"From what month can you begin to feed a child?" - a question that interests all parents, especially young ones. Regardless of whether babe baby or artificer sooner or later he will start eating adult food, but do not hurry to introduce lure. In the first months of life, the immature digestive system of the baby will not be able to digest conventional foods and food, even useful foods.
- When and under what conditions to introduce new products
- Rules for introducing complementary foods
- For babies
- For infants fed by
- Sequence of administration of nutrition from 4 to 12 months
- 4 months
- 5 months
- 6 months
- 7 months
- 8 months
- 9 months
- 10 months
- 11-12 months
When and under what conditions to introduce new products
The first months the small organism is still developing, and its digestive system is being improved and only to 4-6 methe production of enzymes, which are necessary for food processing, begins. To understand whether a child is ready to learn adult food, the following criteria should be taken into account, which determine the availability of crumbs for the first lure:
- the child sits alone or is planted from a lying position;
- ability to independently hold and twist your head;
- body weight doubled in comparison with the weight that was at birth;
- baby does not eat and requires more frequent feeding;
- when trying to enter the food the child does not push the spoon out with the tongue;
- shows the ability to swallow;
- the kid does not get sick at the moment and 3-4 weeks before that;
- is not expected to be vaccinated in the near future;
- the child has an interest in eating, which is fed by parents.
Rules for the introduction of complementary foods
Taking the decision that the baby is about to introduce the first lure, parents should carefully study the basic rules for introducing adult food in order to avoid negative consequences and possible allergic reactions.
to the table of contents ^For infants
Child infants should not enter new foods before 6 months, usually before this time the small body has enough nutrients found in breast milk for normal development. After reaching 6 months, the baby begins to need additional nutrition.
In order to correctly introduce the first complementary foods one should adhere to the product sequence and a few simple rules:
- , a new product or dish can only be offered to a healthy child, and if it is anticipated that a vaccination will be delayed in the near future with lure;
- all ingredients should be thoroughly washed before cooking dishes or juices, as well as hands and dishes;
- child should be fed only freshly prepared food;
- lure the baby should receive before breast feeding, except for the juices, they are given after breastfeeding;
- to start a new product( dish) should be given in an amount of 5 grams( incomplete teaspoon), then within 14-30 days the dose of consumption is slightly increased;
- it is undesirable to give the same product( dish) twice a day;
- to give food to a child should be warm, using a spoon, while the baby should be in a sitting position;
- the transition to the next product must be done in 10-15 days, the body must have time to assimilate the first;
- giving lure, you should carefully monitor the child's well-being( temperature, skin rash, stools);
- it is advisable to consult a pediatrician about the introduction of complementary foods at each new stage.
For infants fed on
The basic rules for introducing complementary foods to children of artificial persons are no different from babies. The only remark is that it is possible to start giving the first lure to babies only a little earlier, starting from the 4th month, because their digestive system ripens earlier in comparison with infants. But focusing on age, we must not forget about other signs of the child's readiness for the first lure.
to contents ^Sequence of administration of nutrition from 4 to 12 months
For correct introduction of complementary foods, it is necessary to know the sequence of products and dishes that can be offered to a child at one or another age.
4 months
Beginning with 4 months, the toddler can be offered porridge. These products are usually administered if the child is not steadily gaining weight or his stool is fluid and unstable. If the weight and stool of the baby is normal, then the porridge is recommended not to rush. For this age, vegetable mashed potatoes are more suitable, and first you should offer non-colored vegetables( broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower), and then gradually move to apple, carrot, pear or pumpkin sticks.
to the table of contents ^5 months
You can give the artificer to the manger, especially if he is not gaining weight. Initially, the child should be introduced to the taste of buckwheat, corn and rice porridge, but cook them on milk is highly undesirable. Gradually you can switch to wheat, oat and barley porridge.
to the table of contents ^6 months
By this time the child begins to be interested in eating adults, so if fruit / vegetable purees and porridges are not yet mastered one should start with them. Also, according to the method of introductory feeding, the baby should be given "food from the table", it can be cutlets and soups, it is natural that the food should not be oily and harmful, and the amount given to the child is not too large( up to 20 grams).
to contents ^7 months
During this period, it is customary to introduce dairy products into the children's ration, it can be kefir or cottage cheese. Pediatricians do not recommend giving cow's milk to babies for up to a year. You can also give yolks, it is usually mixed with vegetable soup.
to contents ^8 months
A child at this age is usually given a sample of meat. To introduce meat products, you must follow the order, and start with more dietary meat, for example, rabbit, veal, turkey, lean chicken.
to contents ^9 months
10 months
During this period, the baby can already taste berries, fruits, various soups, dairy products and meat. Do not enter into his menu of sweets, cookies and other sweets, as this contributes to the formation of a bad habit and dependence on sweet, harmful food.
to the table of contents ^11-12 months
If the child does not have any health problems, the teeth have already erupted, he is active and sleeps well, that means his diet is correct. At the age of 11-12 months the baby can eat almost all the food from the adult table, that is, meat products, fish, cereals and soups, bakery products and dairy products. It is necessary to protect a small organism from eating harmful food, pickled, salted, smoked foods, fruits that cause allergies, sweets and chocolate. It is advisable to give the child cooked foods or steamed.