The correct mode of the day for a newborn in the first month

The day mode implies the constant sequential execution of certain actions. Such a sequence will help to adapt to the newborn in the surrounding world, the child will quickly get used to the parents through physical contact. The regime of the day will help my mother to plan all the necessary daily activities. During the rest period of the baby, all members of the family can communicate, especially if the family already has an older child, which also requires attention. It is important to remember that the mode of the newborn's day keeps the production of breast milk from the mother longer.

  • Features of Toddler's Day Regimen
  • Sleeping
  • Sleep
  • Bathing
  • Walking
  • Massage
  • Gym
  • Communication and Attention
  • Day of the First Month in the
  • Table Recommendations for Setting the

Regime Features of the Toddler's Day Regimen

With proper scheduling of the day for the baby,he will feel calm throughout the day, the regime positively influences the growth and development of the baby. The main components of the schedule:

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All healthy newborn babies in the first 2 weeks of life should sleep 16-18 hours a day. In the next 2 weeks, the child's hour of sleep decreases by 2-4 hours.

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In the ideal schedule to feed the baby in the first month you need every 3 hours. The amount of mother's milk consumed by a child depends on the baby, if he eats, he falls asleep or just throws his chest. For artificial feeding, the recommended dosage is indicated on the factory packaging. Doctors recommend feeding the child at least 6-8 times a day.

And also it is worth noting that it is very important for a quiet sleep of the baby night feeding and no less significant feeding on demand during the day. The daily norm of food for a newborn should not exceed 300-350 milliliters of milk, neglecting this requirement may lead to overeating, and as a result: colic, constipation, diarrhea and other complex problems with the digestive organs of the baby.

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The procedure is recommended to be performed in the evening before bedtime. The water temperature for the baby should not be above 35-37 degrees. In the water, you can add dry herbs of chamomile, string, sage. This fizovannochka will positively affect the mood of the child. He will quickly calm down, relax and easily fall asleep. It is not recommended to do the bathing of the baby on an empty stomach.

Top-30 of the best baby carriages for newborns: classic and transformers look here
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Walking with a child on the street is recommended by doctors according to the following rules:

  • if the child was born healthy and on time, then you can walk on the street with the baby on the 10th day of his life;
  • in the cold season of the walk should be limited to a time frame of 10 minutes;
  • in the warm season, the first walks can be 20 minutes;
  • in warm sunny, but not hot, days recommend to put the little face of the baby to the sun for 2-3 minutes, so that the vitamin D develops in a small organism, which prevents further development of rickets.
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It is necessary to give the baby a light massage. The first plus of this procedure will be the child's getting used to the touch of the mother's hands. But also massage will positively affect the health of the baby. It is necessary to perform strokes of hands, legs, heads. All movements must be very smooth and gentle. It is necessary to carry out a circular stroking of the back and abdomen area, such actions will help to cope with colic and constipation or even avoid them altogether. Massage is recommended 30 minutes prior to feeding.

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This procedure includes a whole complex of exercises with the baby. Flexion and extension of legs and handles, pulling by handles. Independently to think up exercises for the kid it is impossible, usually observing the doctor itself advises, as well as what to carry out. Before the night sleep procedures should not be done, it is better to do it during the day.

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Communication and attention

As throughout life in the future, so in the first month of life the child needs to pay attention. In this first month the child learns to trust the outside world, gets used to everything that is done with it. Mom and all members of the family should take care of him during the waking period of the baby. With the child you need to talk calmly and gently, to stroke, to include quiet music, to attract to the games a rattle, so that the child is accustomed to the warmth of his relatives and the surrounding sounds.

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Day of the first month in the table

For convenience, in order not to miss something important, you can create a table for the newborn's mode in the first month by the hour:

Time Actions
5.00 First morning feeding. Sleep.
8.00-9.00 The second feeding.
9.00-12.00 Sleep.
12.30 Third feeding. Sleep. Games.
16.00-16.30 Fourth feeding.
16.30-17.30 The period of wakefulness. Walking on the street, games, communication, massage, gymnastics.
18.00-19.00 Sleep.
19.00-20.00 Fifth feeding. Sleep.
20.00-21.00 Bathing. Cleaning the spout, ears. Sleep.
00.00 Night sixth feeding.
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Recommendations for setting up the regime

The mode makes the life of the mother very easy and makes it easier for the baby to adapt, so that you can quickly use it to make use of a number of recommendations:

  • If the child does not wake up at the right time in the morning or during the day, you need to wake him, touching lightlySpout or rub your face with a cotton-wool soaked in water;
  • so that the baby sleeps well until the nighttime feeding, do not turn on the bright light and for this period it is better to exclude all noise;
  • teach the child to rustle in the house so that he can sleep during the day and not be afraid of the sounds surrounding him;
  • lullaby in a muffled voice gradually develops a reflex to falling asleep in a child;
  • motion sickness on the arms or in the cradle is also a reflex to sleep;
  • if the child learns to sleep on schedule, then he will want the desired time for the regime.
  • Jun 08, 2018
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