Anapa, with its numerous monuments, magnificent scenery and long beaches can offer its guests the best opportunities for recreation. Beautiful infrastructure, entertainment venues and centers, bright sun and warm sea - thousands of tourists are striving here in search of vivid impressions and memorable souvenirs.
- Alcohol
- Wines
- Champagne Abrau Durso
- Seafood
- products juniper
- pottery
- Therapeutic mud
- Sea salt
- Handmade soap
- Sauces
- Tkemali
- Adzhika
- Spices
to contents ^Wines
Vineyards of the Krasnodar Territory produce a very tasty wine. Of course, it is more reliable to buy it in official stores. So, you will protect yourself against fakes. Among the most popular brands of red wine are "Cabernet", "Black healer", "Secret desire".And lovers of white wines can enjoy the wines of "Cunning and Love", "Sauvignon", "Chardonnay" and "Muscat".
to the table of contents ^Champagne Abrau-Dyurso
Any festive table will perfectly complement champagne Abrau-Durso, which hardly needs special representations.
Seafood takes first place in the list of gifts from any seaside resort. The choice of these souvenirs in Anapa is very large and you can buy them almost everywhere. Stones embroidered with sea waves, seashells with echoes of the sea inside and made of them crafts and ornaments. You can also bring to the memory of starfish and coral. A very popular souvenir from Anapa - "naked" - a man from small smooth stones.
back to contents ^Juniper items
A few kilometers from Anapa is the village of Bolshoy Utrish, famous for its unique nature. This place serves as a source of inspiration for local artisans, who make their own unique woodwork with their own hands. Especially popular are caskets, dishes, holders for hot, statuettes made from juniper. This is a very special type of wood, which has medicinal properties and surprising aroma.
Clay ware
The past of Anapa is inseparable from the ancient history, and in memory of thisperiod there is a huge amount of souvenirs in Greek subjects. In memory, you can buy amphorae and pitchers, statuettes of Olympic gods and mythological characters. Ancient ceramics can be seen in the museum of Gorgippia.
to contents ^Therapeutic mud
The therapeutic mud from Anapa deserves special attention. Approximately two dozen kilometers from the city is a natural reservoir of salt water, known as the Vitiaziev Estuary. For several decades now it has been famous for its curative mud, which can have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, help in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems, and improve the skin condition. The dirt is transported, as a rule, in dry form, in special packages.
to contents ^Sea salt
The unique composition of natural sea salt, has long transformed it into a synonym for health and beauty. Sea salt is an excellent cosmetic product, it can be used as a scrub and take a relaxing bath with it.
to the table of contents ^Handmade soap
Popular in Anapa, a handmade soap. Here operates a private manufactory, which is engaged in the manufacture of soap in a cold fashion using the old technology. A big plus of this method is that vegetable oils do not heat up to high temperatures and they retain their medicinal properties.
The best answer to this question is what to bring from Anapa delicious, will be sauces, presented in the markets of the city in a large assortment.
to table of contents ^Tkemali
Caucasian cuisine is widely distributed in Anapa. A special place in it is tkemali sauce, which is usually prepared from plums or cherry plums. This traditional Georgian sauce has gained a lot of connoisseurs and perfectly complements the taste of dishes from meat, poultry or fish. Depending on the variety of plum and the color of the fruit, the sauce has a red, yellow or green tint.
to the table of contents ^Adjika
A fragrant and spicy seasoning, coming from the Caucasian cuisine, will add spice to any dish, especially since it has a huge number of recipes.
to the table of contents ^Spices of the
Spices of the Caucasus region have been widely spread in Anapa for many centuries. Here you can buy spices of excellent quality: coriander, chaman, uzho-suneli, sumac, barberry, dill, parsley, various kinds of pepper and many others.