As soon as parents do not name their excessively active children - "fidget", "jumping", "perpetual motion".They are joyfully touched by their irrepressible energy and turn a blind eye to some obstinacy of the child. But when the kids sleep badly, they often cry badly, drop out of the stroller, deliberately do not react to remarks or can not sit in one place to listen to the story, can this mean that the child is not able to control his energy? Is it worth worrying if the baby is so active?
- Causes
- Symptoms of ADHD
- Hyperactivity correction in children
- Tip # 1 Work on yourself
- Tip # 2 Time control
- Tip # 3 Problem setting
- Tip # 4 Rarely say "no"
- Tip # 5 Rush energy
- Medical treatment
To begin with, it is necessary to deal with the symptomatology, because not every excited, active and inattentive child should be called hyperactive and be sure to refer it to the category of children with disorders of the central nervous system. As all children from time to time there can be changes of mood from bursts of wild joy to a condition of anger and insult. Better provide an opportunity to understand this qualified specialist.
If the doctor still has diagnosed your baby with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder( ADHD for short) is not a verdict. There is no special problem in this, everything is treated, most importantly, to understand the causes of the disease, its characteristic features and to pick up the necessary methods of behavior correction.
It goes without saying that the hyperactivity syndrome does not appear from scratch. The causes of its occurrence could be:
- Genetic predisposition. Scientists have concluded that more than 30% of parents who have children with ADHD in childhood themselves suffered from a similar ailment.
- Lifestyle during pregnancy. The woman's predilection for alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances or any interaction with paint and varnish and toxic substances, as well as heavy metals, has serious detrimental effects on the activity of the central nervous system of both the future mother and the newborn baby. After learning about pregnancy, you should immediately abandon all addictions.
- Disorders of intrauterine development of the fetus. If the future mother suffers from exhausting toxicosis and a tendency to increased pressure during the pregnancy, and the child is diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, then the risk of developing SPVG increases threefold in the future at least.
- Complications during the delivery process. Prolonged, fairly long delivery or, on the contrary, too fast labor activity, and even more so the use of such obstetrics as forceps may increase the chances of a child developing hyperactivity syndrome.
Signs of ADHD
The most common signs of hyperactive behavior in preschool and primary school children can be considered:
- Excessive impulsiveness, tearfulness, emotional instability;
- Increased motor activity, fussiness, restlessness, constant anxiety;
- Attention deficit, forgetfulness, the inability to concentrate for a long time on one thing, the propensity to constantly lose things;
- Stubbornly disregarding any norms and rules of conduct;
- Having problems sleeping;
- Difficulties in adapting to the team and communicating with peers;
- Delay in the development of speech.
Having a baby with more of these signs can be a reason for parents to contact a specialist.
to table of contents ^Correction of hyperactivity in children
Of course, each child is different in its own way, therefore, behavior correction should be performed by a specialist neuropathologist or psychologist personally in each case. We can only give parents a few general recommendations regarding the education of a hyperactive child.
to the table of contents ^Tip # 1 Working on yourself
Before you look for problems in the behavior of a hyperactive child, you should start with yourself, because a child like a sponge absorbs all your manners, behaviors and character traits. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can be cited as a positive example, then try to radically reconsider your views on life. Begin to give your child even more attention, spend all your free time in it, because sometimes such children simply do not have enough parental warmth, approval, understanding and support, and they express it with the help of aggressive behavior.
If the child is very nervous, do not jerk or scold him, try to smoothly change the environment, return the child to a more relaxed rhythm, for example, offer him to change the game, rest, drink a glass of water, turn on quiet music or take him to another room.
Tip # 2 Time control
Poor concentration and forgetfulness are most often manifested when the time perception is incorrect. Help the child deal with the time frame set aside for each action. Stick to yourself and let the kid know that there is a certain regime of the day that should be observed. To eat, walk and go to bed is always better at the same time, then the problems with sleep will go away, and your baby will clearly understand and determine the necessary time for his games and training sessions. This will certainly help a hyperactive child with adaptation in kindergarten and school.
to the table of contents ^Tip # 3 Statement of tasks
If you, something promised, try not to change your decision. The child must be sure that if he has fulfilled the task assigned to him, he will certainly receive a reward or a praise. And if it is intentionally wrong, it can be punished. He must clearly understand this sequence. Together with the child, work out the rules and stick to them. You should not sacrifice the rules because of tears and whims.
And yet, knowing about the inattention and weakness of the logical thinking of hyperactive children, parents should not give them a large number of instructions simultaneously.
Do not scold him for this, but repeat the task again. Try to give instructions in a logical sequence, making it short, understandable proposals, without unnecessary semantic loads, the use of comparative images and long complex formulations. And in the first stages, do everything together with the child and check it.
to table of contents ^Tip # 4 Rarely say "no"
Correctly formulate prohibitions. When referring to a hyperactive child, try to build sentences in such a way as to avoid sharp denial, especially on heightened tones. For example, do not say: "You can not turn on the computer now!", It will be more effective to say: "Dear, let's first read the book together first!".
But if you still have to forbid the child something, please explain with what it is connected, and offer alternative options.
Remember, in any conflict situation you need to maintain royal calm.
Tip # 5 Energy release
Hyperactive childrenare characterized by increased mobility, so a child with such a diagnosis should create appropriate conditions, for example, organize a children's sports corner at home, pick up suitable dynamic games, write it to a section, pool or equestrian school, in general, to find a lesson,time of which he can throw out the entire accumulated hutenergy flow. Especially since sport seriously disciplines and maintains excellent health.
And in the evening before going to bed, after such an emotional day, massage and taking a relaxing bath with aromatic oils or herbs will become an excellent means for soothing.
to the table of contents ^Medical treatment
When a baby becomes uncontrollable and you think that his behavior is characterized by the maximum combination of signs of hyperactivity, you should consult a neurologist. Only a specialist, based on the collected information, will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis of ADHD.To do this, he will need to conduct an independent assessment of the child's symptoms on the basis of psychological tests and special criteria, collect all available information on the passage of pregnancy and childbirth and the diseases suffered by the baby and his mother. Absolutely safe magnetic resonance imaging and electro-encephalographic examination can be performed. Only having all these data, you can confidently determine the presence of the disorder and prescribe the necessary treatment.
As a rule, in this case, it is recommended to take soothing drugs, whose action is aimed at reducing irritability, reducing anxiety and normalizing sleep. The choice of the drug and the course of treatment is determined strictly individually for each child. Before buying a sedative, you should carefully study the instructions for use, especially paying attention to all possible contraindications and side effects. Remember the main thing, uncontrolled reception of such preparations can lead to serious negative consequences.
The main thing do not forget that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not some terrible incurable disease, but just a specific feature of your baby's nervous system. Therefore, love your child, support and care for him. And then together you will be able to overcome everything.