Useful properties and contraindications of Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese was first produced in the Caucasus, namely in Adygea. For the preparation of cheese, cow, sheep or goat milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 95 ° C, and then curdled with the help of fermented whey or Bulgarian bacillus. The resulting mass is distributed in baskets or special forms, sent to a cool place, and remains there until the excess liquid drains out. Then cheese heads are showered with salt, which gives the finished product a special taste.

  • Contents

    • Composition
    • Caloric value
    • Useful properties
    • Application in cooking
    • Roasted Adyghe cheese
    • Application in dietology
    • With which products to use
    • How to choose a good cheese
    • Contraindications
    • How to store


    Adygei cheese has a very wide chemical composition includingyourself a huge amount of substances necessary for the human body. It contains a large content of the following elements:

    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin C;
    • vitamin E;
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    • vitamin D;
    • vitamin PP;
    • B vitamins;
    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • calcium;
    • sodium;
    • phosphorus;
    • iron;

    • sulfur;
    • copper;
    • zinc;
    • organic acids;
    • proteins and carbohydrates;
    • milk fats;
    • amino acids.
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    Caloric value

    Adyghe cheese has a low calorie content.

    Caloric values ​​vary depending on the fat content of milk and are: from 224 to 265 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

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    Useful properties of

    Due to the extensive chemical composition, moderate consumption of this product contributes to:

    • lowering cholesterol;
    • improving the performance of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • improving the state of the nervous system;
    • removal of stress and depressive conditions;
    • mood lifting and sleep normalization;
    • strengthening of bones;
    • strengthening of hair bulbs and nail plates;
    • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
    • increased immunity.

    Since, unlike solid cheeses, it is an easily digestible and low-calorie product, it is recommended that it be included in the menu of children, elderly or weakened people who have suffered severe illnesses and operations. This will allow without much strain on the body, enrich it with many useful elements.

    But, despite all the useful qualities of Adyghe cheese, it is not recommended to eat it more than 100 grams a day. It is advisable to do this during lunch, combining with the combined products. This will contribute to better digestibility of the product.
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    Application in cooking

    Adyghe cheese can be consumed as food not only as a separate high-grade product, but also used for preparing a wide variety of tasty and healthy dishes, including dietary ones.

    It is used in the following way:

    • is the basis or addition in soups;
    • in holiday appetizers;
    • base for sauces;
    • pie filling;
    • ingredient of sandwiches;
    • filling for dumplings;
    • the basis of the cottage cheese;
    • base of casseroles;
    • cheese is stuffed with fish;
    • cheese is stuffed with eggplant;
    • cheese is stuffed with sweet peppers;
    • cheese is stuffed with tomatoes.

    At the same time, Adyghe cheese is easy to make on your own at home.

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    Fried Adyghe cheese

    Special flavors, juiciness and crispy crust and fried Adyghe cheese has a popularity.

    Its very easy to cook. For this, the following ingredients will be required:

    • Adyghe cheese - five hundred grams;
    • garlic - two large prongs;
    • butter - five tablespoons;
    • salt, spices to taste.

    Garlic should be finely chopped, put into a frying pan with preheated butter and fry for a few minutes. Cheese cut into small pieces and put them into butter. Fry for three minutes on each side, salt and sprinkle with spices. You can serve it with rice, vegetables, various herbs( parsley, cilantro, basil) or used for making sandwiches.

    Properties, benefits and harm of roasted Adyghe cheese do not differ from fresh, but at the same time increases the caloric content of the product.
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    Application in dietology

    During many dieting slides, as well as for women during pregnancy and for people during or after a disease, there is a restriction on the consumption of certain products. This can lead to deficiency of many vital substances in the body.

    The use at this time of low-calorie Adyghe cheese will help to solve this problem. It will give the body the right amount of easily digestible protein and useful elements, as well as provide control over the balance of fat.

    It is especially useful to introduce Adyghe cheese into the daily diet during the low-carbohydrate diet.

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    With which products to use

    The chemical composition of Adyghe cheese makes it compatible with many food products:

    • eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper, brussels sprouts and cauliflower, beets, carrots, potatoes, beans, onions;
    • with parsley, dill, celery, cilantro, thyme;
    • with white mushrooms, champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles;
    • with orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit, pomelo, pear, cherry, grapes;
    • peanuts, brazil and cedar nuts;
    • with chicken, turkey, duck;
    • marine fish and seafood;
    • sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, butter;
    • macaroni and other products from all types of dough;
    • with various cereals.
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    How to choose a good cheese

    Fresh Adyghe cheese of good quality should have a white or slightly yellowish color. At the same time, a small amount of cream spots is allowed on the surface.

    The fresh product has a soft cheesy consistency, it has a soft, slightly brackish taste and a slight odor of whey, there is no cortex. Do not buy dry, thick cottage cheese with a pungent smell and sour taste. This suggests that it is old, and perhaps even spoiled, and its use will not only bring the expected benefits, but can lead to health problems.

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    When buying a product in a sealed package, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the date of manufacture. In this form it can be stored for not more than a month.

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    Contraindications for eating Adyghe cheese include:

    • individual intolerance and allergic reaction to sour-milk products;
    • exceeding the allowable daily allowance can cause headaches and migraines that cause tryptophan and amino acids contained in the product;
    • is not recommended to include this product in the children's menu for up to a year.
    Read also about useful properties of ginger root
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    How to store

    Adygei cheese quickly absorbs foreign smells. Therefore, before placing in the refrigerator, it should be wrapped with foil or cooking paper.

    You can also put it in a food container, preferably glass. In addition, this method will help protect the product from premature drying.

    It is recommended to store fresh cheese at a temperature of about 6 ° C for not more than one week. It should not be frozen, because when it is thawed, it will lose its useful properties and become too brittle.

    Smoked cheese can be stored in a cool place where there are no strong-smelling products, not placing in the refrigerator, throughout the expiration date.

  • Jun 08, 2018
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