Benefits and use of vitamin A for hair in the home

Vitamin A, also called retinol, affects human vision, bone structure, skin and nails. It can be obtained from food products, and in the season of vitamin deficiency it is possible to buy it in a pharmacy in a synthesized form. Girls have learned to use it as part of the general strengthening hair masks, to restore them after painting, to give strength and prevent brittleness.

  • Composition
  • Benefits
  • application features
  • Recipes
  • Enrichment of shampoo
  • Enrichment
  • mask homemade mask
  • For
  • gloss acceleration
  • growth to dampen
  • From
  • loss from
  • dryness Against
  • fragility against greasy
  • Against section
  • Contraindications


Vitamin A dissolves exclusively in fat, therefore it is sold most often in the form of special solutions on an oily basis. It can be released as an independent drug, and together with other vitamins. In the pharmacy, it can be found in the following types:

  • in multivitamin complexes in the form of tablets;
  • instagram viewer
  • oil solution of pure vitamin A( Retinol acetate);
  • in the form of capsules with an oil base in a water-soluble shell( in pure form and with other vitamins).

For hair, it is customary to use capsules that are convenient to dose, or a solution in liquid form. Multivitamins in tablets for the assimilation of vitamin A require you to take them along with a spoon of vegetable oil. Otherwise, the effect of such a drug may not appear.

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Benefits of

Retinol has many important functions in the human body. These include participation in oxidation-reduction processes, due to which vitamin A is a known antioxidant, maintenance of the work of the organs of vision and strong immunity, and much more. If to speak about advantage or benefit of Retinolum for hair, and here this substance:

  • provides restoration of shine of hair;
  • promotes the activation of dormant hair bulbs;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • accelerates growth;
  • protects curls from UV light;
  • nourishes brittle hair and prevents cross-section of tips.
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Features of application

Retinol for hair health can be used as follows.

  • Take internally in a pure form or as part of a multivitamin complex.
  • Enrich shampoos and hair masks.
  • Use as a part of masks according to folk recipes.
If you decide to take vitamin A inside, it's best to consult a doctor. The course of taking the drug lasts no more than a month, while the dry vitamins must necessarily seize a spoonful of oil.

It is also worth noting that retinol will be poorly digested if there is a deficiency of vitamin E and zinc in the body. And the result of using vitamins inside comes much later than from using it directly on the hair.

Folk remedies suggest making mixtures of retinol, vegetable and essential oils, various foods. At the same time, the concentration of vitamin A is often higher than when enriching the purchase masks, so that people's recipes are not better used more often than in a day.

Finished shampoos, in which a small amount of retinol is added, can be used every day, masks 3-4 times a week.

With frequent application of retinol for hair, remember the following:

  • all capsules are required to be used within an hour after opening( puncture), they are not subject to storage;
  • Vitamin in a bottle should be stored in a cool, darkened place, so it's best to put the vial in the refrigerator;
  • masks according to folk recipes are applied to dry hair;
  • all masks prepared independently, should be kept on the head for a minimum of 30 minutes( in the purchase there are ingredients that contribute to faster assimilation of components).
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Recipes of

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Enriching shampoo

Enriching retinol with your usual shampoo is quite simple. On 1 head wash will need a teaspoon of shampoo and 2-3 drops of vitamin A dissolved in oil. The head with the resulting mixture is washed like a normal shampoo.

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Enrichment of mask

When enriching the purchased hair mask, the concentration can be increased to 0.5 teaspoon of solution per 2 teaspoons of mask. To make the vitamin better act, keep this mixture on your hair for about 15 minutes.

If desired, in the shampoo or mask, you can add 1 drop of essential oil, which is designed to solve a specific problem of hair. For example, juniper helps to accelerate growth, jasmine struggles with dryness of the scalp, sandalwood will save from falling out. In combination with retinol these oils will enhance the effect of both vitamin and industrial remedy.

