Broccoli: properties, benefits and harm

Broccoli or asparagus is an annual vegetable plant that is a close relative of cauliflower. To prepare delicious dishes, stems and inflorescences of broccoli are used. This vegetable contains many valuable compounds for human health.




  • Species and varieties
  • Composition
  • Caloric value
  • Nutritional information
  • Useful compounds
  • How to prepare
  • Useful properties and uses
  • Therapeutic properties
  • The benefits of cancer
  • The use of pregnant women
  • How to choose and store
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Interesting facts
  • The history of the discovery of

    The ancient Romans started to cultivate the wild asparagus cabbage about 2000 years ago. They prepared from a vegetable nutritious dishes and used it for the treatment of various diseases. In Europe, the useful properties and delicate taste of broccoli was learned in the 16th century. Especially it became popular in Italy and France. In Russia, broccoli was grown only in the early 20th century.

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    Today broccoli is cultivated on an industrial scale in Japan, England, Germany, Canada. According to statistics, in the US Americans eat about 76,000 tons of asparagus a year.

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    Species and varieties of

    There are three main types of broccoli:

    1. Calabrian. Inflorescences of this species of broccoli are round or conical, and can also be painted green, purple or white.
    2. Red. This type of broccoli is reminiscent of cauliflower by external parameters.
    3. Stem. Inflorescences are small in size. The main value of this kind of broccoli is crispy stems that taste like asparagus.

    Breeders extracted about 200 different kinds of broccoli, which differ in maturation. The most popular:

    • Vitamin;
    • Calabrese;
    • Curly head;
    • Linda;
    • Caesar;
    • Tonus.
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    Asparagus is a natural source of biologically active compounds, nutrients and minerals.
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    Caloric value

    Broccoli is a dietary product. In 100 grams - 34 calories.

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    Nutritional value of

    The composition of broccoli includes proteins and valuable amino acids: lysine, methionine, isoleucine, valine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan. In terms of protein content, this vegetable is superior to spinach and asparagus. Broccoli cabbage is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and sugars.

    Substance Weight( g)
    Proteins 2.82
    Fats 0.37
    Carbohydrates 6.64
    Dietary fibers 2.6
    Water 89.3
    Mono and disaccharides 1.7
    Ash 0,87
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    Useful compounds

    Broccoli contains in its composition vitamins B, vitamin E, K, PP.By the amount of vitamin A, this product is second only to pumpkin and carrots.

    In the inflorescences of broccoli, twice as much vitamin C as in citrus fruits.

    This vegetable culture also includes phytoncides, antioxidants, organic acids and tannins.

    Substance Weight( mg / μg)
    A 386
    B1( thiamine) 0.071
    B2( riboflavin) 0.117
    B5( pantothenic acid) 0.573
    B6( pyridoxine) 0.175
    B9( folic acid) 63
    C 89.2
    E 0,78
    To 101,6
    PP 1,1071

    Broccoli is rich in macro- and trace elements. Especially much is contained in this vegetable culture of potassium, phosphorus, copper, selenium and zinc.

    Substance Weight( mg / g)
    Calcium Magnesium 21
    Sodium Phosphorus Potassium 316
    Iron 0,73
    Zinc Copper Manganese 49
    Selenium 2,5
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    Ways to prepare

    This vegetable can:

    • fry;
    • to extinguish;
    • marinate;
    • blanch;
    • cooking;
    • to bake;
    • steamed.

    With prolonged cooking, the beneficial compounds that make up the broccoli are destroyed.

    To preserve the valuable properties of this product, heat treatment should not last longer than 5 minutes.

    Nutritionists are not advised to use a microwave oven for cooking asparagus. The best option is a steamer or a multivarker.

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    The benefits and damages of broccoli should be known to each of us. Nutritionists do not recommend roasting broccoli on high heat and in a lot of oil. After such culinary processing, carcinogens are formed in the product, which adversely affect the functions of the body systems.

    This vegetable culture can be eaten raw. It goes well with vegetables and vegetable fats. From broccoli prepare fragrant salads with a piquant taste.

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    Useful properties and application of

    The use of broccoli is its unique chemical composition. If every day include in the diet 200 grams of inflorescence, then you can:

    • improve blood composition;
    • strengthen the walls of the vessels;
    • improve appetite;
    • cleanse the liver of harmful substances;
    • improve skin and hair condition;
    • restore the functioning of the nervous system;
    • strengthen immunity;
    • to prevent the development of malignant neoplasms;
    • relieve stress;
    • to improve vision;
    • strengthen bone tissue;
    • restore the functioning of the digestive tract;
    • normalize excess body weight.

    Nutritionists recommend to include asparagus in the diet of elderly and weakened after disease people.

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    Therapeutic properties of

    This vegetable culture is used for effective treatment:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • of radiation sickness;
    • stomach ulcers;
    • obesity;
    • dysbiosis;
    • liver disease;
    • chronic constipation;
    • of insomnia;
    • of nervous disorders.
    Broccoli does not include purine bases, so it can be consumed by people who suffer from gout and cholelithiasis.

    Fresh broccoli juice has antibacterial effect on Koch's sticks and Staphylococcus aureus.

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    Benefits for cancer diseases

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    The results of numerous studies by scientists from the University of California, Berkeley confirmed the fact that the cabbage contains powerful antioxidants:

    • sulforaphane;
    • selenium;
    • synergetics;
    • indole-3-carbinol;
    • dinindolylmethane.

    These chemical compounds activate human immune responses, block the development of cancer cells and reduce the risk of developing cancer:

    • skin;
    • of the breast;
    • of the digestive tract;
    • of the prostate;
    • respiratory system;
    • of the genitourinary system.
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    Benefits for pregnant women

    Regular use of this vegetable culture will help future mothers:

    • get rid of toxemia;
    • improve bowel function;
    • to increase hemoglobin.

    Pediatricians are advised to inject cooked broccoli into the children's diet from 5 months of age.

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    How to choose and store

    Qualitative broccoli fruit has a dense structure and is colored green or purple. But buds on the inflorescences should be closed. The overgrown vegetable has yellowed inflorescences with open buds. On the surface of cabbage there should be no signs of rot and stains.

    You can store broccoli in the fridge for about 7 days. In the freezer this vegetable culture will retain its valuable properties for 6 months.

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    Contraindications and harm

    In its raw form it is forbidden to consume broccoli to people who:

    • have an increased gastric acidity;
    • disrupted the function of the pancreas;
    • is an allergy.
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    Interesting facts

    Proteins that are part of this vegetable culture, by nutritional properties can be compared with proteins of meat products and chicken eggs.


    Often, we throw out the roots and stems of cabbage, because they are tough, but this should not be done. You can simply clean the upper hard skin and leave a sweet flesh, which can be boiled. Decoction itself never pour, it is very tasty it turns out to boil pasta or simply to cook vegetable soup.
    I really want to learn how to grow this miracle of cabbage. As far as I know, she is rather unpretentious.


    I try to give broccoli to my child as often as possible, because thanks to the carotene contained in it, it has a very beneficial effect not only on growth, but also on the development of the human body as a whole. Especially my daughter loves a casserole from this amazing vegetable. And extracts from broccoli seeds protect our skin from ultraviolet rays much more effectively than a normal sunblock.

    • Jun 08, 2018
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