualities.
- Chinese chestnut softest. The fruits of this chestnut are medium in size and have high taste qualities. Chestnut Chinese nuts do not need to be used in additional heat treatment.
- Japanese chestnut. This kind of edible chestnut is considered to be the largest. Chestnut reaches a diameter of 6 cm, and its mass is about 80 grams.
Ingredients of walnut
Chestnut fruits are distinguished by their unique chemical composition. It contains vitamins, carbohydrates, styrenes, essential oils and other compounds.
to contents ^Caloric value of
Despite the fact that chestnuts are direct relatives of nuts, they are still less caloric.100 g of chestnut nuts contain 131 kcal.
to the table of contents ^Nutritional value of
The minimum quantity of fat is included in the composition of the chestnut nut, so this product can be included in the diet for people who seek to normalize excess body weight. Chestnut fruits are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and other important organic compounds for human health.
Substance | Weight |
Proteins | 2 |
Fats | 1.38 |
Carbohydrates | 27.76 |
Ash | 0.71 |
Water | 68.15 |
Saturated fatty acids | 0.26 |
Useful compounds
Nutschestnut are saturated with vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C and PP.
Substance | Weight( μg / mg) |
A | 1 |
B1( thiamine) | 0.148 |
B2( riboflavin) | 0.104 |
B5( pantothenic acid) | 0.316 |
B6( pyridoxine) | 0.233 |
B9( folic acid) | 38 |
C | 26.7 |
PP | 0,731 |
This product contains valuable mineral nutrients for human health. Especially in the fruits of chestnut iron, potassium and phosphorus.
Substance Weight( mg / g) | |
Calcium Magnesium | 46 |
54 | |
27 | |
Sodium Phosphorus Potassium | 715 |
99 | |
Iron | 1,73 |
0,25 | |
Zinc Copper Manganese | 472 |
0,854 |
Culinary processing
fruits chestnutdo not require long cooking. They can bake in the oven or cook. Before making nuts in the oven, prick each fruit with a fork. Then bake for about 15 minutes in a preheated oven. Remember that overcooked chestnuts become hard and their taste is reduced.
To boil the chestnuts, lower the fruit for 2 minutes in boiling water. Next, gently clean them from septums and peels. Then place the peeled chestnuts in a container of cold water and cook for 15 minutes until soft.
Chestnut nuts are perfectly combined with vegetables, meat products and various sauces. This product can be added to desserts and confectionery. The daily norm of a chestnut is 40 grams.
to contents ^Useful properties and application of
The use of a chestnut nut is its valuable composition. This product has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and astringent effect on the body. Chestnut nuts have the following medicinal properties:
- accelerate blood flow;
- strengthen the capillaries;
- increases muscle tone;
- relieves fatigue;
- normalizes the pressure;
- reduces swelling;
- activate the work of the brain;
- improve blood composition.
In folk medicine, a decoction of chestnut fruits is used to treat:
- liver diseases;
- bronchitis;
- pertussis;
- rheumatism of the joints;
- of varicose veins;
- atherosclerosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- hemorrhoids;
- chronic diarrhea;
- gynecological pathologies, which are associated with impaired circulation of the pelvic floor.
To make a healing decoction, grind 5 grams of chestnut fruit, place them in a container and fill with 200 ml boiling water. Then put the container in a water bath and bring the broth to the boiling point. The resulting broth gently strain, and bring its volume to 200 ml.
Useful properties of chestnut nuts explain its wide use in cosmetology. The extract of this product is included in creams for oily and normal skin, as well as in the composition of nourishing masks, bath foams and shampoos.
to Contents ^The healing properties of chestnut oil
Chestnut oil contains tocopherols, vitamins, flavonoids, organic acids, sterols and other valuable compounds. This product has tonic, decongestant, astringent and anti-aging properties. Chestnut oil is used for:
- recovery of the subcutaneous fat layer;
- improving the general condition of the skin;
- skin cell regeneration;
- smoothing of fine wrinkles;
- reduction of puffiness;
- activation of blood circulation.
Chestnut oil is recommended for the care of dry and sensitive skin.
to contents ^How to choose and store
Qualitative chestnut fruits have a rounded shape and a flat surface with no mold marks. A fresh chestnut nut is stored in an airtight container for no more than 14 days in the refrigerator. In the freezer this product retains its life-giving properties for 6 months.
to table of contents ^Contraindications and Harm
Nutritionists are advised not to use chestnut fruit if you:
- diabetes;
- susceptibility to allergies;
- kidney failure.
Do not also include future and nursing mothers in the diet of this product.
The benefits and harms of chestnut nuts have not yet been thoroughly studied by dietitians. Excessive use of chestnut can provoke a person's constipation and indigestion.
Sometimes people use to make a horse chestnut nut, which is inedible. As a result of such experiments, severe poisoning develops.
to the table of contents ^Interesting facts
According to statistics, Chinese people eat more than 40% of the world's chestnut crop. In China, chestnut fruits are used not only for making delicious dishes, but also for improving the quality of meat of domestic animals. A special delicacy are fragrant dry sausages made from pig meat that have been fattened by chestnuts.
In the cities of France annually held a bright event - the Feast of Chestnuts. On this day, the fruits of chestnuts are mass fried in the city squares using large pans.
In Corsica, locals also like the chestnut nut. Traditionally, the bride's family at the wedding celebration should offer guests at least 20 dishes of chestnuts.