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Home masks

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For shine


  • oil solutions of vitamins A, E, B12 - ½ teaspoon;
  • herbal collection from chamomile field, nettle and horsetail - 6 teaspoons;
  • rye bread - 150 grams;
  • water is 200 milliliters.

Pour the herbal collection with boiling water and leave until cooling. After filtering and this broth pour the bread. Add the vitamins to the resulting gruel. Apply mass over the entire length of the hair and leave it for an hour under a warm hood. After a good rinse of hair.

The best activators of hair growth
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To accelerate the growth of


  • retinol - 1 capsule;
  • linseed oil - 25 milliliters;
  • eleutherococcus tincture - 10 milliliters;
  • egg yolk - 1 piece.

Mix the oil with vitamin A and heat a little on a water bath. Then beat the mixture with yolk and mix with Eleutherococcus. Apply on curls, avoiding scalp. Hold under a towel for 45-60 minutes, then rinse with a mild shampoo.

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For moistening


  • retinol - 1 capsule;
  • half avocado;
  • fresh cucumber - 100 grams;
  • sour cream is low-fat - 100 milliliters.

Vegetables peel and grind. This can be done with both a blender and a small grater. Press the cake out of the liquid, but do not pour it out, as it can come in handy. Shredded vegetables mixed with sour cream and retinol. If the gruel is too thick, then dilute the juice of avocado and cucumber.

Blend the mixture over the entire length of the hair and leave it under the cellophane for 30-40 minutes. If the head does not wrap, the sour cream will begin to dry, and the mask will be hard to wash off.

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From falling


  • onion - 1 piece;
  • burdock oil - 25 milliliters;
  • pepper tincture - 10 milliliters;
  • retinol - 1 teaspoon.

Peel the onion and chop it in a blender or on a fine grater. Juice squeezed and poured, for the mask you need only gruel. It is mixed with oil, tincture and vitamin A, and then applied to the scalp. Next, you need to wrap your head with cellophane and wrap it in a towel so that the roots of the hair are warm. This tool is one of the most effective.

Make a mask after 2 days for a month, then break for 4-6 weeks, then repeat again. In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made burdock oil with pepper, which is also suitable for this recipe. In this case, the oil will need 30-35 milliliters. The mask on the head should be slightly baked, otherwise it will not work.

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  • Vitamins A and E - 25 ml;
  • essential oil of ylang ylang - 5 drops.

Since the vitamins are already in the oil solution, it is not necessary to additionally add the base oil. Vitamin mixture should be heated in a water bath and add there ether of ylang-ylang. The mask should be warm, but do not burn the skin. It is spread over the entire length and left under the towel for 40 minutes. Then wash off with a mild shampoo without SLS.

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Against fragility


  • potato starch - 20 grams;
  • Fresh leaves of white cabbage - 2 pieces;
  • retinol - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable base oil( avocado, soy, argan or olive) - 30 milliliters.

Boil the cabbage beforehand, and then grind it in a blender. Fresh leaves have a denser texture, and when grinding they will give more juice, because of which the mask will not hold on to the hair. Cabbage mass combine with the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

This hair mask with retinol is applied over the entire length of the hair, without rubbing it into the roots. Leave it under the cellophane for an hour, and then wash it off with warm water and shampoo.

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Against high fats


  • Dimexide solution - 1 teaspoon;
  • retinol - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

This tool has a strong effect, so it can not be used more than once a week. It is also necessary to strictly follow the dosage. All components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. The hair is removed under a cellophane bag and warmed with a towel.

Wash off with warm water and shampoo after half an hour. This recipe is not suitable if there is dandruff on the head.

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Against the

section Regularly apply oil vitamin A every 3 days to dry hair tips. Do not rinse.

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Vitamin A has no specific contraindications if it is used externally on the hair. It is necessary only to observe the measure, since too frequent use of retinol can greatly dry the hair due to the auxiliary components of the product or lead to an allergic reaction.

Optimum use of drugs with the participation of retinol in high concentrations no more than 3 times a week.

Masks and shampoos with vitamin A can be used even for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  • Jun 08, 2018
  • 57
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