In a modern society, people try to stand out, show their feelings or capture memories from their lives, often using a tattoo for this. Over the years, tattoo designs have become more diverse and a huge number of very beautiful and original male tattoos have appeared.
- Secrets of the perfect tattoo
- Options for the tattoo
Secrets of the perfect tattoo
The male tattoo of a large area will be well suited for a formed, adult and pumped body. The same applies to large female tattoos. Particularly suitable for male tattoo pumped body with pronounced musculature. That's why it is not advisable to do a tattoo at a young age, when, these data are not yet available.
Those who want to fill a tattoo and at the same time build muscle in the gym, it is better to do the second one first. Otherwise, the tattoo risks deforming externally. And if this is not enough for abstractions, the detailed drawings, for example, faces, faces, angels, etc., can suffer greatly and lose their clarity.
Does not affect the sculpting of the body on non-scale and small tattoos inflicted on certain places. These zones are few: neck, collarbone, spine, wrists, ankles. The deformation of the pattern with the years on these places will be least pronounced.
Even if you already have enough pumped up body, you need to think through all the details before you make a tattoo. If it is an inscription in a foreign language, then it should be checked whether it is written correctly.
We were going to do a tattoo in the salon, learn it in advance. Take a good look at the personnel and what equipment they use. Do not forget about the sterility of things. It is necessary to meet with the master in advance and discuss with him all the questions that interest you. The professional will tell you everything in detail.
Many have an allergy to decorative paint. Avoiding various unpleasant redness and sensations will help correct withdrawal, which also tells you the master.
Before the day of applying the tattoo, it's best to get a good night's sleep and not to drink alcohol. After all, it expands the vessels and the paint will not be applied well.
to the table of contents ^Options for the tattoo
Now the most actual male tattoo is the sleeve. This is a solid drawing that takes up almost all the space on your hand. This type of tattoo is divided into three types:
- Long sleeve. The entire arm from the shoulder to the wrist is filled.
- Half. This can be an area from the shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow to the wrist.
- Quarter. Here, the tattoo is placed on the half of the shoulder or forearm.
Many men paint the whole hand in black. This style is called Blackwark. Most often it is done to cover up their previous tattoos.
At the peak of popularity there are bellicose symbols, religious and pagan symbols. These kinds of male tattoos are done on the back. For example, angels, wings, demons, gods of different cultures, ornaments of ancient cultures( Sumerian, Egyptian, Aztec, Maya, Indian) and so on.
Beautiful male tattoos will look and on the neck.
Such a tattoo is always in sight and therefore it is necessary to think carefully before applying this pattern to the neck.
This refers to the tattoo for all open areas.
For the wrist are actual tattoo phrases or one word, hieroglyphics or anchor.
The tattoo on the shoulder is popular. At this place make pictures of dogs, spiders, skulls. Some men dare and stuff portraits of mothers and beloved girls.
Do not forget about the chest. On it you can put huge images or ornaments. Since this part of men is convex, the tattoo will look bulky and realistic. The tattoo on this site is very important for a person, as it is near the heart.
On the calves of the feet make very beautiful male tattoos in the style of computer technology, skulls or ornaments.
Small tattoos attract attention no less than large, especially if they are performed on fingers. In the cold period of time, they can be hidden under gloves. Usually men prefer inscriptions in the Gothic style.
Caution should be taken to women's themes in the male tattoo - flowers, birds, hearts.