Products that can be eaten by a nursing mother after giving birth

After the appearance of the baby mom, in the first place, you need to revise your diet, because what she eats, affects the quality of milk. Improper nutrition during lactation can harm a baby: cause allergies, colic or make it restless. But a woman needs to restore her body after birth. How can this be done if almost everything you want to eat is not allowed? In fact, to make the right diet and at the same time fully nutrition is not so difficult.

  • Basic rules of supply
  • Approved products
  • Fruits, vegetables
  • Meat, Poultry
  • Fish, seafood
  • Cereals
  • Dairy
  • Sweet
  • Permitted drinks
  • What is forbidden
  • allergic reaction

basic rules

power Every woman should make a nutritional program specificallyfor yourself, because a single diet for lactating mothers simply does not exist. The best solution is to develop an individual diet, taking into account the characteristics of your body and the child's body.

Immediately after birth, observe the following rules:

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What foods can be eaten immediately after delivery
Self-delivery Operative birth
Chicken broth, beef broth( beef, veal) Meat broth( beef, veal)
Boiled meat( chicken, beef, veal) Boiled meat passed through a meat grinder( beef, veal) in the first 2 days
Cheese and dairy products without fruit fillers( yoghurts, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir) Fermented milk products without fruittovyh fillers with 2 days
Lemons Lemons
Apples green Apples green 4 days
stewed fruit stewed fruit
mineral water without gas mineral water without gas
Tea Tea
sugar lump sugar lump 4 days
Bakery products, drying, biscuits, crackers Bakery products from 5 days

The diet should include a balanced amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. On average, this ratio is 1: 1: 4.Remember that a nursing mother needs 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. It is best if it is a protein of animal origin: cottage cheese, eggs, meat. And remember, the main thing is not the quantity of food eaten, but its quality.

Of course, during lactation, you will have to eat more, because the task of nursing mothers provide food not only for themselves, but for the newborn baby, who needs to receive many useful substances for growth and development. A huge plus will be a separate food, that is, when proteins are used separately from carbohydrates. It is also desirable to divide the daily ration not for 3 meals, but not for 5-6, of which three are basic breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two more light snacks.

Often, many nursing mothers eat the same foods, explaining this by fear of causing an allergic reaction in the child to a new product. Therefore, to introduce new food should be gradually. The fact that allergy can cause almost any product, so start eating everything a little new.

The ration during lactation should vary depending on the age of the baby.

  • The first week of after the birth of a baby. At this time, the diet depends on how the process of labor passed, if there were any complications, then you only need to eat the foods allowed by the doctor.
  • The first month of .This is the most difficult time for a nursing woman, because to give up your favorite food is not so simple and the diet should be full and varied. Prefer non-fat soups and broths, vegetable stew, boiled meat and fish. Do not forget to consume as much liquid as possible.
  • The second month is .It's time to diversify the diet a little, because the baby's stomach is already beginning to adapt to new products. Now you can eat eggs, baked goods, natural dairy sausages, carrots, beets, pumpkin, cabbage, pasta, greens.
  • The third month of .In the diet can appear honey, vegetable and fruit juices, onions, walnuts.
  • Since the sixth month feeding in the diet returns seafood, legumes, corn and white bread.

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Authorized products

Foods that can be eaten by a nursing mother.

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Fruits, vegetables

Certainly, vegetables and fruits must be included in the diet when lactating. According to doctors, a nursing mother needs to eat about 700 grams of vegetables a day and 300 grams of fruit a day. But here you also need to be careful, because not all fruits and vegetables are equally useful. Ideal for nursing mothers are the following vegetables:

  • Courgettes. Get rid of edema, provide the body of the mother and child with potassium, iron.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Potatoes. It has in its composition a lot of thiamine, which, as you know, positively influences the development of the baby.
  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • Sweet pepper.
  • Celery.
  • Salad leaves.

Of fruits, it is better to give preference to bananas, green apples( they can be eaten in baked form), pears, apricots. It is useful to drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.

With care, it is worth approaching fruits that have a red color( cherry, raspberry, strawberry, cranberries), sometimes they cause an allergic reaction in children.
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Remember that fruits and vegetables are worth buying only during their ripening in your area, brought in - can be dangerous because of the large content of preservatives and other harmful substances.

How to wean a child from breastfeeding
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Meat, poultry

Meat is an integral part of the diet when lactating. American scientists confirmed this fact by a study, which revealed that babies of mothers-vegetarians had a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Of course, meat for nursing mothers should be eaten with caution, avoiding fried and fatty foods. Recommended for use with lactation chicken. Chicken meat is tender, easily digestible, contains a lot of protein and vitamins. Along with the chicken, useful meat for lactation is turkey and rabbit. Beef will do. It is rich in proteins and iron, it does not cause intestinal disorders.

To mutton and pork should be treated with extreme caution. Lamb is a fatty and specific meat, it can cause intestinal distress with unaccustomed use. Pork is desirable to eat a little, only when the child turns 2 months, while you need to eat only lean pieces of meat.
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Fish, seafood

Fish are rich in protein, phosphorus, calcium, acids and other vitamins and trace minerals. Unless the nursing woman for a while will have to give up raw and dried fish, so as not to catch the infection and not become infected with parasites.

