List of inexpensive and effective drugs for the treatment of foot fungus

Fungus of the foot( mycosis) is the defeat of the skin of the feet and the interdigital zones with a fungal infection. With this disease it is possible and it is necessary to struggle, for today in drugstores the wide list of inexpensive, but effective preparations for treatment of a foot fungus is presented.

  • Bifosin( Mikospor, Bifasam)
  • Clotrimazole Ointment( Clotrimazole-Acrychin)
  • Lamisyl Cream( Terbinafine, Thermicon, Atifin,ointment
  • Zinc ointment( Desitine)
  • Common agents
  • Itraconazole( Orugamin, Itrazole, Irunin, Orungal)
  • Ketoconazole( Ketoconazole DS, Mycosoril, Funginok, Orogazole)
  • Onychon( Terbinafine, Thermicon, Exter, Terbinafine-MFF)
  • Fluconol( Diflucan, Mikosist, Flucostat, Fluconazole-OBL)

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Preparations against the fungus has antimicrobial action, eliminate symptoms of the disease in the early stages of development, destroy fungal pathogens.

Ointment absorbs into the affected tissue only by 5% and accumulates gradually, this feature directly affects the duration of treatment. Antifungal varnishes have a special consistency, they fight with a fungal infection of the nails, penetrating into the deepest layers of the nail plate and bed.

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Batrafen( Fongeal, Dafnejin)

The active substance is cyclopyrox. Available in the form of cream and nail polish.

The cream is applied 1-2 times a day, the duration of treatment depends on the clinical indications.

Side effects: redness and flaky skin.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to cyclopyrox, pregnancy and lactation.
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Bifosin( Mikospor, Bifasam)

The active ingredient is bifonazole. Produced in the form of a cream, powder, solution.

The drug penetrates deeply into the skin and remains in it for 48-72 hours, so that you can apply the external remedy once a day.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
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Clotrimazole Ointment( Clotrimazole-Acrychin)

The active ingredient is clotrimazole. It is also available in the form of a cream and a solution for external use.

Pharmaceutical preparation for treatment of foot fungus of a wide spectrum of action. Under its influence, the severity of symptoms decreases, the pathogens of the fungus are destroyed, further contamination of the skin is prevented.

Application: apply ointment on the skin once a day.

Contraindications: It is forbidden to use in the first trimester of pregnancy and with caution to apply during lactation.
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Lamisil cream( Terbinafine, Thermicon, Atifin, Exter)

The active ingredient is terbinafine. It is available in the form of a cream, a solution for external use, tablets and a spray.

The most effective drug for the treatment of fungal skin areas.

It is used for the treatment of fungal infections in adults and children from 12 years. Application of the drug 1 time per day for a week.

Contraindications: age under 12 years.

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The active substance is amorolfine. It is produced in the form of a varnish for the treatment of nail fungus.

The package includes a vial of the preparation and a set for the treatment of nails( tampons impregnated with alcohol, for degreasing the nail, nail files and scouring pads).

Before nail application, the nail should be cut as much as possible, cleaned and degreased. Apply to damaged nails 1-2 times a week for 9-12 months.

It is used in the treatment of nail lesions caused by various kinds of fungi and for the prevention of fungal nail lesions.

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to the drug.
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Miconazole cream

The active substance is miconazole.

As a result of treatment, the preparation slows down the spread of the fungus, changes the lipid composition and permeability of the cell wall.

Apply 2 times a day to the problem area with massage movements. The duration of treatment depends on the effectiveness of the drug, the therapy lasts several days to prevent relapse.

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Side effects: local skin reactions( burning, tingling, redness), allergic contact dermatitis.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to miconazole and other imidazole derivatives.
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Salicylic ointment

The active substance is salicylic acid.

Used to combat the symptoms of the foot fungus in the early stages of development. Ointment has antimicrobial, antiseptic, wound-healing effect when treating the damaged skin surface.

Application: Apply to damaged skin 1-2 times a day, for 3 weeks.

Side effects: fever, pain in the wound area.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children's age.
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Grape ointment

The active ingredient is sulfur.

Used for the treatment of fungal infections, but it is necessary to consider the likelihood of allergic reactions after long-term use. A sensitivity test is recommended before use.

Apply once a day to pre-washed feet, for 7 days. For the treatment of children, a prescription of a doctor in the pharmacy produces an ointment with a lower sulfur concentration( 5-10%).

Side effects: local reactions of hypersensitivity.

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations.
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Zinc ointment( Desithin)

The active ingredient is zinc oxide. A safe drug for the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin, suitable for pregnant women and children.

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Apply externally to damaged skin 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment up to 10 days.

Of the side effects possible pruritus, hyperemia, skin rash.

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to zinc oxide.
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Common means of

Common oral preparations inhibit the production of spores of fungi, destroy the membranes of their cells. With the bloodstream, the components of the medicine enter the horny layers of the skin, including the epidermis and nails.

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Itraconazole( Orugamin, Itrazol, Irunin, Orungal)

The active ingredient is itraconazole. Available in the form of a white or slightly yellowish powder.

Drink in the morning and evening for 3 months. If the nails are injured on the legs( regardless of the presence of nail lesions on the hands), the duration of treatment 3 courses at intervals of 3 weeks.

Use in pregnancy is allowed only with systemic fungal infections in cases where the expected effect exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. Breastfeeding mothers should stop breastfeeding( itraconazole penetrates breast milk).

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, fatigue, hypertension, swelling, dark urine staining, allergic reactions, alopecia, decreased libido.

Contraindications: hyper-responsiveness.
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Ketoconazole( Ketoconazole DS, Mycosoral, Funginok, Orogazole)

The active ingredient is ketoconazole. Produced in the form of tablets and candles.

For admission to adults and children with a body weight of more than 30 kilograms - 200-400 milligrams per day. Children with a body weight of less than 30 kilograms - 4-8 milligrams / kilogram / day. Take 1 time a day with meals.

Side effects: headache and dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, alcohol intolerance, muscle or joint pain, skin allergic reactions, increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Contraindications: acute and chronic liver disease, pregnancy, lactation, children under 3 years, hypersensitivity to ketoconazole.
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Onychon( Terbinafine, Thermicon, Exter, Terbinafine-MFF)

The active ingredient is terbinafine.

Antifungal drug, the dosage of which is set individually, depending on the extent of the lesion and the stage of the disease.

Adults are prescribed 250 milligrams 1 time per day. For children from 3 years, the daily dose is calculated taking into account the body weight: less than 20 kilograms - 62.5 milligrams, from 20 to 40 kilograms - 125 milligrams, more than 40 kilograms - 250 milligrams. The recommended duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 weeks.

Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, taste disorders, skin rash, itching, burning, headache.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to terbinafine.
Also note how to properly take Fluconazole with thrush
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Fluconazole( Diflucan, Mycosyst, Flucostat, Fluconazole-OBL)

The active ingredient is fluconazole. Produced in the form of tablets, capsules and solution.

For skin mycoses, including foot mycoses, the recommended dose is 150 milligrams 1 time per week or 50 milligrams 1 time per day, the dosage regimen is determined by the doctor.

It is not recommended to use the drug in pregnant women, except for severe or life-threatening forms of fungal infections, when the potential benefits of using Fluconazole for the mother far exceed the risk to the fetus. Contraindicated use of the drug during lactation.

Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, headache, skin rash.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, simultaneous reception of terfenadine or astemizole, children under 4 years.
  • Jun 08, 2018
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