For lactating mothers, such fish as:

  • hake;
  • pollock;
  • sea bass;
  • pike;
  • pike perch;
  • bream;
  • burbot;
  • of Baltic herring.

But from mussels, shrimps, crabs it is better to temporarily give up for 2 reasons:

  • because of the risk of allergy;
  • because of the high content of harmful substances
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The most useful are buckwheat and oatmeal.

  • Buckwheat contains the minimum number of calories and the maximum amount of vitamins, it is instantly absorbed and promotes weight loss.
  • Oatmeal strengthens the immune system, perfectly helps with nervous disorders and stresses.
  • Millet porridge does not suit everyone: some children tolerate it well, others do not. To introduce it into the diet, you need to gradually and in small portions.
  • Corn is also very useful, it stores a lot of vitamins. Corn porridge is capable of removing toxins from the body, fighting digestive problems.
  • You can also not be afraid when eating rice, pearl barley and barley groats.
Pasta, even from durum wheat, should be consumed only in exceptional cases and in limited quantities.
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Dairy products

Dairy products are necessary for nursing mothers, as they are rich in calcium, protein, vitamins important for the development of the baby and the recovery of the mother after childbirth. It is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese 2-3 times a week, fermented milk products, sour cream and cheese.

For breakfast it is useful to eat curd casserole. Kefir, curdled milk, natural yogurt, ryazhenka breastfeeding mother can eat up to 800 milliliters a day. You can pamper yourself with natural fillings without additives.

It is not recommended to eat fresh cow's milk, it can cause allergy in the baby.
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Many breastfeeding mothers mark an acute desire to eat something sweet. This is explained by the fact that the body spends a lot of vitality and energy, and eating sweet helps quickly replenish the carbohydrate reserve in the body and cheer up.

Sweet during lactation you can eat, but with extreme caution. At the slightest manifestations of allergy in the infant, from sweets will have to be abandoned.

The following are the safest in breastfeeding:

  • dried fruits;
  • oatmeal cookies;
  • pastille;
  • marshmallow;
  • homemade jam;Condensed milk
  • .
It is better to give up chocolate, sweets, muffins and pure sugar.

Remember that when using sweets in large quantities, the body is overcrowded with carbohydrates, causing excessive strain on the organs of the mother and baby.

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Authorized drinks

Breastfeeding mother needs a lot of liquid, but it is important that the drinks are quality and useful.

As for tea, it is best to drink mint or herbal, but it is better to refuse from black or to limit its use to twice a week. Do not abuse and green tea, it contains a lot of caffeine and can cause insomnia in the baby and the mother.

Coffee is also extremely undesirable to drink when breastfeeding, but if you can not wake up without a cup of invigorating drink, try to brew it not so tightly, but rather replace it with chicory. It has a similar taste, but it has a calming effect.

Very useful for breastfeeding home compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices. When preparing home beverages it is important to use fruits that do not cause allergies. For example, apples, apricots, dried fruits are ideal for compote. It is better to refuse from purchased compotes and juices.

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What is forbidden

To grow a healthy child is the main goal of any mom, and for this you can go for any restrictions. It is worth noting that by the age of 6 months, the ration of the nursing mother is significantly expanding, so it will not be long to endure.

It is prohibited to eat when breastfeeding:

  • alcoholic beverages and beer;
  • carbonated beverages;
  • kvass;
  • preservatives, products containing dyes;
  • smoked products, canned food, fatty foods;
  • red caviar;
  • fast food and snacks;
  • chocolate, halva;
  • tropical, citrus fruits;
  • grapes;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • kiwi fruit;
  • strawberries;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other shop sauces and spicy seasonings;
  • vinegar;
  • cakes;
  • fresh cabbage and sauerkraut, peas;
  • semi-finished products;
  • chicken eggs ( if necessary in limited quantities, you can try to introduce quail eggs into the ration);
  • fat pork, fat, lamb and duck;
  • meat with blood, raw fish, herring;
  • fried sunflower seeds.

You should also limit the use of:

  • sausages and sausages;
  • of garlic, onion;
  • seafood;
  • of peanuts;
  • honey.
It is important to know that some foods affect the taste of breast milk and the baby can give up breast. Such products include mackerel, flounder, ginger, bananas, spicy herbs( parsley, basil, mint).
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Allergic reaction

Remember that many products can cause an allergy in a child. These include not only sweets, but also nuts, soybeans, caviar, mushrooms and fruits such as persimmon, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, red or orange bell peppers. Best of all, if you get a diary of food, where you will fix everything that was eaten for the day. So it will be easier to count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, monitor caloric content and in case of which it is easy to identify the allergen product.

Be careful with eating, because, at times, the result of eating a small number of prohibited foods are sleepless nights and other unpleasant consequences. Remember: the best thing a woman can give a baby is breast milk. Therefore, eat fully and correctly, to get from breastfeeding only positive emotions.

  • Jun 08, 2018
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